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  1. #461
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I want the curly hairstyle shown in that pic you posted on page 1 of this thread. Hasn't this short hair one been in the game for a while too? I think a lot of the options we have seen so far are ones that already existed but the players couldn't choose, like long draenei tails and some of the skin tones. Pretty sure I've seen the "Kitty Forman" gnome haircut in the game too.
    They are yes, pretty much most of the ones found so far are ones that have been available for a while. That's also why the alpha builds that have been out pretty much match what was shown at Blizzcon (with some new ones found), because those are the ones they pretty much got done enough to present.

  2. #462
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    They are yes, pretty much most of the ones found so far are ones that have been available for a while. That's also why the alpha builds that have been out pretty much match what was shown at Blizzcon (with some new ones found), because those are the ones they pretty much got done enough to present.
    Ah, so none of them are really new, since is a mine, it will ahve all the skin tone information for every thing associated with the model. Doesn't mean it would be selectable.

    The dark blood elf skins peoplea re freaking out over are merely San'layn and dark fallen skins tone if I remember. Not some new "black" blood elves that has generated such a stir.

    Makes sense. I guess this why they are asking us what we would like to see.

  3. #463
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Ah, so none of them are really new, since is a mine, it will ahve all the skin tone information for every thing associated with the model. Doesn't mean it would be selectable.

    The dark blood elf skins peoplea re freaking out over are merely San'layn and dark fallen skins tone if I remember. Not some new "black" blood elves that has generated such a stir.

    Makes sense. I guess this why they are asking us what we would like to see.
    Well for Night Elves I was mainly talking about that recent hairstyle found, that's been there since WoD days.

    The Skin tones and hair colors that have been datamined for Night Elves are new and not added before.

    I was just agreeing overall with Fossil that the hairstyle, draenei tails, and gnome 'kitty forman' hairstyle are indeed in the files since WoD.

  4. #464
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Well for Night Elves I was mainly talking about that recent hairstyle found, that's been there since WoD days.

    The Skin tones and hair colors that have been datamined for Night Elves are new and not added before.

    I was just agreeing overall with Fossil that the hairstyle, draenei tails, and gnome 'kitty forman' hairstyle are indeed in the files since WoD.
    I'm sure we will get a mix of existing assets and new ones, rather than all old or all new.

  5. #465
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    @Mace @Astranea - it would appear blizzard has responded to a post on the very highborne customisations , asking players to post what they would like to see. So far it looks very constructive. Maybe those of you with active EU accounts can make good contributions?

    Farstrider and Highborne Customisations

    Looks like they are willing to listen.
    Nice to hear that. However, I am disappointed that only the farstrider(I do not deny its importance) part was suggested here. Magisters could get something too. In my opinion, current customisation options are neutral and blood elves need something to show their wealth and power. I would like golden version of Tyrande's "crown".
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  6. #466
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Nice to hear that. However, I am disappointed that only the farstrider(I do not deny its importance) part was suggested here. Magisters could get something too. In my opinion, current customisation options are neutral and blood elves need something to show their wealth and power. I would like golden version of Tyrande's "crown".

    it's okay, people suggest things for magisters too later down the line. I'm sure blizzard realise that while giving signature appearances to represent groups like the Farstriders and Highborne are desired, people also need and would like additional features for the existing themes like the Magisters, blood Knights, druids and Priestesses

    Pretty as that image of Tyrande is, she sure has bushy eyebrows.

  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    it's okay, people suggest things for magisters too later down the line. I'm sure blizzard realise that while giving signature appearances to represent groups like the Farstriders and Highborne are desired, people also need and would like additional features for the existing themes like the Magisters, blood Knights, druids and Priestesses
    I hope so. All subfactions need some love.
    Pretty as that image of Tyrande is, she sure has bushy eyebrows.
    These eyebrows could be an option too. They would look nice on druid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  8. #468
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I hope so. All subfactions need some love.
    Like my bro, I'm often mis-understood, speaking up for Highborne customisation or detailing the arcane connection can be perceived as if that's only what i'm interested. I'm a druid main in wow - I just hate mis-representation, and I often see a lot of error when it comes to Night elves and the arcane, especially people who keep thinking Night elves are just forest elves (in typical "le'ts generalise an entire race based on the first thing we see, even when their is plenty of other information out there that says otherwise" fashion [black people must get this a lot, people thinking if you're black you're either a hustler, gangster/drug dealer or sports/music type and can be nothing else] alawas it is a human tendency to generalise - born out of laziness and arrogance often enough, easily countered by knowledge and education, except if the person is foolish and proud.] So this often leads me to talk about the fact they are not, they are night elves (with a dark and wood elf duality).. however because it happens often, I'm perceived on here to want Night elves to only be arcane wielding society like in their past ( I won't even say like Blood elves), and they often ignore the many times I've stated I want both, because the night elves are shown as both, just in a different way than normal, they have an intense arcane period and an intense nature period - and now they're in a stage where neither is the exclusive, but finally both exist in a similar way to how it was in the early days - except now they have experts in both fields.
    [never mind a good 6 years of my posting life focused on druidism]

    I would love their to be druid and priestess options too. Crescent moon earings and ornamentation, really speak to the priestess, but they fit ALL night evles, they are a star and moon culture, you see how many crescent moons are in Suramar right? And all their ruins, as well as their forest homes, and ofc the Moon temples, the stars and the moon are big part, moon themed jewelry would be something worn by priestess and highborne alike, but also any Night elf.

    I also badly want more options for male Nelves that speak to druids. Yes, I am aware that the current Night elf male is based on the druid, but it also needs more options, and this doesn't take away from also needing the highborne customisation. it's not one or the other, it's both, Highborne customisations should come as well as more druid options.

    • I want bushier beards - I shouldn't have to look Amish to be a druid
    • I want wilder hair styles - wavy birfds nest intresting patterns
    • I want leaves in hair - leaves got tangled in your hair, or maybe you start growing leaves (okay that may be a bit too far)
    • I wouldn't mind antlers - not huge ones like Malfurion (he's spcial) but like small budding ones
    • I want emerald green eyes like Malfurion has in Legion, and silver eyes. Yes silver like skin tone is the arcane signature in night elves, but once again not mutually exclusive, like players think, you can be an arcane affinity being that is talented for nature and wield nature. ALl night elves do so, they're brimming with the power of the arcane blood of Azeroth (well of eternity) but can be druids, priest, warriors , hunters etc.. just like Belves suffused by the sunwell, can be other things other than magisters.

    I know others are often similarly confused, like Mace, we both also play horde, and he's a much bigger horde player than I am, just because you defend an aspect of the night elves vigorously from mis-representation you are mis-labelled. But who cares right? The point is, I would also like changes for the blood elves, and while I think Farstrider options would be cool, there are so many other things too, like san'layn/dark fallen options, other things for mage and light themes like you pointed out.

  9. #469
    I've taken another look at the Nelf models from Reforged, and honestly, they look amazing. The hairstyles, faces, beards, markings, armor, everything really, looks so much better.

    Hairstyles and faces with markings like these for females would be highly appreciated:

    And for males, beards and more 'realistic' looking bodies would be nice. I'm getting real tired of the hourglass figure.

    A young looking face like the Keepers of the Grove have is badly needed as well.

  10. #470
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    @Mace @Astranea - it would appear blizzard has responded to a post on the very highborne customisations , asking players to post what they would like to see. So far it looks very constructive. Maybe those of you with active EU accounts can make good contributions?

    Farstrider and Highborne Customisations

    Looks like they are willing to listen.
    Very nice! Thanks for informing us. :-)

  11. #471
    @Moonrage that's exactly the sort of beards I want, they shoudl have at least 2 variations, one long, and one a bit shorter, and maybe a 3rd in a different style.

    And defintiely better faces. what was wrong with the ones from classic? I wonder. These 2

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    Very nice! Thanks for informing us. :-)
    No worries, we all want better customisation for night elves, and to not have a repeat of 6.0 where we waited patiently, even after the intiial release, hoping for a touch up that never came.

    They did DH's right, but never transferred the elvel of definition to the original night elf model, or at least give an option for it
    Last edited by ravenmoon; 2020-04-23 at 04:50 AM.

  12. #472
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Someone has made a Night Elf custom skin for High Elf civilians and I thought maybe the Night Elves wouldn't hurt to look like them too (they're close enough to be Highborne, but not Brann's pasty Highborne:

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  13. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Someone has made a Night Elf custom skin for High Elf civilians and I thought maybe the Night Elves wouldn't hurt to look like them too (they're close enough to be Highborne, but not Brann's pasty Highborne:

    I could go for a Highborne like this!

  14. #474
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    alawas it is a human tendency to generalise - born out of laziness and arrogance often enough, easily countered by knowledge and education, except if the person is foolish and proud.
    I am not a racist.

    [never mind a good 6 years of my posting life focused on druidism]
    I am pretty aware of it.

    I would love their to be druid and priestess options too. Crescent moon earings and ornamentation, really speak to the priestess, but they fit ALL night evles, they are a star and moon culture, you see how many crescent moons are in Suramar right? And all their ruins, as well as their forest homes, and ofc the Moon temples, the stars and the moon are big part, moon themed jewelry would be something worn by priestess and highborne alike, but also any Night elf.
    It is like angels in European culture. Not a only as a religious symbol but also part of aesthetics, as everyone, including atheists likes putting some winged naked children on their buildings.

    I also badly want more options for male Nelves that speak to druids. Yes, I am aware that the current Night elf male is based on the druid, but it also needs more options, and this doesn't take away from also needing the highborne customisation. it's not one or the other, it's both, Highborne customisations should come as well as more druid options.
    Leaves in hair and longer beards are a a must.

    I want bushier beards - I shouldn't have to look Amish to be a druid
    Druids are amish but the point stands. Malfurion has cooler beard.
    I want wilder hair styles - wavy birfds nest intresting patterns
    What do you mean?
    I want leaves in hair - leaves got tangled in your hair, or maybe you start growing leaves (okay that may be a bit too far)
    Like Tyrande.
    I wouldn't mind antlers - not huge ones like Malfurion (he's spcial) but like small budding ones
    Maybe. After all, there is an entire druidic race with inherent antlers.
    I want emerald green eyes like Malfurion has in Legion, and silver eyes. Yes silver like skin tone is the arcane signature in night elves, but once again not mutually exclusive, like players think, you can be an arcane affinity being that is talented for nature and wield nature.
    These colours are datamined, I think.
    ALl night elves do so, they're brimming with the power of the arcane blood of Azeroth (well of eternity) but can be druids, priest, warriors , hunters etc.. just like Belves suffused by the sunwell, can be other things other than magisters.
    That arcane blood stopped infusing them 10000 years ago but the damage is indeed done.

    I would also like changes for the blood elves, and while I think Farstrider options would be cool, there are so many other things too, like san'layn/dark fallen options, other things for mage and light themes like you pointed out.
    Sure. Let's not forget that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Someone has made a Night Elf custom skin for High Elf civilians and I thought maybe the Night Elves wouldn't hurt to look like them too (they're close enough to be Highborne, but not Brann's pasty Highborne:

    Actually, giving night elves but also nightborne model option based on blood elves wouldn't be that bad.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  15. #475
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonrage View Post
    And for males, beards and more 'realistic' looking bodies would be nice. I'm getting real tired of the hourglass figure.

    Agree with everything in this post, just cut it down for size.

    But I would be over the moon if I could make Night Elves male like Reforged designs.

  16. #476
    Im SO happy with the new NightElf hair/eyes and hope they make it in-game.

    My priest will race-change ASAP to a blonde, blue-eyed male night elf

    If they only could add 2 more ribs as well
    Last edited by Rootsbum; 2020-04-28 at 05:39 PM.

  17. #477
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I am not a racist.
    Now don't lose your temper or misconstrue what I am about to say, take it with an open heart, and know I'm not personally attacking you here. Just challenging stereotypes and held assumptions.

    So not saying you are racist, but note that it is very easy to be without realising it, especially in a society that is based on a hierarchal structure and a long history of having superior people and lesser ones. IT fosters a I have everything, you have nothing or should have nothing better, everything else inferior kind of attitude which is basically racist. Many people are without realising it in our part of the world. We have to be careful, because our tendency is to generalise.

    I was there first, doing that with this lore, generalised and in a typical arrogant fashion, felt I knew everything straight away. I was challenged though, and humbled myself enough and proceeded to look at the lore closer, paid attention to what was actually been said and been shown. realised there was so much I hadn't picked up, and this is how I fell for the Night elves.

    What you read is just as important as what you see. And it doesn't matter how much you may desire the night elf to just be a wood elf. regardless of whether your motive is that's just what you like period or whether the motive is to have the blood elves or the horde elves to only have the Elf qualities you like . They are not and never were the only ones, the night elf has always had this from the start.

    Some people may hate the sharing of stuff, call it homogenisation, they wouldn't be entirely wrong. You may want to be a special snowflake, which has good ring to it, like I wanted night elves only to be druids once upon a time, but that's not how the developers see things and have done things, and we have to accept that. The night elf arcane case is even less relevant with regards to the arcane parts and civilization. Because that has always been a part of the race, not a later homogenisation on blizzards part - that view point is incorrect in this case cos we have the lore and presentation that shows this..

    The night elves are given the fuller elven face, designed as the original l elf, whereas it would appear the Thalassian is more humanised. Why should you feel that somehow the Night elf should be the wood elf, so the blood elf can be the high class elf.. because you can only have 1 magical elf? Only 1 elf group can have a civilisation?

    Is that how ANY other race in Warcraft works? Between it's species groups or factions? Do forsaken humans on the opposite faction or Kul'tiran humans have less civilization, less magical capability, or less priesthood capability or warriors because they are either on the opposite faction or do humans have this part of their lore removed because Forsaken or Kul'tirans are now in the house? No. Made even more obvious in the Night elves by that group having always had this in their lore and as a part of their race.

    Because this is not how blizz does things in wow, and those of us who feel that way have to redress both our view point and question our thought processes, and allow the whole of the presentation -written and visual/audio to fashion our interpretation.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I am pretty aware of it.
    So you should know I'm not one of these anti druid, want night elves to only be Highborne high elves like these jokers falsely accuse - jokers who don't even read what I say. I am after the proper portrayal of the night elf. And I happen to like that they're multi-dimensional have their own version of magical elven cities and forests. And are not just bland wood elf copies with purple instead of peach skin.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    It is like angels in European culture. Not a only as a religious symbol but also part of aesthetics, as everyone, including atheists likes putting some winged naked children on their buildings.

    That isn't a bad analogy, but if it is a correct one, then the heart of Elunism is still in there, society as aw hole may have drifted, but it is there.. We see revivals of Christianity happening in Europe, while most European nations may not be majority Christian practising, you certainly see a portion keeping the beliefs even if not mainstream anymore, and there is always the possibility they may become mainstream too.

    Afterall, the kaldorei went through similar, Elune belief never disappeared, but it was pretty much like European Christianity in the height of the Civilization, yet it smaller role become much larger during the long vigil, and this was after 1000s of years of diminishing, druidism is another example, and so is the return of the arcane practise.

    The point is these are core aspects of the race, and they have highs and low points as part of the richness of a story. blizzard won't abandon half of what the Night elves are about, which makes them interesting and diverse and is part of the identity they have for the race, just because a few horde fans feel that aspect is now exclusively horde because blood elves had a big show of it, or the Nightborne, a sub-race of night elf, are available on the horde

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Leaves in hair and longer beards are a a must.

    I really hope so
    . I really want that. I also really want a Highborne customisation, I don't think I'll use it, but it should be there, and if it's nice, i'll be doing a race change on my mage which will likely see more action.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Druids are amish but the point stands. Malfurion has cooler beard.
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post

    Way , way too Amish. I don't mind them having those, but not ONLY those, we need 3-4 options of cool, designer looking stuff - high class, attractive, another 3-4 of wild bushy with leaves and more. You want extreme druid, and you want extreme Highborne.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    What do you mean?
    Exactly that, you know that birds nest sort look hair can get or literally some hairstyle ornamentation having a birds nest option. And by curly hair I actually mean wavy hair.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Like Tyrande.
    On the loading screen pic yes, or the night elf female on the box art of the original game.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Maybe. After all, there is an entire druidic race with inherent antlers.
    I have suggested this several times for a night elf sub-race, funny how people only remember me mentioning the arcane/Highborne stuff huh. I think after having the half-demon Illidari and Highborne going customisation instead of a new sub race of it's own, then an antlered/half animal night elven druid based race would be the one to have, especially if you can't give the Cenarians (which are essentially that) as a playable race. To be fair, the perfect candidate would be a worgen Night elf sub-race, with a unique half night elven form and a unique Worgen model - this one unlike the normal worgen can choose either form in combat - because the humanoid model is unique.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    These colours are datamined, I think.
    Malfurion no longer has amber eyes, but green ones, not like fel, but like the Emerald dream. This was from Legion

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    That arcane blood stopped infusing them 10000 years ago but the damage is indeed done.

    That's not what I mean, it is part of their make up. They are still connected to it, and the Well of eternity which by proxy means the blood of the titan. The Well of Eternity is still there on Hyjal, and when the original one imploded, the magic didn't disappear, it was released into all of Azeroth, paving the way later for other races to develop a mage like standard of arcane mastery.

    Put it this way, just like arcane is the blood of the Titan, it is in the blood of the Night elf though their creation/evolution from Dark Trolls. This is the implication. but yes, the elves are still connected to that. Night elf/Nightborne - only those that were exiled and severed by the druids (i.e. the Thalassians) no longer have that connection or have it somehow blocked. this is why their skin is no longer purple. This was mentioned in the exile lore.

    Now connection doesn't mean you can access the power to use. The tree Nordrassil still buffers, but it's not as if the night elves can't circumvent or use that - do you not remember the High elves accusing the Night elves of sitting on so much power and being afraid to use it. Do you remember the blizzard article on the eyes of the elves, that explained that the silver eyes are because of the arcane power of the Well of Eternity filling them. I don't know if you played between Classic and WotLK. It was on their official site at the time in the lore/encyclopaedia section and was mentioned in an interview around that period too.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Sure. Let's not forget that
    Well it's good you don't.
    I don't think the blood elves are short of people championing their cause, but it does need reminding and bringing up from time too time. I've had to do similar with the Night elves too, especially the dark elf half, and those cool bits of their lore I've always liked. It's not that I don't like the druidic portions and the female warrior, I do, very much so, but I also like the arcane part and the pre-sundering civilization part , to me they are all part of what makes the night elves intriguing fascinating and engaging. I, like many fans who love that portion of the Night elves, waited a very long time to see Suramar and Zin'Azshari. some of us are disappointed that the Kaldorei aren't in their city, something I looked forward to, but seemed to be taken away when the Nightborne were given to the horde along with the city, which I felt wasn't necessary, it was like taking the void elves to the alliance and giving them Silvermoon as well. - especially when you knew Darnassus was being destroyed. And is why I suspect Suramar was built so well, they plan 2 expansions in advance, they new they were burning Darnassus, and they knew that Zuldazar was going to be a grand city on the horde. So they didn't have to.

    However, wishing doesn't make it come true or change the past. It's on the horde, that's that, for now. We don't know what they'd do, afterall things like cities etc don't really hold much game significance, and their condition as well as who has them changes with the story. This is why the fact night elves have ruins doesn't mean they can't have cities or they won't have cities, these things are there for the plot. The lore tells you what the night elves are, and defines their scope/ They will get cities and forests, and lose them - it's just part of the story. As long as the night elves remain, guess what, the same night elf that built Suramar, built Zin'Azshari, grew Val'Sharah in the emerald dreams reflection, restored Ashenvale after the 1st and 2nd invasions, are the same night elves still around, and yes, they can build and restore all of that stuff.

    But some people feeling somehow that Suramar is not for night elves, and the style isn't kaldorei or belonging to them, therefore they shouldn't have it are the ones that are sorely mistaking. That is the art asset for the Night elf. Notice how Highmountain and Tauren, Lightforge and Draenei, Void elf, High elf and blood elf - all share the same art assets within their group. this is what is done for them, it is surprising how once again, when it comes to the elves, some fans immediately expect that it is different, and loudly defend something that doesn't exist (i.e. that this is Nightborne, not Night elf - or some nonsense like that when the lore clearly shows you both the Nightborne and Suramar in particular are clearly Night elven. It's like the void elves taking over Silvermoon or the High elves doing it, and players now saying that the Silvermoon is not blood elven, they can't have it, and if they build new stuff, they have to use some other type of asset.

    I think it's the jealous, male possessive syndrome.
    Last edited by ravenmoon; 2020-04-29 at 03:35 PM.

  18. #478
    you can play a nightborne and be satisfied, i like the original and intended fantasy of the night elves, around sentinels , druids, priestess and wardens.
    A society that saw the horrors their previous culture brought and made drastic changes and reimagined themselves and created new aesthethics and a new objective to stand agaist elves like the ones in quelthalas and suramar.
    The NIGHT ELVES themselves dont like suramar.
    They activaly hate those cities and if you want that fantasy you have it in a pristine and elevated way, on the horde, dont force an anthethical concept onto a race that EXPLICTLY oposes it.
    Last edited by yana; 2020-04-29 at 05:55 PM.

  19. #479
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yana View Post
    you can play a nightborne and be satisfied, i like the original and intended fantasy of the night elves, around sentinels , druids, priestess and wardens.
    A society that saw the horrors their previous culture brought and made drastic changes and reimagined themselves and created new aesthethics and a new objective to stand agaist elves like the ones in quelthalas and suramar.
    The NIGHT ELVES themselves dont like suramar.
    They activaly hate those cities and if you want that fantasy you have it in a pristine and elevated way, on the horde, dont force an anthethical concept onto a race that EXPLICTLY oposes it.
    I'd like to see you take the extra mile and go ask Blizzard to remove Mordent Evershade, the Shen'dralar, and the Moonguard off the game
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  20. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    I'd like to see you take the extra mile and go ask Blizzard to remove Mordent Evershade, the Shen'dralar, and the Moonguard off the game
    i mean they are pretty much remnants of remnants, wrathion comfirmed the shendralar lost most of their "knowledge", you kill then off and nothing of value is lost

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