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  1. #221
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralqadar View Post
    Sounds like Nightborne to me, the Horde is there for you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralqadar View Post
    I like it, I like it a lot more than high elves.
    Thanks. :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    but we did saw undead npcs without exposed bones...
    You mean like the new Undead models? I may have been mistaken there, care to point me to some examples?

    But in such case... how about the new human 'ethnic' faces then.
    These are being introduced even though there have never been such NPCs in game, or can you also point to some examples of that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    they aren't getting "new" colors, other tribes as far we know are being available under the darkspear, canon colors, since we saw then.
    I don't think really it makes much more sense for a Darkspear troll to be able to pick a color or war paint pattern from any of those tribes, often hostile to the Horde as well, than it would make for the Night Elves to get a a few lighter or darker shades of color within their current purple-ish pink and blue-ish palette.

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    I don't think we are going too much distant to get a pinkish white night elf, who doesn't exist in the canon, more or less variations of we already have, like, i can see more blue night elves, since i think Azshara was more blue in the old Dungeon, but the fanart are looking way too much of blood elves
    The fan art is fan art, and there to give an overall idea. No reason why one would expect any official customization to perfectly fit those. :-)

    The reasoning behind the proposal of a choice for Highborne customizations are explained in the text.

    Nobody is asking Blizzard to make *exactly* those models. The point is, the Shen'dralar Highborne have been separated from the Night Elves for about as long as the Nightborne and the Blood Elves, have rejoined the Night Elves since the Cataclysm (hence they are solid canon) and they are meant to be a more refined kind of Night Elf, defined by Brann as having an overall pastier complexion.

    No specific model updates were done back then, but that does not mean Blizzard could not add some now since they are working on new customization as a main Shadowlands feature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    even their body shape, I imagine the night elves getting more muscular "savage" options in general.
    If you object to the Night Elves getting some more elegant options to choose from as opposed to the savage ones, I shall just point to the court of Farondis. Those were Highborne, right? And not all of them dress and look savage to me.

    The Highborne were Night Elves nobility before the big split up that lead to the birth of the Blood Elves... and some Highborne HAVE returned to the Night Elves... it has been canon since Cataclysm, when the Night Elves got the option to become mages. So not all the Night Elves need to look savage. Some of them, could have the looks of said nobility. :-)

    Also, some player might have objections against the Undead getting cleaner options, as they may have always been defined as filthy by the rot of their flesh and bone exposition... and yet...
    Last edited by Astranea; 2020-04-04 at 01:01 PM.

  2. #222
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    To be fair, not all the Highborne were royalty; they were of the nobility but not all were princes/princesses/kings/queens.

  3. #223
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    To be fair, not all the Highborne were royalty; they were of the nobility but not all were princes/princesses/kings/queens.
    Ok, I changed the word... but still, the idea still stands as even 'just' nobility is allowed to look more elegant rather than savage like a feral/druid Night Elf, right? ;-)

  4. #224
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    Ok, I changed the word... but still, the idea still stands as even 'just' nobility is allowed to look more elegant rather than savage like a feral/druid Night Elf, right? ;-)
    Yeah, I see your point. I wasn't trying to be argumentative so I hope it didn't come across that way :-) Also: Us druids can be elegant as well :-D

  5. #225
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    Yeah, I see your point. I wasn't trying to be argumentative so I hope it didn't come across that way :-) Also: Us druids can be elegant as well :-D
    No misunderstanding there, no worries, I was just teasing, and you were quite correct about the choice of words. I got that one wrong not being a native English speaker. :-)

    And obviously druids can be elegant as well. I was referring to the fact that some people out there appear to believe that 'elegant elf' looks belong to the Blood Elves (and now to the Nightborne) and should be an exclusive for Horde characters, with the Alliance elves should only entitled to 'savage elf'.

    This makes no sense, for multiple reasons, such as:

    - We have always had some very elegant moon priestesses.
    - The Highborne nobility was a cast of Night Elves to start with, and some of said Highborne have already returned to the Night Elves as of Cataclysm.

    So there is absolutely no reason why some Night Elves could not be good-looking noblemen and noblewomen.

  6. #226
    While I like the idea of Highborns look for the Night Elves, i don't like what it means for the race as a whole : over the years Blizzard as clearly stopped even trying to pretend that the Kaldoreï were still a great and complex civilization, and has just downgraded them to primitive and backwater peasants. I'm afraid that Highborn customization would just add to that trend, when it is impossible for Kaldorei to ever compete - let alone challenge - the true magical and urban civilizations of the Elves (namely Nightborns and Sindorei).

    Still, I hope that blizzard will give this kind of customization to the NE players who wants them !

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I don't think really it makes much more sense for a Darkspear troll to be able to pick a color or war paint pattern from any of those tribes
    the darkspear are not getting to pick those collors, you will be able to pick from different tribes, instead of just darksepar, at least is what looks like.

    often hostile to the Horde as well,
    Aparently not anymore with the Zandalari, who basically control all of then, joining the horde
    than it would make for the Night Elves to get a a few lighter or darker shades of color within their current purple-ish pink and blue-ish palette.
    as long is not blood elf thing, who those arts look like is fine

    The reasoning behind the proposal of a choice for Highborne customizations are explained in the text.

    Nobody is asking Blizzard to make *exactly* those models. The point is, the Shen'dralar Highborne have been separated from the Night Elves for about as long as the Nightborne and the Blood Elves, have rejoined the Night Elves since the Cataclysm (hence they are solid canon) and they are meant to be a more refined kind of Night Elf, defined by Brann as having an overall pastier complexion.

    No specific model updates were done back then, but that does not mean Blizzard could not add some now since they are working on new customization as a main Shadowlands feature.
    thats the point im looking at, they aren't different, thats why they didn't make then different, isn't malfurion and tyrande also apt of the highborne? they seems just like generic night elf

    If you object to the Night Elves getting some more elegant options to choose from as opposed to the savage ones, I shall just point to the court of Farondis. Those were Highborne, right? And not all of them dress and look savage to me.
    court of farondis is not part of the playable night elves tough, i think its more easy to give then options who reassure their nature theme oriented, since its majorly, and not the other side who is minority.

    The Highborne were Night Elves nobility before the big split up that lead to the birth of the Blood Elves... and some Highborne HAVE returned to the Night Elves... it has been canon since Cataclysm, when the Night Elves got the option to become mages. So not all the Night Elves need to look savage. Some of them, could have the looks of said nobility. :-)
    but they don't look different at all

    Also, some player might have objections against the Undead getting cleaner options, as they may have always been defined as filthy by the rot of their flesh and bone exposition... and yet...
    yet to see those, people have being asked undead like the chinese ones for a long time.

  8. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    No misunderstanding there, no worries, I was just teasing, and you were quite correct about the choice of words. I got that one wrong not being a native English speaker. :-)

    And obviously druids can be elegant as well. I was referring to the fact that some people out there appear to believe that 'elegant elf' looks belong to the Blood Elves (and now to the Nightborne) and should be an exclusive for Horde characters, with the Alliance elves should only entitled to 'savage elf'.

    This makes no sense, for multiple reasons, such as:

    - We have always had some very elegant moon priestesses.
    - The Highborne nobility was a cast of Night Elves to start with, and some of said Highborne have already returned to the Night Elves as of Cataclysm.

    So there is absolutely no reason why some Night Elves could not be good-looking noblemen and noblewomen.
    Yes but you forget one crucial thing.. and that is the story is mobing forward and blizz cleared pushed that high nobel/arcane vibe to the nightborne. The night elves abanddon that lifestyle many years ago.. so to give something to night elves that they never had in 14 years of wow? To just add because horde has it or they used to have it( not even in wow) is a bad argument.

    I see the wish and appeal I guess... , but without getting in a negative debate. I am not s huge fan of it sorry.

  9. #229
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    While I like the idea of Highborns look for the Night Elves, i don't like what it means for the race as a whole : over the years Blizzard as clearly stopped even trying to pretend that the Kaldoreï were still a great and complex civilization, and has just downgraded them to primitive and backwater peasants.
    I understand what you are saying... and I can agree.

    Problem being, right now the image of the Night Elves as primitive peasants is so commonly acknowledged that there are people saying that elegance and nobility cannot and should not even be added as a Highborne customization because the Night Elf main theme is nature, and the Arcane vibe from the Highborne heritage belongs to and must be unique to the Shal'dorei. :-(

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Yes but you forget one crucial thing.. and that is the story is mobing forward and blizz cleared pushed that high nobel/arcane vibe to the nightborne.
    I do not think Blizzard is planning to remove the option to roll a Night Elf mage?

    As far as I know, the lore tells that the Shen'dralar Highborne rejoined the Night Elves people, and started teaching the arcane arts to them again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    To just add because horde has it or they used to have it (not even in wow) is a bad argument.
    I am sorry, but it is really not a matter of wanting it because the Horde does.

    You are totally free not to like the idea of elegant customization for the Night Elves because in your imagination they can only be feral savages, but Blizzard did tell us in the game:

    - that the Shen'dralar Highborne (nobility) were/are masters of the Arcane Arts (Classic)
    - that they rejoined the Night Elves and have resumed training the Night Elves in the Arcane arts ever since (Cataclysm)

    So while it may have not been explored deeply, the 'Arcane Highborne' flavor was brought back to the Night Elves long before Shal'dorei were discovered and became a member of the Horde in Legion/BfA.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    Court of Farondis is not part of the playable night elves tough.
    Court of Farondis are Highborne Night Elves, right? They are ghosts living in ruins now, but they were nobility living in awesome Night Elf buildings.
    The Shen'dralar are Highborne Night Elves, too. They were living in ruins in Dire Maul, but now they have rejoined their people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    but they don't look different at all
    "According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is little (editor's note - which however means there is) physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei, save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier, but they consider themselves different enough."

    So not much different... and yet pastier (paler) looks, and enough to make them consider themselves different enough. Canon lore.


    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    yet to see those,
    You mean the ethnic faces?

    Here you go:

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    people have being asked undead like the chinese ones for a long time.
    So it is ok that Blizzard adds ethnic faces to the Humans without any lore explanation, because people asked them.
    As it is ok that Blizzard add s a 'clean' Undead look, because people asked them.
    It is also ok that Blizzard adds many new colors of trolls, because there are many different NPC tribes around Azeroth.
    And it is ok that Blizzard adds new warpaints for the dwarves, because there is a minority of NPCs with them.

    But according to you:

    It is NOT OK to ask for jewels for the Night Elves after members of their ancient nobility have rejoined them, because... they are a minority?
    And it also is NOT OK to ask for lighter and darker shades of skin within the same palette as Night Elf NPC depictions and official art, because... one should not ask Blizzard for new things?

    Last edited by Astranea; 2020-04-04 at 04:34 PM.

  10. #230
    To be honest I was kinda disapointed that when they introduced mages to the night elves under the guise of merging again with the highborne that they looked like their degenerate tree hugging (peasant) cousins.
    Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2020-04-04 at 04:05 PM. Reason: typo
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  11. #231
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    To be honest I was kinda disapointed that when they introduced mages to the night elves under the guise of merging again with the highborne that they looked like their degenerate tree hugging (peasant) cousins.
    While I would not necessarily call all the Night Elves degenerate tree huggers, so was I, and that's why I am here to talk about it.

    They should/could have been added as a customization back in Cataclysm, but at the time Blizzard was busy with the World revamp.

    Shadowlands would be an excellent chance to introduce them.

  12. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    but we did saw undead npcs without exposed bones...

    And they aren't getting "new" colors, other tribes as far we know are being available under the darkspear, canon colors, since we saw then.

    I don't think we are going too much distant to get a pinkish white night elf, who doesn't exist in the canon, more or less variations of we already have, like, i can see more blue night elves, since i think Azshara was more blue in the old Dungeon, but the fanart are looking way too much of blood elves, even their body shape, i imagine the night elves getting more muscular "savage" options in general.
    There were no dark troll NPCs with these colours. Moreover, there was no mention of dark trolls in Darkspear tribe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    There were no dark troll NPCs with these colours. Moreover, there was no mention of dark trolls in Darkspear tribe.
    there isn't much dark trolls to see either, they never stated exactly what they look like as far i know

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I understand what you are saying... and I can agree.

    Problem being, right now the image of the Night Elves as primitive peasants is so commonly acknowledged that there are people saying that elegance and nobility cannot and should not even be added as a Highborne customization because the Night Elf main theme is nature, and the Arcane vibe from the Highborne heritage belongs to and must be unique to the Shal'dorei. :-(

    - - - Updated - - -

    I do not think Blizzard is planning to remove the option to roll a Night Elf mage?

    As far as I know, the lore tells that the Shen'dralar Highborne rejoined the Night Elves people, and started teaching the arcane arts to them again.

    I am sorry, but it is really not a matter of wanting it because the Horde does.

    You are totally free not to like the idea of elegant customization for the Night Elves because in your imagination they can only be feral savages, but Blizzard did tell us in the game:

    - that the Shen'dralar Highborne (nobility) were/are masters of the Arcane Arts (Classic)
    - that they rejoined the Night Elves and have resumed training the Night Elves in the Arcane arts ever since (Cataclysm)

    So while it may have not been explored deeply, the 'Arcane Highborne' flavor was brought back to the Night Elves long before Shal'dorei were discovered and became a member of the Horde in Legion/BfA.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Court of Farondis are Highborne Night Elves, right? They are ghosts living in ruins now, but they were nobility living in awesome Night Elf buildings.
    The Shen'dralar are Highborne Night Elves, too. They were living in ruins in Dire Maul, but now they have rejoined their people.

    "According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is little (editor's note - which however means there is) physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei, save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier, but they consider themselves different enough."

    So not much different... and yet pastier (paler) looks, and enough to make them consider themselves different enough. Canon lore.


    You mean the ethnic faces?

    Here you go:

    So it is ok that Blizzard adds ethnic faces to the Humans without any lore explanation, because people asked them.
    As it is ok that Blizzard add s a 'clean' Undead look, because people asked them.
    It is also ok that Blizzard adds many new colors of trolls, because there are many different NPC tribes around Azeroth.
    And it is ok that Blizzard adds new warpaints for the dwarves, because there is a minority of NPCs with them.

    But according to you:

    It is NOT OK to ask for jewels for the Night Elves after members of their ancient nobility have rejoined them, because... they are a minority?
    And it also is NOT OK to ask for lighter and darker shades of skin within the same palette as Night Elf NPC depictions and official art, because... one should not ask Blizzard for new things?

    1 - Court of farondis as far i can see have no difference whatsoever, and we explored then quite a bit
    2 - Editor's note implies its not canon
    3 - Yet to see people complaining about then
    4 - I didn't say i was not ok, you don't need to be like that, im just saying i can't see then deviating too much from the night elf base thematic, especially if goes too much to the blood elf side, i don't mind other colors or like people said jewelry, but those fanarts don't work in my eyes, too much blood elvish
    Last edited by Georg Von Vitzthum; 2020-04-04 at 05:50 PM.

  14. #234
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    There were no dark troll NPCs with these colours. Moreover, there was no mention of dark trolls in Darkspear tribe.
    My headcanon right now (Until Blizzard gives an explanation) is that under the zandalari, other tribes joined the Horde

    I mean, all tribes other than the Darkspear are terribly small or going extinct like the Drakkari
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

    Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    My headcanon right now (Until Blizzard gives an explanation) is that under the zandalari, other tribes joined the Horde
    Isn't that logical, as all tribes are vassals to Talanji?
    I mean, all tribes other than the Darkspear are terribly small or going extinct like the Drakkari
    Darkspear are terribly small too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    there isn't much dark trolls to see either, they never stated exactly what they look like as far i know
    They are in Warcraft 3. The troll shown on Blizzcon is a dark troll.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  16. #236
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Isn't that logical, as all tribes are vassals to Talanji?

    Darkspear are terribly small too.
    The Zandalari do not rule over other tribes. They are the scholars and priest caste of their race which earns their respect.

    The Darkspear have grown since allying with the Horde. This is said during Vol'jin's novel as Khal'ak (A Zandalari envoy) notes how the Darkspear thrive and grow while all other tribes are dwindling, even offering Vol'jin to make the Darkspear the Zandalari Empire's first tribe above all others
    Last edited by Maljinwo; 2020-04-04 at 06:43 PM.
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

    Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff

  17. #237
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Isn't that logical, as all tribes are vassals to Talanji?

    Darkspear are terribly small too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They are in Warcraft 3. The troll shown on Blizzcon is a dark troll.
    Here are some images of dark trolls from WCIII:Reforged:

    (Source: )

  18. #238
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    There were no dark troll NPCs with these colours. Moreover, there was no mention of dark trolls in Darkspear tribe.
    Maybe Dark Trolls crossbreed with the Darkspear since there's not many of them left? Would explain the new customization options

    Quote Originally Posted by Georg Von Vitzthum View Post
    there isn't much dark trolls to see either, they never stated exactly what they look like as far i know
    As if BfA there's only one Dark Troll in existence left. If you talk to her she confirms that the Twilight's Hammer wiped out the rest of her kind in the Twilight Highlands
    Last edited by LemonDemonGirl; 2020-04-04 at 07:46 PM.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  19. #239
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    They are in Warcraft 3. The troll shown on Blizzcon is a dark troll.
    and like i said there isn't much of then to show, they are just like darkspear but a bit more purple

    on the blizzcon panel, i think except the sand troll, they look to be just darkspear, even the dark one.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    The Zandalari do not rule over other tribes. They are the scholars and priest caste of their race which earns their respect.

    The Darkspear have grown since allying with the Horde. This is said during Vol'jin's novel as Khal'ak (A Zandalari envoy) notes how the Darkspear thrive and grow while all other tribes are dwindling, even offering Vol'jin to make the Darkspear the Zandalari Empire's first tribe above all others
    isn't Rasthakan king of all trolls and they answer to the zandalari?

  20. #240
    Epic! Highelf's Avatar
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    I for one would love some Highborne custom options, I was surprised there wasn't when NE mages became a thing. Not even on NPC's.
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