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Darkfallen is tricky because they are currently not part of Quel'thalas. It could serve better as an option for death knight or Forsaken. Forsaken really have little options given their potential. They could have had more skeletal options, elven options, orcish(second war orcs) options and so on.
The minute they cross the forsaken into a non-human undead, they're adding another race to them. Notice how the DKs, the undead versions keep to their races and ar enot part of the forsaken. THe Dark rangers, the elven undead are exclusively the personal guard to Sylvanas, they are more an extension of her than forsaken or horde. So when she leaves the horde, the dark rangers are all part of the hunted group.
You could be right, but it is just another example of a missing customisation for Blood elves. Bear in mind they could also be an allied
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Magisterial identity has some options but we miss these fancy crowns and more elderly faces. Currently main focus of blood elf customisations is to give you handsome men and pretty girls but they aren't as regal as nightborne or proposed highborne.
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I see what you mean here. Yes they are missing that, but that is a ruler of the blood elves not an entire caste/group thing like it is amongs the night elves with the highborne. Remember customisations are more for representing a playable group of the race that doesn't have proper options currently in the player model that can play it (like the highborne night elf, or the Ranger farstrider Blood elf)
Do you think that would make sense on the blood elves seeing there is no leader elite group amongst the blood elves or high elves, like there is amongst the night elves (which is what the highborne are) or the Nightborne (which is what their elites are in Suramar) . And that's fine, night elven society is different. I always viewed the high elves as more like a modern democracy like England, there isn't a lower class, everyone is equal. With the night elves, the highborne caste is an elite class had a more prominent role back in the day, but today in the egalitarian post vigil community where no one cares if you're nobility, they are more like the birtish aristocracy, nobles with no real executive power, but who are proud of their nobility and high standing even though it doesn't mean anything to the people.
This is why you can have a highborne customisation and it's meant to be more glamorous and regal and specifically for an entire group of which all night elf mages would be part of, but not necessarily limited to them in this new post vigil world if blizzard want to make it so. The way I think of it is to remember that the high elves were an all highborne group that formed a nation and became a race of their own. there is no elite class amongst all elites, it's just people of different rankings, but they were so tight knit, the vision of Darth'remar was a free society where all magic could be practised freely and responsibly, as such only the King or leader is of a higher station and him even not quite that much - think of the prime minister - you respect him, but it's not the sort of monarchal near worship of Azshara or the nobility of the middle ages would have had.
I would have expected a similar thing in Eldre'thalas, however it's different hwen they rejoin the night elves. Unlike the high elves, this isn't a new generation, or a new society reformed after a near death and long trial. No, it's the nobility class, that returns now to people who to them are not noble. Now those people, like modern day brits may not care whether they're Lordlings or not, because they have no executive power, however the nobles are fully aware they are nobles, and they carry themselves so to, and if you follow the British example, of the Queen, they instead behave as the examples and leaders they have been - (though not always, with the entitlement and arrogance and the uglier bits sometimes coming out - but mostly scandal free) and generally while a lot don't care, some still do look up to them as examples.
High elf society would never be like that, there is no "lower" class or the masses to return to like the Shen'dralar have, the high evles became a new people, an all high elf (no longer highborne) race
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But I agree that they need some ranger options too. If I was to design blood elf options I would have two focuses: arcane magic and rangers.
Ah something like this comes to mind
This concept people used in the high elf thread, really captures what the ranger customisation style for the blood elf could be like.
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Thalassians are kings of extravagance as well. They are the only race that has ornate starting zone sets.
Agreed, I don't deny that, but remember Thalassian kings are not a people group, like the highborne, so they don't really qualify as a customisation option, however some transmog Belf crown sets could be available.
I think we will be talking about it fourth time.
While high elves are surely more humble than their ancestors, they bear hints of pride. While they consider themselves disciplined, they don't see their weaknesses. I think their modesty is not as true as they think. The main difference between high elves and highborne is that high elves let other races exist. However, they were unable to conquer them. You can clearly see that Anasterian isn't a friend of humanity, he helped them only when he needed Alliance to protect Quel'thalas, later leaving them(which was later the reason why Garithos hated blood elves) to themselves. It was Alleria and priests who worked with humans for entire time.
Difference between Anasterian and Alleria, between negligence and action, between pride and modesty, between golden spires and military tent, was what led to split in Thalassian society between sin'dorei and quel'dorei. What I want to say, high elves had blood elves inside them before but only after destruction of Sunwell they dared to show their true colours: red and gold.
As for the quest, the tragedy of blood elves is that they were well prepared to avoid any mistakes of their ancestors but their frail bodies betrayed them anyway. If highborne had the same knowledge, they would manage to harness Crystal of Zin'malor. [/QUOTE]
I think the quest nicely highlights the distinction between highborne of the night elves and the high elves and the blood elves - it's in the game.. but most people aren't even aware of this. I keep harping on to them about what the game and the lore tells about night elves, highborne , high elves etc.. I get head canon thrown in my face.. and makes me wonder if they actually follow the lore or just want to believe what they want.
Those people who think night elves are some sort of feral worgen/saberon race - I'm like wow, desire for a more aggressive night elf has warped perception, like those who felt the night elves were invincible in WC3, just need to play it again. Blizzard continues to be very true to what they have outlined in or given to each group.
Those player only need open their eyes and see what is actually given in front of them. No use denying the arcane heritage or acumen of night elves when iti's all over their lore, or making them into a savage race when that has never been their presentation.
Anyway, I digress, needed to get that off my chest - its not directed t you btw.
Racial Fidelity
I think the difference between Anasterian and Alleria is acceptable, being of thes ame race doesn't mean everyone thinks exactly alike, behaves the same way or shares the same goals or ideals which is why if you're realistically portraying a people or group, you're going to have differences, you are going to have several factions and groups.. and is one of the things I really like about Warcraft races.
You see each race having complexities, different things amongst them, they're not monotone. which is why I keep praising the existence of the highborne, demon hunters and push for more of the temple priest (rather than the sentinel priest) because blizzard didn't design the night elves as forest elf one trick pony - on e thing only, the elves feel like an entire race, that has different factions, different peoples who have different priorities, different expertise, they're not just amazing at one thing only like hey forest magic, but at several. And each race has its own things.
Yes there is overlap, even across the racial barrier..elves and humans, elves and trolls, humans and orcs, draenei and orcs etc, however each race has their own unique presentation of it.
night elf arcana, forestry , religion is all unique - and while having overlap with blood elven and human, it 's a different emphasis and different grade. Their foresty nature thing is different from that of say shaman, it's a different feel, their magic more purely arcane with stars and moons ha s a different feel to human/high elf/kirin'tor which is more frost/fire prominent - but ofc there is overlap.
What blizzard seemed to do originally was design and pan out the story of the various races and develop them organically. So highborne have overlap with high elves because of the connection, they are in the same world afterall, but the story is different and is developed differently in the night elves, the night elves continue telling a story that starts with their utopic advanced magical civilization that has undergone a tragedy of world ending proportions a period of 10k years penance duty, and a return to interacting with the normal world, with all their elements involved.
Some player s have got it all wrong when they thing.. oh.. blood elves do the high magic thing, so night elves shouldn't .. or night elves do the forest magic thing so high elves shouldn't. This is not how the stories or races are designed at all. Night elves are not designed to be forest elves, but this dual dark elf meets forest elf arcane and nature in its own tileset.. it doesn't matter that blood elves do high magic, they're different, they're day elves, sun focused, bright colours interfacing with the human world, the night elves are the greater and older original elven form who took everything to an extreme..that is their character, the magic is more purer, more extreme whether in the arcane or nature .. it's like their highborne totally focus on the arcane, their druids totally focus on nature, .. whereas their high elven counterparts are less extreme, less developed in those and more moderate - which fits the story, the night elves are much older and have done all of that in their story, they're meant to be that way, and so the way they would carry on today would be different.
The highborne are not high elves nor are they Nightborne, so some people think there is no need for highborne, which is stupid, it's like saying there's no need for human kirin'tor mages, because Stormwind has mages, or blood elves have mages.. mages have a part in human lore and their own story, they 're different from high elf mages, just because one group has one, doesn't mean the other shouldn't it, when ti has it's own story particular to that group.
the highborne are all about the night elf society they are part of, and what the night elf nobility is like to day in the midst of 10k years after their folly ended their civilization and they find themselves coming together again, facing a new situation, it doesn't matter that high elves are highborne descendants or Nightborne are former night elves, their stories are different and they don't some how invalidate the highborne or make them irrelevant, because the highborne are not for the high/blood elf story, nor for the Nightborne now. They're a part of the night elf story and have their ow portion.
And that's good, night elves are quite monotonous and boring without the glamour of the highborne, which is why they need a bigger presentation done properly, likewise they're also too tame without the razor edge of the demon hunters and wardens. Each group brings something different to the group making them more interesting but ultimately it's just part of their story that is developed.
The developer doesn't go.. oh blood elves have arcane magic so humans, draenei, night elves shouldn't.. no they created night elves with arcane magic in the first place and actually the source and start of it, and made it a part of their story for their 15k year history, and they continue to develop the night elf story with all the strands they gave it, they don't look at the high elves or the nightborne or humans or draenei and go, oh we've done priesthood here so we don't.. no. They develop what they've given each group and have also given the overlap, so there's is interaction too but each is its own.
it's much better this way, races feel realistic, alive, diverse, with powerful dynamics based on their own history and characteristics that drive them and gives them interesting things they're about that can lead to many more stories or influence stories down the line.