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This is what I would prefer too, but then at the end of the day, like high/blood elves have phoenix and sun stuff, night group will have moon and stars, it's going to be common to both at the end of the day because those two groups are related.
I would hope that they would do things slightly different for the night elves, it depends on what they envision highborne as. For me it's the original majestic elf in its full glory, , i mostly imagine this as a night elf level but more extravagantly rich and lavish, more stylish and chique - these guys wer enot in a bubble in Eldre'thalas, they had access to resources as welll as magic to continue to make the things they need, and once rejoined with the night elven community in the north, they'd have had access to a lot of things.
Nightborne love traditions, what re those traditions? They are highborne night elven ones, it's likely the only thing taht's new about the Nightborne is their attire, forced ot have to use the arcane to augment their clothing, and basically running out of varieties, the fashion style at least of the clothes would have cahnged, but maybe not the jewelry.
Still I would prefer it to be a little different.
I think for example that the night elves should get the real silver and gold stuff, while the nightborne should have gotten jewlery that glows with arcane energy, like moon earings that are glowing. But they missed their chance to do that, and this could instead serve as Highborne jewelry.
I do suspect the most likely outcome is going to be they will share a similar range. All the arcane stuff from the nightborne will be available to the night elves, and all the stuff from the night elves would be availble ot the nightborne except for the speicific wood/forest related stuff, e.g. leaves in hair or green hair colours.