I really like this, both the one you suggested for Night elves and the blood elf one. I think little details like that been different from Nightborne and for the blood elves being a bit distinctive from the ordinary High elf - I think are important and acceptable.
Because Nightborne are Highborne society shown properly, I think it is fitting that Night elf highborne would draw at least one thing from them, like their pose. I'm thinking blizzard could alter the model pose for every one who selects the arcane markings/tattoos/star stuff - or just add a stance tab similar to how orcs get a posture tab. They could also make these neck adjustments I posted earlier..
So the posture tab would alter the neck alignment and the standing position. Giving players a choice.
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Yeh , yeh fair enough. You didn't have to list so many points.
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Fair enough, you see them as wood elves, I see them as a fusion of dark elf and wood elf, with many bits. They may not be your race of elves, but I accept you are entitled to view them that way, because they do have a wood elf bit. I won't argue with you that the dark elf bit is a reality and also a part of the race, and the Darnassian group, and even though it is smaller (I don't think it is that small), it's not a new thing, the Darnassians have a large arcane history from the pre-sundering era of the Night elves, being a smaller section now doesn't make them more wood elves than dark elf, it's just the current stage they are in.
Ways to Roleplay That Fit the Lore
- You can roleplay a Darnassian Highborne from 10k years ago, that put off arcane magic agreeing with the ban, and picked it up again, you are one of those genius talented Highborne and once you got a bit of practise, you were back to that awesome state.
- You can role play a younger Darnassian, born in the Long vigil era, but having an incredible arcane talent, and never understood why you couldn't do druidism well, finding it to placid, and religious stuff way too boring. So when the Shen'dralar returned and tested new recruits, you felt such a calling when you were shown how to use the arcane flow within - and you've excelled since to become a great mage of your time
- You can roleplay your character as a 10k year old Shen'dralar too, that never stopped using magic, weren't part of the Darnassians till now, most of your genius is in creativity , design and construction, but you've had to reapply your efforts to combat as this is the most urgent need and part of the agreement with the Darnassians. As a level 120 mage, your perfectly competent in the less spell works and mindset for battle casting. You eagerly wait for the wars to end so you can start building and creating once more.
- You can even roleplay as a legendary Moonguard, that's joined the Darnassians after Legion, and helping the Night elf race survive..or a Drnassian Moonguard who had switched to druidism and come back.
None of this makes any of your characters or any arcane wielding Night elf, less deserving, less powerful or less capable than any Blood elf or Nightborne mage. Remember your blood elf and Nightborne mage characters can be seasoned experts.
And Farondis are spirit Night Elves, they aren't undead corporeal, so it's not like the DK Night elf, or the Ravencrest ones, but my point was those were night elves, not normal ones, but Night elves like Illidari are Night elves or Undead DK Night elves are also night elves. Anyway they are categorised as humanoid, not undead. You seemed to be saying they shouldn't be considered Night elves so their arcane ability isn't part of the race, which didn't gel to me.