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Trolls in the same boat too , although blizzcon did highlight some intended troll changes, there has been little development too. I would hope they had something a little bit more exciting for trolls incoming, blizzcon only hinted at sand troll and forest trooll customisations but the body markings seemed a repeat of what Mag'har orcs got. Two big distinctions for trolls I'd like to see is ear type variations like goblins are getting, but also body size - if we could get amani/drakkari sizes then it's GAME on baby. Some proper jungle troll skins and feature - I never understood why we got so many blue/purple tones for Darkspears who are supposed to be largely green jungle trolls _ I guess this happened in classic beta, when they switched the troll model to resemble the night elf one a little more closely, they changed their ears, body size and purpled them up a bit more - but didn't alter the jungle and forest troll lore themes.
As for night elves...I don't think their ears need to point upwards to show Highborne ancestry - Highborne isn't ancestral to night elves, it is night elven, it is only ancestral to Thalassian elves who are altered descendants of Highborne (I.e Highborne that became an elven race of their own) and to Nightborne who changed from the original. IN effect the night elf ears and all is the original Highborne - but if they do decide to vary the ears that way, it would alter our perception of the lore.
Night elves are getting ear size shifts, same as blood elves, one preview image showed gigantic ears on a female with new hairstyles, but the shape was same. I use to imagine elf ear angles actually altered and moved based on the elf's expression, that Thalassian angling upwards was just an in game alteration to make them look a little more distinct, but in reality the ear angle could be changed by the elf at will and reflected the mood. Stress, high concentration, alertness would angle the ears upwards. Relaxed, normal, serene, at peace would be the normal angle we see on night elves. Embarrassed would have the ears fold outward a bit more like goblins and disappointed, depressed, crying sad would let them droop downwards..
Nightborne ears are different from both, so it was nothing to do with being Highborne, night borne ears unlike the other two, curl upwards, a bit more like Zandalari ears. They are night elf ears in angle, but they tip curls upwards instead of tapers. Meanwhile Thalassian ears are the same shape as NElf ears but with an angle that's higher. We use to think that Highborne might have high elf ears for obvious reason, but these seem to be a classic statue error by the arts team. Still another explanation could exist, it actually could have been a trait of the Sunstrider Highborne and no t a result of the devolution the exile caused. But the comic pictures of Darth'remar while giving him orange/blonde hair in purple skin seems to have left his ears night elven.
But this makes sense, night elf is the original elf, they are to elves what Zandalari are to trolls. You get the full range of elf qualities and attributes in night elves while the other elf off shoots are missing a few things. The arcane heritage the elves get come from the night elves. It is the night elves that produce the Highborne, they are simply night elves the Queen would pick out for honours and membership of the exclusive court because of their talent in magic. They would presumably be in all shades and types..however different communities could have unique characteristics based on their geographic location. e.g. the Shen'dralar could be paler than your usual night elf as Brann observed, while this would not have been true for the Highborne in Suramar/Azsuna or in Zin'Azshari who would have a larger mix - Azshara 's electric blue, Xavius was dark purple..
Upward pointing ears might be a good indication, but personally, I would prefer skinnier body size in an adjusted more arrogant pose and prettier faces as the main calling card, leaving the ears night elven. Skinnier less muscular is more indicative of both a caster and the more noble types who presumably would do less physical work and use magic more often to do so. The more confident, regal pose is also indicative of "the highest caste of the nobility". Prettier /better looking faces especially on the males attests to the greater vanity and care for appearances the caste is more notorious for. And this is how you would distinguish them.
So they may end up having thin bodies like Nightborne (the Nightborne model is the night elf model exactly skinnier) - but I haven't honestly considered if they gave that body size option then altered the ears - I'd accept it, but I would keep the NElf ears the same - Nightborne do look a lot more night elven with their ears the same.. Elisande/Aluriel and a few others had regular NElf ears, and in Legion beta, all Nightborne females had NElf ears - which I felt was prettier.
What would be interesting is if they gave Nightborne the Nelf ear option and body size option. I was a bit surprised the Arcan'dor restored the Nightborne original ear type, after withering changed it back, the Arcan'dor is supposed to heal the effects of the nightwell. So if they give Nightborne Nelf ears, this would explain it. Also I feel bulkier Nelf bodies would also get that explanation, they're actually eating full on proper food, excercising a lot more especially on classes like warriors/rogues/monks and hunters - they would build bulk with the Arcan'dor continuing to heal.
It is easy to see Nelves with slimmer bodies, but not altered ears, it is easy to see Nighbtborne though with more muscular bodies and NElf ears.