In fact, everything
was easier. In other words there
rank 1 currency, unlimited in amount of receipted, just in having each those (it gives basic set and upgrades to it in both PvP and PvE),
rank 2 with
cap (for PvP it was limited by week interval; for PvE I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that there were several different items required to buy tier pieces in addition to base raid currency, and for usual 2 rank currency it was possible to buy only alternative off-set pieces (at first it didn't has rank 2, just more badge "costly" stuff (shouldn't have characteristics' "belonging" to content/type of activity), and limited by number of "heroic bosses" dropping it once a week, yes - yes, we are talking one more time about that M+ is turd for such mechanics, however, as well as for many
other stuff)). Amount and receiving speed of 2nd rank currency in PvP depended on rating and content, PvE had natural limitation in form of raids and their CD, so also content + Additional daily/weekly quests to win/beat, which, however, didn't give you opportunity to go beyond cap.
It seems that exchange existed, but with such an exorbitant ratio that in current season/tier wasn't used by anyone, only after its de-actualization and price change/reduction (imo this is very good and correct,
PvP/PvE currency must be different same as
items, if you want full-fledged desired currency, take part in specific content, therefore, I won't welcome exchange of especially rank 2). I remember that I spent rank 1 on items that
transfer corresponding currency to my other characters, less active ones (aka passive twinking), and after that - to buy items that could simply be sold to vender for gold.
Each new tier/season savings were resetting and(or) degrade.
- correct me, people, if i'm wrong somewhere here
This is with regard to currency, and now upgrades - I'm very skeptical about them within framework of general
itemization model (because this affects stretching of season/tier ilvl range (=inflation), same was my attitude for
t/wf's one part of problem), but, for example, MoP option was more or less suited to me. Take for example hypothetical general function of upgrades where each source of items has certain content
ceiling, above which person taking part in one can't jump. Thus, you'll not be able to get items of rank inappropriate to your progress. Somehow get closer as possible - yes, but to reach - no.
I'm not sure how pertinently it's for current thread, but I'd like to emphasize separately that simply don't take most kind of "scaling/Legendaries" as adequate system.
So... take and compare adequate stuff that was with what you're trying to offer
today, hmm?..
ps. Don't play too much with upgrades, you can
overshoot the mark with it.