I understand what you are saying... and I can agree.
Problem being, right now the image of the Night Elves as primitive peasants is so commonly acknowledged that there are people saying that elegance and nobility cannot and should not even be added as a Highborne customization because the Night Elf main theme is nature, and the Arcane vibe from the Highborne heritage belongs to and must be unique to the Shal'dorei. :-(
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I do not think Blizzard is planning to remove the option to roll a Night Elf mage?
As far as I know, the lore tells that the Shen'dralar Highborne rejoined the Night Elves people, and started teaching the arcane arts to them again.
I am sorry, but it is really not a matter of wanting it because the Horde does.
You are totally free not to like the idea of elegant customization for the Night Elves because in your imagination they can only be feral savages, but Blizzard did tell us in the game:
- that the Shen'dralar Highborne (nobility) were/are masters of the Arcane Arts (Classic)
- that they rejoined the Night Elves and have resumed training the Night Elves in the Arcane arts ever since (Cataclysm)
So while it may have not been explored deeply, the 'Arcane Highborne' flavor was brought back to the Night Elves long before Shal'dorei were discovered and became a member of the Horde in Legion/BfA.
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Court of Farondis are Highborne Night Elves, right? They are ghosts living in ruins now, but they were nobility living in awesome Night Elf buildings.
The Shen'dralar are Highborne Night Elves, too. They were living in ruins in Dire Maul, but now they have rejoined their people.
"According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is little (editor's note - which however means there is) physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei, save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier, but they consider themselves different enough."
So not much different... and yet pastier (paler) looks, and enough to make them consider themselves different enough. Canon lore.
You mean the ethnic faces?
Here you go:
So it is ok that Blizzard adds ethnic faces to the Humans without any lore explanation, because people asked them.
As it is ok that Blizzard add s a 'clean' Undead look, because people asked them.
It is also ok that Blizzard adds many new colors of trolls, because there are many different NPC tribes around Azeroth.
And it is ok that Blizzard adds new warpaints for the dwarves, because there is a minority of NPCs with them.
But according to you:
It is NOT OK to ask for jewels for the Night Elves after members of their ancient nobility have rejoined them, because... they are a minority?
And it also is NOT OK to ask for lighter and darker shades of skin within the same palette as Night Elf NPC depictions and official art, because... one should not ask Blizzard for new things?