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I hope so. All subfactions need some love.
Like my bro, I'm often mis-understood, speaking up for Highborne customisation or detailing the arcane connection can be perceived as if that's only what i'm interested. I'm a druid main in wow - I just hate mis-representation, and I often see a lot of error when it comes to Night elves and the arcane, especially people who keep thinking Night elves are just forest elves (in typical "le'ts generalise an entire race based on the first thing we see, even when their is plenty of other information out there that says otherwise" fashion [black people must get this a lot, people thinking if you're black you're either a hustler, gangster/drug dealer or sports/music type and can be nothing else] alawas it is a human tendency to generalise - born out of laziness and arrogance often enough, easily countered by knowledge and education, except if the person is foolish and proud.] So this often leads me to talk about the fact they are not, they are night elves (with a dark and wood elf duality).. however because it happens often, I'm perceived on here to want Night elves to only be arcane wielding society like in their past ( I won't even say like Blood elves), and they often ignore the many times I've stated I want both, because the night elves are shown as both, just in a different way than normal, they have an intense arcane period and an intense nature period - and now they're in a stage where neither is the exclusive, but finally both exist in a similar way to how it was in the early days - except now they have experts in both fields. [never mind a good 6 years of my posting life focused on druidism]
I would love their to be druid and priestess options too. Crescent moon earings and ornamentation, really speak to the priestess, but they fit ALL night evles, they are a star and moon culture, you see how many crescent moons are in Suramar right? And all their ruins, as well as their forest homes, and ofc the Moon temples, the stars and the moon are big part, moon themed jewelry would be something worn by priestess and highborne alike, but also any Night elf.
I also badly want more options for male Nelves that speak to druids. Yes, I am aware that the current Night elf male is based on the druid, but it also needs more options, and this doesn't take away from also needing the highborne customisation. it's not one or the other, it's both, Highborne customisations should come as well as more druid options.
- I want bushier beards - I shouldn't have to look Amish to be a druid

- I want wilder hair styles - wavy birfds nest intresting patterns
- I want leaves in hair - leaves got tangled in your hair, or maybe you start growing leaves (okay that may be a bit too far)
- I wouldn't mind antlers - not huge ones like Malfurion (he's spcial) but like small budding ones
- I want emerald green eyes like Malfurion has in Legion, and silver eyes. Yes silver like skin tone is the arcane signature in night elves, but once again not mutually exclusive, like players think, you can be an arcane affinity being that is talented for nature and wield nature. ALl night elves do so, they're brimming with the power of the arcane blood of Azeroth (well of eternity) but can be druids, priest, warriors , hunters etc.. just like Belves suffused by the sunwell, can be other things other than magisters.
I know others are often similarly confused, like Mace, we both also play horde, and he's a much bigger horde player than I am, just because you defend an aspect of the night elves vigorously from mis-representation you are mis-labelled. But who cares right? The point is, I would also like changes for the blood elves, and while I think Farstrider options would be cool, there are so many other things too, like san'layn/dark fallen options, other things for mage and light themes like you pointed out.