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  1. #541
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Physical features and the Nightwell induced arcane tattoos, no.

    The jewelry is something we could give to Night Elves. Nightborne culture is ancient Highborne culture, and jewels are part of culture, not biology.
    The jewelry does look more like something that the nightborn developed themselves. Night Elf jewelry looks different. You could give night born Tattos to night elfs, they just need to aquire it the normal way like demon hunters lorewise. It makes only very limited sence of course...

  2. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post
    There's 10,000 years of difference between Night Elves and Nightborne.

    There's a 1 year of difference between a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.

    I want Nightborne to get better looking eyes but I don't think there's any logic to giving them Night Elf features and vice versa.
    You do have to realize that 10k years is not a lot by Night Elf/Nightborne standards.

    Hell, we saw a shot of Thalyssra changing from Highborne to Nightborne and Tyrande was alive when the Highborne went into the bubble. It's not like with humans where 10,000 years would imply hundreds of generations and the genetic evolution that comes with them.

    That said, I'm not arguing for Nightborne anything for Night Elves, either. I'd rather they get their own options, and as said, there are plenty of ways to at least give Night Elves their own jewellery, and probably tattoos.

  3. #543
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    Textures you can share but everything 3D related would need some adjustment. Personally I think unless they now start to add options to all main-race related Allied Races they will leave everyone else untouched. They really only did minimal work to add the high elf options to void elfs, the skins actually still using the blood elf underwear. So personally I would not get my hope up for sharing more stuff between them.
    I think the reason why only the elves are effected is because alliance fans feel they are entitled to all things high elven and night elven so will always want that stuff even if blizzard says will give this one to the horde.

    Up to blizxzxard to decide how much work they wanna do. Personally I don't care if they get it. I don't particularly like night elves, but if the new night elves look good and get nightborne bodies looking nice, I'm gonna want it on the horde. As for the high elf skins on the void elves, it doesn't matter to me because I don't play it much. When I go on to the alliance I want to try something different, so I'm glad for void elf skins, since I have blood elf ones.

  4. #544
    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post
    There's 10,000 years of difference between Night Elves and Nightborne.

    There's a 1 year of difference between a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.

    I want Nightborne to get better looking eyes but I don't think there's any logic to giving them Night Elf features and vice versa.
    I don't want them loking identical either, they shouldn't need to. I can appreciate Night elves getting slimmer bodies, but it doesn't have to be the same as Nightborne.

    I can also appreciate Night elves getting a more aristocratic pose and stance, arcane imbued features, but it doesn't have to the ones Nightborne have. If you ask me, they should do a night elf version tailored for Highborne.

    I do like the idea of body size sliders, the thing is a slim Night elf is going to look like a Nightborne even if it's not, because the Nightborne model is EXACTLY that - a slim night elf, so if they do indeed do that, it's going to open up the possibility for other races to get similar features, but I would hope they would find ways to make them still distinctive enough.

    It doesn't have to be completely distinctive, Nightborne are a night elf race, tha't the long and short of it, allied races aren't meant to be new versions of races, just different groups with different features. The reason there is issue with the elves is because blizzard took the night elf one over to the horde, and the blood elf one over to the alliance, and as such, should not be surprised, that night elf and Nightborne ones want the full breadth of what their race can be, as well as both blood elf and void elf.. they created this situation. If they had created unique races for the horde instead, and developed variations for night elves to be with the night elves et. But then what is the problem really? It's people who don't want to share when the devs are like we've reached a decision, the elf stuff would be shared, solves a lot of problems.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    I think the reason why only the elves are effected is because alliance fans feel they are entitled to all things high elven and night elven so will always want that stuff even if blizzard says will give this one to the horde.

    Up to blizxzxard to decide how much work they wanna do. Personally I don't care if they get it. I don't particularly like night elves, but if the new night elves look good and get nightborne bodies looking nice, I'm gonna want it on the horde. As for the high elf skins on the void elves, it doesn't matter to me because I don't play it much. When I go on to the alliance I want to try something different, so I'm glad for void elf skins, since I have blood elf ones.
    This is what happens when you make the nicest night elf and high elf stuff only on the horde – I totally understand an alliance NElf fan who’s waited ages for tailored caster Highborne model and a wondrous night elf city from night elf lore, only for it to come then go over to the faction he’s supposed to hate. But when he asks that they make sure to do up the kaldorei version to be attractive and also get it’s lore stuff on his side, a few horde fans troll him telling him and his friends they shouldn’t or can’t have it.

    And so you can understand for people who don’t play horde, or don’t like to, they’d be happy with their high elf skins, meaning they don’t need to play horde to enjoy a part of their alliance or elf fancy they’ve always wanted.

  5. #545
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post
    There's 10,000 years of difference between Night Elves and Nightborne.

    There's a 1 year of difference between a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.

    I want Nightborne to get better looking eyes but I don't think there's any logic to giving them Night Elf features and vice versa.
    Kael'thas declared Blood Elves at year 20 and the Void Elves were cursed by Durzaan at year 32
    Last edited by Ardenaso; 2020-05-30 at 12:03 PM.
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  6. #546
    Yes i want allied race.

    Or atleast as night elf option. But hey we are alliance we never get what we want.

  7. #547
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    Yes i want allied race.
    I must disagree. That would not make much sense, since it was already established in Cataclysm that the Shen'dralar rejoined the Night Elven society. Their mage trainers were to be found in different locations in Teldrassil, and the Shen'dralar leader Mordent Evenshade even participated in the Battle for Darkshore, where he was stationed at Ashwood Depot.

    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    Or at least as night elf option.
    Which is exactly what this thread is about: some additional character customization. :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    But hey we are alliance we never get what we want.
    You may have missed the news that the Alliance fans voicing for flesh colored skins for their Void Elves have just gotten them. ;-)

  8. #548
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I must disagree. That would not make much sense, since it was already established in Cataclysm that the Shen'dralar rejoined the Night Elven society. Their mage trainers were to be found in different locations in Teldrassil, and the Shen'dralar leader Mordent Evenshade even participated in the Battle for Darkshore, where he was stationed at Ashwood Depot.
    Tbh if we get really decent highborne customisations, including options for slimmer bodies as well as the normal ones having some fine features, I would be fine with not having a highborne based allied race for the alliance, and instead would suggest blizzard go for a full forest elf race instead for the 2nd night elf one, where you have different animal features, maybe like fawn llegs, wings on arms (like Malfurion's model), different types of antlers etc, maybe even Cenarions , actually able to go into full dryad/keeper form. An alternative would also be to give it a worgen alternative form, so you can either be a Cenarian based half Nelf or Worgen based half NElf or maybe even give a range of were-animals, incl worgen, sarberon like cat, the Legion bear form artefact quest like character, one based on a bird too - and these would be nature form as extra kicks you get.

    For me, this swould be good on several fronts, firstly it will give the "savage" crowd, and the forest elf crowd what they want - while I'm fine with the druidic side of the night elves and no problems whatsoever with the long vigil era state, what I really have come to dislike recently is people trying to turn night elves into total forest elves rather than a race that is bigger than just one aspect. The Night elf I fell in love was totally diverse having strong dark elf identity through the pre-sundering arcane era and the current day highborne/Moonguard etc, strong forest elf identity via the druids and huntresses, with this Amazonian female warrior leader that had a forest and city side (if you read WotA) to it, and the edgey hard knock life Demon hunter. It is diverse, having from very rich to very humble, very edgey to very lawful. I loved this and it fit, they feel like a full proper race, just like you have different types of humans - and I like that they don't need to have sub-raecs to do this, but also appreciate sub races like the Nightborne and this nature race I'm proposing here, as well. Now they can have a Darnassian name for "Chilrdern of the Forest" so night elves can be understood for what they are, Children of the Stars - ranging from arcane, to nature, to Elune, to fel etc - while the Nightborne focus mainly on the arcane half of the Nelves, and this forest race focus mainly on the nature half.

    I also think this is also what a real allied race would be like, tbh, of the current lot, only Vulpera are truly different, the other could all have been customisation options for main race. I'm glad they are not, they give a certain level of distinction to those particular new groups.

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    Which is exactly what this thread is about: some additional character customization. :-)
    Yes indeed. I have noticed blood elves getting the following new features:

    1. Blue eyes - this is a grab from the alliance high elves
    2. Red eyes/pale undead skin - this is actually now effectively giving them San'layn and darkfallen as customisable options
    3. New jewelry neck pieces and body jewelry - this is extending their high nobility elf
    4. New adjustable ear sizes - this is bold and new, no one expected or even asked for it, but i'm sure it's appreciated (this opens up half elf options)
    5. blue hair options - a grab from void elves

    This shows me and gives me hope to expect both more options in many areas, and certain things also from Nightborne. Just like void elves are from blood elves, Nightborne are from Night elves , so I wouldn't be surprised if certain options make it through. My hope list is

    1. Eyebrows separated from hairstyle for males, and various eyebrow options for females
    2. Slimmer body build option likely grabbed from the Nightborne which I believe was originally intended to be the Highborne model, so Nelves will not get the full model, but the body size.
    3. Jewelry options - this is specifically designed for both Highborne and Moon Priest type characters, male will share some
    4. Adjustable ear sizes is likely going to come
    5. Tattoos and features - I think this will include things like tattoos on males, arcane features - whether tattoos or glowing hands etc, leaves in hair, stars in hair
    6. New Nelf male faces - especially if new body size comes, but it's been one of the biggest requests for Nelf males.

    Many new hairstyles, beards etc, especially on males again, but ofc, new ones for females, we've already seen some female ones. I feel night elf changes will incorporate a lot of what blood elves get. I doubt there will be as many eye colour variations.

    emerald dream green

    might get undead green
    might get fel green
    might get violet tinged silver
    might get purple

    red is a slim possibility because of the dark ranger

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    You may have missed the news that the Alliance fans voicing for flesh colored skins for their Void Elves have just gotten them. ;-)
    Yes,this makes me think that both Nightborne and night elves are going to get key features from each other, like Raven and others were saying, probably body size at least, I don't expect night elves to get Nightborne ears, if they do, it's basically saying some Nightborne are identifying themselves as night elves, and I don't think that is happening, and shouldn't happen without major lore developments. i.e. it shouldn't be thrown in there, so Nelf slimmer bodies should have Nelf ears if they get it.

    The real difference to night elves this will make is if we actually get nice looking NElves, especially male faces.

    For Nightborne:
    I would recommend as NElves get the slimmer body, they get a Nelf bulky body option
    I also recommend giving them the BELf casting animations or at least a different one to the Night elf

    Some have suggested the ability to choose between belf and void elf racials for void elves, seeing that the void racials dono't really fit if your character is a high elf - id ont't hink that is necessarily true, you could be a high elf void elf like Alleria - it means that void elf is not as racial ly a dmearkation as it first was believed to be by players.

    This would also be the case if the body sizes get exchanged for the Night group - we are in this position because it was the night elf sub race blizzard gave to the horde, and the blood elf one they gave tot he alliance, and need exists on the alliance ones to have some of those features. For the alliance, need existed to have high elf options to match the high elves that were already there. On the night elves, how can you make a highborne type model, and completely ignore the race the highborne are actually onand playable? It is likely some of those features, like jewlery and body size will cross over, whereas Nightborne really as night elven folk could use many of the extra hair colours skin tones and styles from the night elf crowd. They don't have to have the body type though.
    Last edited by Mace; 2020-05-31 at 10:41 AM.

  9. #549
    Well, if they do what you want with the night elves, good for you, I guess we can finally stop having topics arguing about whether high elves should be or highborne are real, cos as far as elves are concerned, you can play any type you want on both factions - the real differnece is now back to the story and the group, rather than whether their skin is pale, or they're thin and look majestic.

    I know where you are coming from, night elves can and should be able to look majestic because of the highborne group, I even see your points Mace, that it does much more good for NElves - but the only relevant point is that it is part of night elf lore. If it wasn't part of night elf lore I would never be on board with it.

    I just don't care that much anyway. It doesn't make a difference to me. I like blood elves because they're dicks, and dno't mess around pandering to people's feelings, they will take you out if you get in their way of power, no more will they be abused or trampled on like Garithos and Arthas did. Whether Void elves get peach skin tones or alliance get playable high elves will never make them Blood elves. they will never have green eyes. And as for Nightborne, you can have nightborne for all i care, we can share them, we can have them, doesn't matter to me, Lightforged were a better option I still feel. I don't really care if night elves get skinny frames or majestic ornamented stuff - they've both always just been night elves so nothing new here. If it makes you happy good for you.

  10. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I must disagree. That would not make much sense, since it was already established in Cataclysm that the Shen'dralar rejoined the Night Elven society. Their mage trainers were to be found in different locations in Teldrassil, and the Shen'dralar leader Mordent Evenshade even participated in the Battle for Darkshore, where he was stationed at Ashwood Depot.

    Which is exactly what this thread is about: some additional character customization. :-)
    I know it does not make sense....thats why i said the costum part after it.
    But lets be real....lightforged dreanei, void elves and mechagnomes make less sense as highborn....all 3 are not even species. Hell naga or vry kul for the alliance makes more sense as allied races.

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    You may have missed the news that the Alliance fans voicing for flesh colored skins for their Void Elves have just gotten them. ;-)
    Yeah and we love it.....not...
    Its a spit in our faces. we hoped for ages for high elves.
    They said: Nope, aint going to happen. that would be to much like blood elves.
    we where sad about it. But accepted it. Now after a month of thinking...they did a 180 and we can now high elf looking void elves.
    But its still not a high elf race, with lore, heroes, racials etc behind them. So its a slap in the face.
    Just like the fact they will not add ( most likely) this night elf option to the game.

    Alliance is just a after thought. This high elf debacle just showed it.

  11. #551
    I'd by happy with Nightborne themed jewelry for Night Elves if it looked like this.

    Nightborne jewelry on the player models is a BIG joke. There's not even any variation in color.

  12. #552
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonrage View Post
    I'd by happy with Nightborne themed jewelry for Night Elves if it looked like this.

    Nightborne jewelry on the player models is a BIG joke. There's not even any variation in color.
    I would be fine with everything just silver.

  13. #553
    Azshara's jewelry also doesn't look too bad.

    Last edited by Moonrage; 2020-05-31 at 02:11 PM.

  14. #554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonrage View Post
    I'd by happy with Nightborne themed jewelry for Night Elves if it looked like this.

    Nightborne jewelry on the player models is a BIG joke. There's not even any variation in color.
    These are exactly what the Nightborne have and is kinda invented by them. Sorry, but you just gave an good example of what they shoud not do.

    Night elves should get something else that is unique to them, and not just copy paste/steal stuff from the nightborne imo. The Nightborne fans have been begging and pointing out to the devs that the nightborne player model lacks everything compared to the Original nightborne we fell in love with and it would feel little harsh, when the race itself doesn't loo like that and night elves would suddenly get those options.
    If anything, maybe smaller smaller pieces on ears and neck, maybe some ear/finger/ ring/armor in silver would be pretty cool for night elfs, but here are few examples showing what a nightborne should be and not a night elf

    The right one is a weird halfling that went live and looks to much like a night elf. The thing is.. what ever you want to share from the nightborne model if will Always look like a nigthborne, The actual difing traits such as differnt ears, differnt ear armor color options or arcane glowing hair and fingertops like the npc never made it into the player hands and what we are left with are few things that sets them apart which are their posture, eyes and the slim body. So there is not much room, unless they expand the nightborne options greatly and lets us look like the npcs, then I believe there is room to see what options we can share not the other way around imo.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2020-05-31 at 02:36 PM.

  15. #555
    The nightborn jewelry looks way to bulky for my taste, for night elfs, independent of their type, I would prefer more filigree stuff.

  16. #556
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    These are exactly what the Nightborne have and is kinda invented by them. Sorry, but you just gave an good example of what they shoud not do.

    Night elves should get something else that is unique to them, and not just copy paste/steal stuff from the nightborne imo.
    They didn't invent it, it's just ancient highborne fashion. Azshara wears similar earrings to these, see my post above.

    Night elf and Nightborne fashion is pretty similar as well. Compare the Night Elf huntress armor to the armor the Nightborne guards wear.

  17. #557
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    I would be fine with everything just silver.
    Tbh, the Nightborne theme is kaldorei civilization, and should be very similar to their highborne, both Shen'dralar and returning ones. I've wondered how much of the Nightborne stuff is actually not night elven.

    As far as I can tell, ALL of it is night elven - I don't think blizzard set out to create a non-night elven group here, they set out to create a kaldorei pre-sundering civilization that had continued on in that culture, to become a new type of elf, or more accurately a new type of night elf (i.e. a Nelf sub race). From the city it is set in, the symbology, the lore, the culture, bestiary, it's all night elven, but the highborne variety, pre-sundering civilization.

    It is quite possible that jwewelry is night elven, while clothes may have afaded and new ones harder to come by with dwindling resources, jewelry is far more long lasting. It is also possible new styles could have arisen though. There is no record of those Egyptian style jewelry chin pieces.. however that could have been a regional thing in th e pre-sundering era, afterall, the night elves were a huge empire, they were not all the same, and the long vigil survivors start a new type of life having to completely change things because of the ban on using arcane magic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    These are exactly what the Nightborne have and is kinda invented by them. Sorry, but you just gave an good example of what they shoud not do.
    I feel what Alanar says is what it should be.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonrage View Post
    They didn't invent it, it's just ancient highborne fashion. Azshara wears similar earrings to these, see my post above.

    Night elf and Nightborne fashion is pretty similar as well. Compare the Night Elf huntress armor to the armor the Nightborne guards wear.
    But I think what Moongrage has said here is basically what it is.

    BUt then this is has usually been the case with the elves, I mean blood elf and high elf stuff is very similar, usually just a colour change, and tthat was more to fit in iwith the horde colour themes, they areally are the same elves, the eyes were the change that story affected.

    For Nightborne again, the ears are the change the story affected, that and the bodies had to be skinny to match with the starvation line. But then thin is what casters are so you wouldn't be surprised if body size carries over to highborne but ears don't.

  18. #558
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    They don't have to have the body type though.
    Well when you think about it, it's not like blood elves are getting void elf skin tones , they don't need it, even if they're getting the blue hair option. What seems to be happening here is an effort to give the players options that exist in lore an appearance that fits.

    Rather than trying to go "oh this horde elf or alliance Elf" they're going right. What does the alliance have:

    1. High elves in it, normal high elves and high elves training in the void - therefore it makes sense that void elves have lighter skin tones representing this.
    2. What do blood elves have? Well not all in lore would have green eyes, as some High elves returned as blood elves, furthermore, some are undead, dark fallen or san'layn, plus some are dark skinned in lore (see Twilight of the Aspects - Krasus assistant). Therefore why should blood elves be restricted from having blue eyes?

    If you carry the same argument over to the night elves
    1. Some night elves are Highborne, this includes the playable ones, not just the extra faction ones like Moonguard, Farondis and loners. The Darnassians have a highborne caste led by the Shen'dralar highborne - these are going to be thinner more majestic types so
    a) thinner body tone on the Nightborne makes sense there
    b) a more arrogant pose/stance also makes sense - i.e. just port the model in and give it night elf ears and skin tones, hair etc
    c) extravagant jewelry is warranted, not just the ones available on Nightborne, but a wider range which can also be used on Nightborne.

    2. Some Nightborne are bound to have night elven features, because they are night elves and the Arcan'dor is supposed to be reversing the imbalance caused by the Nightwell. This means
    a) skin tones returning to original night elven + some new variations = all the new night elf skin tones can be ported
    b) hair colours returning to original = all the Nelf ones can also go over, but maybe leave the green ones out because of their lack of green nature
    c) Bulking up - this is also a possibility too, they have full on proper food now, and many are training as warriors, hunters, rogues, - very physical lines of work, muscle is bound to build = night elf body tones - because that's what they are, no point giving them Belf bodies or human ones, they're night elves.
    d) ears will be the biggest distinction, so they keep the upturned ears, ears are the one thing that armore doesn't hide either, and to be honest, I can't tell the difference between Nelf and Ngithborne females moving all covered up, until I see their ears, and it's clear.

    They are not supposed to be a different race anyway, just a sub-race.

    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post
    There's 10,000 years of difference between Night Elves and Nightborne.
    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post

    There's a 1 year of difference between a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.

    I want Nightborne to get better looking eyes but I don't think there's any logic to giving them Night Elf features and vice versa.

    I think it's more a case of what the elves represent, the Nightborne were a highborne, kaldorei pre-sundering based group. Thinner type bodies is what you'd expect for caster types anyway, so it makes sense for Night elves to have this representing Highborne types and caster Moon priest types.

    I don'tthink the Nightborne need the Nelf body type, but it's up to blizzard if they give it to them. I keep suspecting many people don't understand why Nightborne exist, they keep thinking they're some new 3rd category of elf, because they don't know Kaldorei lore basically, and Suramar city and arcane magic wielding night elves seems so far removed from their impression of Nelves, - they actually considered all the Highborne lore as either blood elven or not relevant to night elves, and that was so incorrect, which is why they failed to notice Suramar is exactly the Night elf city and culture described in war of the ancients, it's like the art dev team were briefed on the pages of the book and they delved into kaldorei highborne (Shen'dralar) and pre-sundering culture.

    it's quite clear to see, but for those who've never read the books, don't really do night elves, so maybe they levelled one for kicks, and saw lots of forests and animal stuff, and just missed the more subtler clues. Night elves have always been this contrasting group. The sharp contrast of males and females which while changing in Wow a bit, was so clear in their original rendition, also the sharp contrast between arcane civilization and nature - both are night elven, the Nightborne aren't some new catergory of elf at all, they're basically like what Highmoutnain are to tauren, or void elves to blood elves, or darks spears to zanadlari. And Suramar can't get more night elven if it tried, though it focuses on the arcane side.

    Saying that, whether 10k years or 1, just like void elves, it is magic that altered he Nightborne, but the Nightborne alteration is less marked and takes place gradually over the millennia, so for the first 3-5 millennia, these guys would have been looking exactly like kaldorei.

    Also game models are a bit misleading, you will naturally have skinny kaldorei as well as fatter ones, but the game models dont' reflect this, the Nightborne are bone skinny from the art work, which means that the game model is being generous compared to the lore, this is because of them subsisting largely on arcwine rather than real food, however by the time we get to play them, the Arcan'dor is devised and a great healing process has started, it reverses withering even, basically nullifying the alterations of the Nightwell.

    This actually means, that Nightborne are just night elves, with very minor changes, reverse the nightwell effects, and start eating normal food, you're going to have skinny Nightborne bu you're also going to get ones who start looking ripped like Nelves they once were, natural colours are going to start returning, even the skinny ones aren't going to be bone skinny, just caster skinny - which is something the Highborne caster would be..

    However , lore aside, question is, should they? Should they get some of these options?
    In my opinion, I think the biggest indication of a highborne cusotmiasation might be a thinner body option. Which means giving a Nightborne model with Night elf ears, skin tones and all the other options available to the kaldorei, also a different pose, so when you are selecting the skinnier model it's clear this is highborne, for while a bulkier model could aso be highborne, this one clearly is.

    I think sharing the same pose as Nightborne is fine, because Nightborne don't just develop new cultural attitude and poise, it's clearly the kaldorei pre-sundering civilization one, highborne orientated, and that's exactly what the Nelf caste ones would be anyway, so they should be the same. @Mace they don't have to be ofc, they could be different - but why do that work, when this is what they are in lore? It's like giving yourself extra work to distinguish Highmountain from Tauren when the point is just to give the look with the horns and a different group so you can have greater customisation options.

    It also removes the need for an allied race as @Astranea said.

  19. #559
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    The nightborn jewelry looks way to bulky for my taste, for night elfs, independent of their type, I would prefer more filigree stuff.
    This is what I would prefer too, but then at the end of the day, like high/blood elves have phoenix and sun stuff, night group will have moon and stars, it's going to be common to both at the end of the day because those two groups are related.

    I would hope that they would do things slightly different for the night elves, it depends on what they envision highborne as. For me it's the original majestic elf in its full glory, , i mostly imagine this as a night elf level but more extravagantly rich and lavish, more stylish and chique - these guys wer enot in a bubble in Eldre'thalas, they had access to resources as welll as magic to continue to make the things they need, and once rejoined with the night elven community in the north, they'd have had access to a lot of things.

    Nightborne love traditions, what re those traditions? They are highborne night elven ones, it's likely the only thing taht's new about the Nightborne is their attire, forced ot have to use the arcane to augment their clothing, and basically running out of varieties, the fashion style at least of the clothes would have cahnged, but maybe not the jewelry.

    Still I would prefer it to be a little different.

    I think for example that the night elves should get the real silver and gold stuff, while the nightborne should have gotten jewlery that glows with arcane energy, like moon earings that are glowing. But they missed their chance to do that, and this could instead serve as Highborne jewelry.

    I do suspect the most likely outcome is going to be they will share a similar range. All the arcane stuff from the nightborne will be available to the night elves, and all the stuff from the night elves would be availble ot the nightborne except for the speicific wood/forest related stuff, e.g. leaves in hair or green hair colours.

  20. #560
    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    This is what I would prefer too, but then at the end of the day, like high/blood elves have phoenix and sun stuff, night group will have moon and stars, it's going to be common to both at the end of the day because those two groups are related.

    I would hope that they would do things slightly different for the night elves, it depends on what they envision highborne as. For me it's the original majestic elf in its full glory, , i mostly imagine this as a night elf level but more extravagantly rich and lavish, more stylish and chique - these guys wer enot in a bubble in Eldre'thalas, they had access to resources as welll as magic to continue to make the things they need, and once rejoined with the night elven community in the north, they'd have had access to a lot of things.

    Nightborne love traditions, what re those traditions? They are highborne night elven ones, it's likely the only thing taht's new about the Nightborne is their attire, forced ot have to use the arcane to augment their clothing, and basically running out of varieties, the fashion style at least of the clothes would have cahnged, but maybe not the jewelry.

    Still I would prefer it to be a little different.

    I think for example that the night elves should get the real silver and gold stuff, while the nightborne should have gotten jewlery that glows with arcane energy, like moon earings that are glowing. But they missed their chance to do that, and this could instead serve as Highborne jewelry.

    I do suspect the most likely outcome is going to be they will share a similar range. All the arcane stuff from the nightborne will be available to the night elves, and all the stuff from the night elves would be availble ot the nightborne except for the speicific wood/forest related stuff, e.g. leaves in hair or green hair colours.
    Well they sure don't love traditions regarding Elune so I don't agree on moon crest stuff for Nightborne. Beside that, the chance that night born get anything is very little to me. For me it would be fine if the Shen'dralar stuff is much more inspired by the night elf style then the Suramar/Zin'Azshari style highborn, maybe these people were thinking more about uncover the worlds secret then thinking about how to develop bad fashion taste. This would also explain why all their ingame NPC mostly wearing very simple robes. Even the Shen'dralar in the Darkshore Warfront only wears a simple robe.

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