This one specifically appears during the Battle of Zul'jan Ruins, which is part of the Horde War Campaign.
Both the moon necklace and the the pink skin tone being confirmed for the males are something I am hoping to see when the new customization for the night elves finally hits the alpha. :-)
I doubt Blizzard had specific thoughts about their legacy... they may have just thought the lighter skin tones looked best with the specific 'clothing', assuming it can be called such. ;-)
But I believe somewhere in the lore (I should re-check this for sources though, as I just read someone referring this on some wiki page) it is explained that just as some night elf youth trained to became mage, some of the returning Shen'dralar embraced other professions as well. So anything is possible.
And there have always been both Highborne and non-Highborne of all kind of colors anyway. Them being possibly paler was just comment by Brann supported by some types on NPCs, but there have always been exceptions as the Highborne are a cast, and not a subrace... although the Shen'dralar having specifically developed at least a slight difference in their appearance would make sense, considering they have been isolated just as long as it took to create the Nightborne and the High/Blood Elves. :-P