Originally Posted by
I have not read this thread, but I'm assuming the human-colored Night Elves are along the lines of what people were after?
I'm an authenticity fan tbh.
If highborne are supposed to have differnet shades, like near human, Azshara shade, and deep purple - then that's what I want.
But my biggest hope is that they have a distinctive enough appearance..
That hairstyle on the night elf above.. TOO druidic. bushy at the back.. it's wild (for an elf) so I would expect highborne to have some additional features.
1. Neater and styled hairstyles
2. Some indication of arcane mastery - like glowy/hands feet
3. Some extra features like hair colours that have stars
4. Rich ornamentation
5. Neat beards, designer style
6. Different stance/pose possibly attached to skin colour or face
7. New faces, or at least many of the male faces that have loads of lines to have the same face but without wrinkles.
8. Option for Silver eyes (which is the arcane indication). gold ofc, and black
9. Some less musculature options - don't know if they'll make the shoulders/chest smaller or reduce the definition. Ofc it doesn't hurt to have the more ripped bodies of the Illidari - your elf could also be an exercise freak, but the less musculature option needs to be there.
The pics Astranea and Mace link from the fan art capture the look one imagines of them. Appearance modifications that fit the description of the Highborne from the lore - "the highest caste of the nobilitiy" - from the wealthy night elf empire - these guys must be gorgeous, extravagant, beautiful, excess -it's from them the high elf penchant for beauty comes from. They need to look the part. The super arrogant attitude and addiction has gone (think of Farondis and Estulan , but the regal pose, distinction, love of beauty and perfection must remain, it's one of the things that sets them apart from other night elves.
their model must reflect this
We are being creative here, but a proper highborne look hasn't been done, they literally just use the Night elf model that is based on the druid male and since 6.0 the female has been based on the sentinel/huntress warrior woman /tomboy - she desperately needs the Highborne and Moon Priestess look like Azshara and Tyrande
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Originally Posted by
Different shades of pink skins for Night Elven females have been around since the start, and indeed often used on Highborne NPCs in game.

Originally Posted by
But aye, the addition of a lighter tone for the males as well is also very welcome to anyone desiring to roll a Highborne, although I'd recommend white hair. :-)
I fell in love with the Night elves based on what I saw in WC3 and read in the manual and WotA - this is why I am a big fan of both the long vigil druid/priest setting and the pre-sundering civilization highborne/Moonguard/Temple Priest.
I think they painted an incredible picture in their existing lore, and I want the game to reflect this. It was why I was so excited when they did Suramar properly, especially the city, the detail was incredible, and the culture fit the description in WoTA Well of Eternity to a T, but expanded on it, showing other parts. I was also grateful for Azsuna and the faronids, showing us a different side of the H ighborne lesss corrupt, closer to what I would imagine was the original nobility of the caste before the cancer of arrogant hubris and addiction spread through much of the group.
Still there are aspects of them we have yet to see, Highborne that fit the full majesty of the royal-type caste of the Night elves. I am excited for this. For even though I play druid and love it, it is the stark contrast of this.. and that is what I love night elves for. THey have this duality of contrasting ends, it's a theme, that makes them enigmatic and quite refreshing.
it's not melded all together like High elf society or the pre-sundering society where everything mixed, they're all separate, the priests stick to their temples and Elune loves, the highborne are the main ones of the cities (not the only ones) and have their arcane love, the druids stick to the forests, humbply attired and a wilder look, because they love the beauty of the forest and its complexity and richness its fullness they consider more baeautifulthan any building build by elf hands.
I love it. The final one the demon hunters when they did them, they did thems o well, they were ripped, their demonic ttatoos, even some skin tones had near scales, the horns the eyes.. well captured. it is my hopet hey do a similar thing for the Highborrne, because it is a very important part of the night elves, it adds a distinct dimension to them it is the embodiment of the dark elf side of them. and its nice to have a change of scenry in them that's not forest and ruins. But rich.
I want it because its in their lore. And it hadn't been shown properly till 7.0, but since the Nightborne went horde, they haven' shown the Night elf version, the actual original one all the lore talks off properly
This is what @ Alanar and @
Tharivor don't seem to be getting about many of us. This is why Nightborne aren't a substitute we would be satisfied with, nevermind being on the other faction and associated to the horde but linked more to the blood elves than their kaldorei root alienates them further, they really are not he original thanks to the change of the Nightwell. Their style is stark/bare wreathed in arcane, which is cool as they are a sub-race, are not the highborne we have described. those are night elves - Kaldorei, the best of the best in terms of arcane mastery, apperances and richness. (not the best in terms of other things)
A Nightborne won't do. Even if they were on the same faction (which I guess would have greatly reduced the desire for a proper display of Highborne), their existence on the alliance won't change or eliminate the night elf mage either or the highbonre - unless the Alilnace Nightborne had the healing effects of the Arcan'dor accelerated and they regained their night elf healthier appearance and ears - at this point they would effectively be Highborne that are from the Nightborne group, and well if their customisation were possible, your toon could be Nightborne highborne or Darnassian Highborne - only you would know based on what group you wanted your character to be.