Posture adjustments to the Neck:
I am hoping they adjust this too, the old model posture is much more likeable to the new model, look at the neck on the males in particular.
Faces - Translating better versions from the old
Now they can add new male night elf faces, by doing a better job of translating form the old. Now two of the old male faces I like very much, and it is my opinion hat the fan artists modelled their night elves ont hat. Check it out:
These 2 faces from classic don't really have an equivalent in the WoD remake - the fanartists take the classic face and give it the sort of lift or translation to HD I had hoped for in the new models of 6.0. 3 expansions later in 10.0, well I would be happy with them making those faces from classic, translate to good looking ones on live.
Matrix123mko Response is long but
Ravenmoon's reply to Matrix123mko even longer, I don't think I could add any more to that. it is sufficient, I'll skip to some of the points I've noticed you make.
I think there is your problem, you are saying night elven cultures aren't night elf culture.
The race has many cultures, when you play a night elf, you are playing druidic culture , priest culture, Illidari culture, Highborne culture - the race has all of these in it, and you are playing an aspect of it as you choose.
If a group of night elves are living that way , it is a night elf culture. No buts, no exception. What you are doing is picking and choosing to fit only your narrative.
Oh but that's not the Darnassian culture - or really, Present day Darnassian society IS NOT a long vigil society. It is not in isolation, it uses arcane magic, it has allies, friends, it has Highborne, even the Illidari are taking part, there are undead too. The druid culture is also different from the priest culture.
Yes, they are not the same, they are two different cultures, Priests aren't dwelling in forests, revering and fixing nature. They're in Temples or patrolling they have their distinct customs.
Sorry, but it seems you have decided Night elven culture is anything but stuff that deals with the arcane, and that's just laughable.
That is your opinion. Saying its the most important is opinion. Please have the honesty to recgonise it as such and not make it what it isn't.
What is fact is that it is the most prominently SHOWN part of the Darnassian society during WC3. An era that ends SPPECTACULARLY in the very series it was shown in.
1. It was not the only idnentity or aspect of the Night elves, their empire was global, that is the bigger one
2. It ended, just because it is the first shown, doesn't mean its the most important. All we know is that it is prominent. But it is not the only iconic or promientn one, nor is it
Their current one is taking a new shape that is already vastly different from the all exclusive nature one.
If the game starts showing you one thing, but then has novels that tell another, then every successive iteration they show you more of the night elf cultures, and go to great lengths.
WC3 may have only been trees and buildings, but that was just the stage of the story.. the novels and development tell you directly that wasn't all.
Later wow, then 4.0, then 7.0 show you more.
In fact.. if you take your reference point from any of it, then you should from 7.0 (as opposed to WC3), they spent the most time on it and it is the biggest show of night elves in the game, eclipsing the WC3 effort and classic. For showing the Night elf peoples and their cultures. It is far more comprehensive of the whole picture, and shows things in the lore from day one.
Notice the plural, cultures. And notice I don't say one is the most important. to druids, nature is the most important, and that culture. To priests its Elune and the temples, to Highborne/Moonguard it's the arcane and cities. To Illidari its fel and demons. They are all important, and they are ALL Night elven.
Just because one stands out to you the most, don't try to make it as if its the only important one. They are all important.
Tbh, I just see this as denial of the dark elf side of the Night elf in a horde only fan's belief that arcane mastery and elven civilization are the exclusive purview and right of the horde and its elves only. So how dare Night elf fans muscle in on our territory.
- No, it's not your territory, it is not exclusive property of you or the horde, the very blood elves and Nightborne are alliance races ported over,
- They are not there to rob the night elves or transfer half of their identity to the other faction.
- They are merely another people group for you to play a different looking type of night elf and experience some of what the Kaldorei have on the horde.
It wouldn't matter to me one bit if the Nightborne added druidism and Elunism, it is in their racial heritage, why would I have a problem. Why should you have a problem with something that is a part of the night elves from day one still being a part of the night elves and actually getting decent development.
What makes you think night elf fans ONLY ever want druid and nature upgrades, and don't care or desire about their arcane side or their civilization and cities that are part of the lore? Such drew and attracted many to the night elves including myself. I'm not a forest person, they're pretty or can be, but that's what they. For me, peoples, cultures, civilizations now this is what interests me the most.
It's never just been about forests and nature for night elves. Its always been about the arcane, Elune and nature at the core, with Fel developing during the invasion of the legion. and now all 4 are majoar tenets of the race.