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  1. #761
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    I did, too, and saw what you saw, Alanar.
    Yea... thanks, luckily I was on time to stop the nonsense.

  2. #762
    The Suramar intro video is just a light effect change.

    There isn't any recolouring, the ambience affects the hue the skin is given, they just chose a standard NElf hue, one of the lighterones.

    All this means is that there are certain hues and hairstyles that are more associated with HIghborne. They're not stated explicityly, but they are given to represent that side of the night elves.

    What we really want is something that can make it quite obvious, like a magical effect like stars, star tattoos, star hair effect as an alternative to vines, or slimmer body option, a mark of distinction that it's a bit more obvious this is Highborne based.
    Last edited by Mace; 2020-08-26 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #763
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post

    What I really want is something that can make it quite obvious, like a magical effect like stars, star tattoos, star hair effect as an alternative to vines, or slimmer body option, a mark of distinction that it's a bit more obvious this is Highborne based.
    It's all you mace.. no we.. just you.

  4. #764
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    It's all you mace.. no we.. just you.
    Well, I wouldn't mind tattoos like the Nightborne and slimmer body options, to be honest

  5. #765
    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    Well, I wouldn't mind tattoos like the Nightborne and slimmer body options, to be honest
    I would like a more muscular and a slimmer body type and tattoos like the Nightborne would be rather nice for my Night Elf mage....

  6. #766
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    It's all you mace.. no we.. just you.
    You were saying Alanar?

  7. #767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    You were saying Alanar?
    I see you are back, trying again to get nightborne stuff.
    Let it rest man, you and raven were fighting for your life, but sadly failed...

    So why return?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    Well, I wouldn't mind tattoos like the Nightborne and slimmer body options, to be honest
    Ofc they are better looking.

    I would suggest reroll, the thing that you guys seem to miss, is the problem that Nightborne have almost nothing that make them stand out.

    Taking away the star stuff or slim bodies would be slap in the face. Night elves got the new stuff and it clearly shows what direction they want to push them. So for that matter I am not worried that line would be blurred, since its not s broad request just you.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2020-08-27 at 07:17 AM.

  8. #768
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Ofc they are better looking.
    Personally I don't think so, they look sickly thin and certain thinkgs still have still the same size as night elfs, which look really weired. I also don't like the ears on the PC model, the got the Dumbo syndrom.

  9. #769
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I see you are back, trying again to get nightborne stuff.
    Let it rest man, you and raven were fighting for your life, but sadly failed...

    So why return?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ofc they are better looking.

    I would suggest reroll, the thing that you guys seem to miss, is the problem that Nightborne have almost nothing that make them stand out.

    Taking away the star stuff or slim bodies would be slap in the face. Night elves got the new stuff and it clearly shows what direction they want to push them. So for that matter I am not worried that line would be blurred, since its not s broad request just you.
    I'm not as passionate as others here about wanting these changes. I'm just saying it would be cool to have those two things. That's all. No need to reroll, but that is a good idea for others who are more passionate about this.

  10. #770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    Personally I don't think so, they look sickly thin and certain thinkgs still have still the same size as night elfs, which look really weired. I also don't like the ears on the PC model, the got the Dumbo syndrom.
    I agree, tho sadly those are the only things that make them different right now. Next to arcane hands,hair and their eye shape which are all missing on player models.

    I would just like to see an increase in their costumization, just build on what is already there.. looking at their noc models. They have 3 skin colors and same face sydrom as well.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    I'm not as passionate as others here about wanting these changes. I'm just saying it would be cool to have those two things. That's all. No need to reroll, but that is a good idea for others who are more passionate about this.
    Yea sometimes its for the better.. imo. But Night elves got some realy nice options and fit with the forest elf vibe that they seem to push with shadowlands, I have a feeling the arcane will most stay where they belong now and that is with its current lore the nightborne. Just my prediction.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2020-08-27 at 12:44 PM.

  11. #771
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    I accidentally clicked the link of a spam comment here and now I think I'm scared my laptop's gonna get phished; I hope clearing cache and the whole browsing history the past hours is enough
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  12. #772
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post

    Yea sometimes its for the better.. imo. But Night elves got some realy nice options and fit with the forest elf vibe that they seem to push with shadowlands, I have a feeling the arcane will most stay where they belong now and that is with its current lore the nightborne. Just my prediction.
    They will argue about the kaldorei arcane root and legacy, yaddy yaddy yaddy - remember that huge topic. And fair enough the night elf is intrinsically arcane based even if most don't follow the mage order and the high arcane usage - while I acknowledge priestesses of the moon and balance druids weave the arcane, it's nothing on the level of the mage.

    If you ask me, what they should do is align the Highborne closer to the Nightborne - rather than what the alliance highborne fans have been asking - which is bring the nightborne closer to the night elves.

    This is because we have a well done night elf sub-race on the horde, complete with all the kaldorei civilization assets and culture already pre-packaged, it makes much more sense that the kaldorei remaining highborne would be not only more welcome by the nightborne but work more closely with them.

    Ravenmoon And Mace seem to want the Nightborne to drift to the night elves - but I say, let the Highborne start working with the Nightborne and broken isle night elves who are friendly with the Nightborne, this way those who like that highborne, moonguard arcane side of the night elves can have their plot tied in with the Nightborne.

    Blizz can construct something like they are trying to work for some elven unity or peace, so the Highborne collaborate with the Nightborne to try and bring the night elves and blood elves together, since the highborne operate in the alliance and the Nightborne in the horde.. or something like that.

    As Raven pointed out, the Nightborne are just fringe enough to work towards a purpose greater than faction dominance, and the Highborne are exactly the type who'd want to restore the glory and station of their former lives and lead in the present. Meanwhile the rest of the kaldorei don't really care about that - i mean the priest order doesn't care about restoring anything, just the will of Elune, the Druid order cares only about restoring and developing nature. That's a large chunk of the current kaldorei - it stands to resaon the Highborne would be sorta in the middle trying to convince their kin to step up and move forward while the night elves want to go back into seclusion fed up with the other races.

    It could be interesting.. I wrote my proposal here:

    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    @Mace, I think the night elven highborne might be better served as a group that genuinely seeks to pioneer the re-unification of the elves but from the kaldorei pricnipalled standpoint. Hence why they're allied with the Darnassians.

    I think they'd have been better served as identifiably a separate group from the Darnassians, like the Illidari and the Ebon blade, but allied to them - and it is clear it is an alliance, not a re-integration.

    So they seek to restore the confidence and proliferation of the arcane amongst the largest kaldorei community - i.e. the Darnassians, by restoring its confidence in magic and restoring the pride and integrity of the highborne class (no they shouldn't be choosing easy targets, they were the empire leaders and were "glorious" , the Queen's over reaching (which this Highborne group did not approve of, ruined it all). And as such sort of act like a go-between.

    I think the Nightborne would have been perfect as that Illidari/Ebon blade type group, with the Highborne working with them for htis elven unification but operating amongst the night elves while the other Nightborne working with the blood elves.

    Blizz could potentially have ended Suramar as a place where both Highborne and Nightborne now live and work together, with the Highborne working amongst the alliance and the Nightborne amongst the horde. Keeping the Thalassians separate in Eastern Kingdom and the Darnassians separate in Kalimdor.

    This way there is a separation, just like when you think Illidari, you clearly don't think Darnassian druids/priests, nor when you roll a Night elf DK do you think Tyrande/Malfurion, you think Ebon Blade, it fits far better if you were led the same way to think about the Highborne.

    I would propose. The Highborne have been working closely with the broken isle elves, who are quite friendly with the Nightborne - despite the nightborne being on the horde - this is possible because the broken isle native night elves are not alliance elves and haven't been involved with the faction politics at all, not to mention they play a key role in the salvation of the Nightborne through the Arcan'dor and the resistance in Shal'aran before the elven armies showed up, and they were counted in the Nightborne group despite being kaldorei.

    The elves of the broken isle are the ones that seek elven integration and restoration of the fortunes of the elves. This goes well beyond vanity ofc, because the elves are on the verge of extinction, the younger races keep making rash, unwise decisions, and they easily feel that the elves as one really did things the best way. They seek to lead by example, and possibly influence the factions.

    Part of their goals are to reconcile the Darnassians and Thalassians, but also to chaperone /watch and advise with wisdom horde and alliance.

    I just think this plan allows the Nightborne and Highborne to have joint role without involving all the night elves and blood elves and instantly resolving their issues, they could be a new power duo repreesnting the ancient kaldorei as joint effort group working to influence and uinte their brethren, winning some support amongst both Darnassians and Thalassians but obviously resistance as well, and that storyline can play out over time.

    Meanwhile practically, this could come with some extra highborne specific cusotmisations for Night elves, and some additional night elf influenced options for Nightborne.

    Things like the star tattoos and hair etc for night elves, and some more hairstyles, colours and arcane effects for nightborne.

    If they did this, and you clicked Highborne, maybe you would start with a different narrative or an NPC saying something like you've just come from the group that went to the Broken Isles, and you are back to help the Darnassiasns and restore the trust of the kaldorei in their ancient heritage.

    Would that work for you guys?
    - - - Updated - - -

    But I know they wouldn't accept this, because it's not alliance based enough, because they really want the Nightborne over on the alliance, rather than what I think is actually a fair and working compromise that could be very interesting without trying to force Suramar or the nightborne to the alliance.

    Highborne types can interact with the nightborne and Suramar, as welcome guests/kin even if in secret as they plot - so if you role a highborne type character, you kinda an allinace advocate working with the Nightborne more, even while trying to convince your more reluctant Darnassian kin.

    Who knows it may even lead to a broken isle night elven kingdom eventually down the road, where you have nightborne, highborne and broken isle night elves as the progressive ones, open to outsdiers, reform, development, research in the arcane, sometimes dangerous stuff, Illidari, voids etc welcome too = as an evolved new-kaldorei kingdom, while the Kalimdor lot remain like they are, reclusive, austere, removed, isolationist, secluded, passionate about their forest, unwelcoming to outsiders etc.. those who want the more outgoing life drift towards the nightborne led broken isle kidngoom, those who prefer tranquility, quiet, being far removed, exile etc, prefer the northern kalimdor stuff - - this is like more in the future though.

  13. #773
    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    I have been asked to try and edit in-game faces number 2, 4 and 7 to make them look younger.

    Since I was working on it, I decided to go for some color edits as well.

    I think these would look awesome for the Night Elf males - Highborne or not.

    I know it is slightly off topic but could you make some younger faces for blood elves?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  14. #774
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    I don't know, but I am pretty happy with the new customisations for my mage. Dark skin, golden eyes, sexy haircut, nose piercing, fancy ear rings
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  15. #775
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post

    I don't know, but I am pretty happy with the new customisations for my mage. Dark skin, golden eyes, sexy haircut, nose piercing, fancy ear rings
    Yes, the customisations are all very welcome, I feel the necklace, and both paler and darker skin as well as all the new hair colours - arcane pinks, purples, blues and gold, as well as the arcane blue yes and night elf gold previously symbolic of great arcane mastery (before It was also added to mean nature mastery then that was retconned out).

    However I still feel it needs a feature that screams Highborne - arcane master/user - the vines scream Druid, nature lover forest elf, you kinda need something new to scream Highborne /arcane user. Like a magical effect - like stars showering down like the druid's astral form or rotating stars, or stars in hair effect like an atlernative to vines.

    Saying that the original night elf is actually arcane based, most people don't realise cos they don't know the lore.
    The purple skin is symbolic of the arcane well of eternity , and before it was retconned, the silver eyes glow that way because of the arcane power within. the blue and purple hair tones were connected to the arcane heritage.

    Looking at the night elf, it's very appearance alluded to it's arcane heritage, while the customs and characteristics showed an elf group that was laying aside it's heritage and only focusing on nature - for reasons that were explained in the manual.

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