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  1. #741
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    ...Yes? Your point? I have no idea why you just said that.
    Ion is that you? I want my stars and magic on my night elf - thanks for the vines and the beards.. now gimme the jewels and the star effects

  2. #742
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Ion is that you? I want my stars and magic on my night elf - thanks for the vines and the beards.. now gimme the jewels and the star effects Here ya go...

    Just DM him bro. See if he'll respond or not.

    Seriously though, it's not completely out of the loop to think that the team's got some Highborne customization options down for the Night Elves.

  3. #743
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    I have been asked to try and edit in-game faces number 2, 4 and 7 to make them look younger.

    Since I was working on it, I decided to go for some color edits as well.

    I think these would look awesome for the Night Elf males - Highborne or not.

    Last edited by Astranea; 2020-07-05 at 12:46 PM.

  4. #744
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I have been asked to try and edit in-game faces number 2, 4 and 7 to make them look younger.

    Since I was working on it, I decided to go for some color edits as well.

    I think these would look awesome for the Night Elf males - Highborne or not.

    There are amazing, he looks much better and finally gives some alternative choices to what we have.

    Be sure to edit on the image that blizzard are free to use these if they desire, afteral, it's their images - or something to the effect, this would clear up any legal issues which I believe sometimes prevents them from using exact examples fans put up. It's very important that.

    Really good job. Face 7 looks the best too. As I can't see the side elevation, is the nose slightly hooked i.e. aquiline? I know the in-game's version of face 7 isn't hooked but straight.

    but yeh, amazing job, makes me wonder why they can't add these 3 extras as faces... if you edit the pictures with permissions, I'm gonnna use it in my new customisation post in the Eu forums, anyone with a US account is free to post it over to the U.S

    I also recommend twitting Chris Robinson with your mockups as well. It will help.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post Here ya go...

    Just DM him bro. See if he'll respond or not.

    Seriously though, it's not completely out of the loop to think that the team's got some Highborne customization options down for the Night Elves.
    Haha, yeh, I wonder if he will notice if we ALL tweet him, show we're interested, also tweet Chris Robinson.

  5. #745
    You missed the point. My point was that Ion's not going to listen cause he's worried about other shit rn, and other developers there are doing their own things as well.

  6. #746
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Be sure to edit on the image that blizzard are free to use these if they desire.
    Erhm, lol, are you really sure that's necessary? It's their assets to start with, and everything that gets posted on the official forums as a suggestion becomes their own as far as I know!

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Face 7 looks the best
    Won't deny it is my favorite as well. As for the nose, I honestly think it's straight, just thinner than the noses on other faces.
    Probably just the shading doing a trick.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    I also recommend twitting Chris Robinson with your mockups as well.
    The image has already been posted on Twitter with a tag to WarcraftDevs, but feel free to retweet it or post it anywhere you like!

    I really don't think we need any disclaimers? I have seen nobody do anything like that despite of the many talented artists constantly suggesting Blizzard what they could do. I'd think Blizzard would have let the fanbase know they should add specific lines of text if it was necessary?

    But if you insist, I could go for a "Original assets owned by Blizzard - custom edits free to reuse" or something such?
    Last edited by Astranea; 2020-07-05 at 10:49 PM.

  7. #747
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post

    But if you insist, I could go for a "Original assets owned by Blizzard - custom edits free to reuse" or something such?
    Yes, definitely, just to be sure, it removes any legal issues that may prevent things like that been used even though the original asset is theirs.

  8. #748
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Yes, definitely, just to be sure, it removes any legal issues that may prevent things like that been used even though the original asset is theirs.
    Here you go:

  9. #749
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Really wish we could have a pale ‘moonglow’ skin tone as seen in this Highborne edit posted by everlastingblackjack on Reddit:

    The antique silver jewelry is also awesome and would be a perfect fit for both Highborne and Night Elf priesthood.
    Last edited by Astranea; 2020-08-20 at 05:28 PM.

  10. #750
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    Really wish we could have a pale ‘moonglow’ skin tone as seen in this Highborne edit posted by everlastingblackjack on Reddit:

    The antique silver jewelry is also awesome and would be a perfect fit for both Highborne and Night Elf priesthood.
    Oh, that looks gorgeous.. I really like that hairstyle too, but if the people who do these mockups with assets currently not available in game don't expressly state that blizzard can use them, then it's unlikely we'll see them.

    Sad but true, even if they're really cool. But this is beautiful, would be nice to have that skin tone for sure.

  11. #751
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Oh, that looks gorgeous.. I really like that hairstyle too, but if the people who do these mockups with assets currently not available in game don't expressly state that blizzard can use them, then it's unlikely we'll see them.

    Sad but true, even if they're really cool. But this is beautiful, would be nice to have that skin tone for sure.
    About the legal matter, I’ve asked in the forums but I think I will also log a ticket about that. We need a straightforward statement from Blizzard on this, one way or another, so we can either relax or inform the community without any form of doubt.

  12. #752
    I was watching the Suramar introductory cinematic earlier, I noticed the Highbourne using the Arcane before they changed to Nightbourne. It was a model cinematic and those Night Elves definitely had regal hair and Highbourne skin, it's not like they don't have the actual customisations.

  13. #753
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharnie786 View Post
    I was watching the Suramar introductory cinematic earlier, I noticed the Highbourne using the Arcane before they changed to Nightbourne. It was a model cinematic and those Night Elves definitely had regal hair and Highbourne skin, it's not like they don't have the actual customisations.
    Can you post a screenshot? I have never seen that.

  14. #754
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    Can you post a screenshot? I have never seen that.
    I didn't see highborne skin and hair, but perhaps I watched a different cinematic. They just looked like Night Elves to me, even at 0:38 in when they are shown working on the magical barrier: I could have missed something, however.

  15. #755
    The Patient Astranea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    The antique silver jewelry is also awesome and would be a perfect fit for both Highborne and Night Elf priesthood.

    (Art by Moira-TheVentureCo on the WoW EU Forum)

  16. #756
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post

    (Art by Moira-TheVentureCo on the WoW EU Forum)
    It would be so lovely if blizz did something like this.

    Off course they'd have to add some additional unique options to fit each category.

    Illidari is already set anyway, thanks to the demon hunter class, and ofc it can actually be the only option available for a warlock class for night elves

    Highborne additional options could include more jewellery colours, more diamonds - representing stars, I'm still a big fan of star effects like the balance druid's astral form, , star effects on hair, and a star constellation tattoo option - I think this would be magical looking enough .

    Star effects on hair would be an alternative to vines, so you can toggle between stars and vines.

    A unique Highborne only option could be a thinner model (i.e. the Nightborne skeleton but with night elf features, but I'm sure some priests and hunters would like that option too so I'm not sure it should e unique)

    Dark ranger options would share the Dk skins and use them in their template, ofc you one way they could make it work is that you can only choose dark ranger undead for hunter, rogue and DK classes only, just like Illidari can only be available for Demon n hunter and Warlock ( could extend to rogue/warrior - but really the DH is kind of like a fusion of most of the melee classes with some serious spell power behind - so it sort of makes no point to have Illidari available for rogues/warriors, but some people might want the look - up to blizz to decide. Warlock ofc makes sense, we know Illidari from lore command demons, use them for their purposes, not because they idolise them like normal warlocks do, but to achieve their ends, and they're powerful spell casters, which is why a range option was requested for the DH, that problem can be solved by allowing Illidari to be Fel Lord warlocks, a special type of warlock in the Illidari tradition of hating demons and using them ruthlessly, it's essentially the warlock class, but a different take on in, like the blood knights and tidesages are for paladins and shaman. ofc their default fire would be green, but you can glyph normal fire if you want.


  17. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharnie786 View Post
    I was watching the Suramar introductory cinematic earlier, I noticed the Highbourne using the Arcane before they changed to Nightbourne. It was a model cinematic and those Night Elves definitely had regal hair and Highbourne skin, it's not like they don't have the actual customisations.
    Just night elves.. options nothing new was there. Thalyssra had a unique face thats it.

  18. #758
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Just night elves.. options nothing new was there. Thalyssra had a unique face thats it.
    nope, watch it again. At one point she talks about the Highbourne casting soells and you see 3 to 4 mages with white elegant hair. Check the one Night Elf with white hair at 0:17 of that vid and then you see the casters at 0:37 with elegant white hair, bluey white eyes on the male and reddish pale skin.
    Night Elves NEED long hair to the ground and more elegant/regal beautiful options to show their Highbourne heritage

  19. #759
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharnie786 View Post
    nope, watch it again. At one point she talks about the Highbourne casting soells and you see 3 to 4 mages with white elegant hair. Check the one Night Elf with white hair at 0:17 of that vid and then you see the casters at 0:37 with elegant white hair, bluey white eyes on the male and reddish pale skin.
    Nope, I checked it twice.
    Your 0:17 is just excisting night elf male options.
    And lol 0;37 those are recolored wrath pvp headpieces in the color white.

    Sorry realy want to see something which isnt realy there. Even if its a differnt eye color for the cinamatic, it looks exactly like the white pupils which we will get anyway. Also smart camera work can help with these types of things.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2020-08-24 at 06:18 AM.

  20. #760
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Nope, I checked it twice.
    Your 0:17 is just excisting night elf male options.
    And lol 0;37 those are recolored wrath pvp headpieces in the color white.

    Sorry realy want to see something which isnt realy there. Even if its a differnt eye color for the cinamatic, it looks exactly like the white pupils which we will get anyway. Also smart camera work can help with these types of things.
    I did, too, and saw what you saw, Alanar.

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