tl;dr they have common base and common spheres of interaction, hence requirement of common fundamental design
... "why?"
1) path was (and should be) quite
short-lived (also professions' sets), still overall design of game strongly influences this = inflation of characteristics that they organize in PvE,
bunch of
anomalous "
difficulties" (they removed items' x-forge, which cuts "growth" quite well, but multiple modes still remain and each of them "requires" its own niche in order to have personal one "carrot" in its arsenal as "ilvl boost");
2) at the same time there is "any mode/open world" where players of items from "both modes"
continue to
interact = hence same requirements for progress;
3) class is good, but there are also customizing characteristics that emphasize this or that role, or direct character's strength in general (and it's if even not remind endless number of stupid "temporary progress" systems which comes with new content, and require such influence that they violate rules of system's hierarchy), which means that mechanism for obtaining them is required (= progress). That's what it comes out in the end...
Originally Posted by
Of course, I could say this without jokes:
presence of PvE gear progress imposes presence of same progress in PvP,
1) since characteristics are one of your resources and customizing mechanism in this game so gear needed same as its progress,
2) since main task of PvP is to outplay/outsmart enemy
by monipulating resources, which often requires not so much motoric's skill growth, but more experience, knowledge of ready-made combinations =
2 - scripted solutions, and
1 - mechanism of getting those resources = progress (char.lvl, gear)...
1+2 = just like PvE (just without specific timers, more reactionary than dance type, but still with same base). Devs have already said themselves once that "we can make opponents harder/smarter/more"reactive", but this type will
interfere with ordinary players, as well as game's performance". So, if simplify within framework of holistic design, then
PvE is just more
predictable PvP, hence same progress mechanism.
This is what this game is based on, this is how it works.
What you're asking requires complete separation, transformation of one game into two. They made good progress in this regard with
WM, which is separately
discussed bad design decision. But until this happened (and I won't in any way want such deformation, personally think that such end result (as well as already noted "direction") would be absolute failure, apotheosis of mindless "slice&dice" action; this isn't fighting/shooting game, this is still team MMORPG game and it can't be crammed into MOBA genre) you have to obey progress/customization requirements... unfortunately this may well be where game is headed now = "set of themed
separated PvP and PvE arenas/encounters"
In general, whole PvPvsPvE problem can be briefly described like this:
(intersection) In presence of plane of intersection (within framework of one game, not two), meeting of two characters (in instance with pre-check of preferences, like BG/WM - direct definition of PvP, or random/unmotivated/unpredictable in open world - wPvP) which are at same level of their individual (as percentage of their length at current stage/season of expansion) paths of progress in current conditions leads (without separating characteristics) to advantage bias in one direction or another.
(conflict) With unequal bias of strength (ilvl's bar and speed/ease of its growth) towards PvE, it turns into "freebie" for opposite activity, which also means, that for greater importance,
path in PvP should be as
fast as
possible (so that, even with progress, more preference was given nevertheless to
skill, so game will mostly go on rating after all, which directly "PvP people" want), but is equivalent in terms of general strength/role-customizing indicators (to eliminate initial mentioned element of conflict), which (without additional dividing parameters) turns already latter one into freebie = bringing correlation of complexity and rewarding between two activities to common denominator impossible without separation factor.
(separation) In presence of separating both PvP and PvE characteristics (again, within framework of same one game), everything falls into place for each activity (
1. no freebies,
2. same lvl/amount of strength/role-customizing indicators,
3. corresponding items offer advantages in their proper use,
4. there is progress which creating some hierarchy/ranking according to duration of participation/own experience of particular activity, and allows more adequately
select opponents even outside of
rating, but
5. it's not really long, thereof PvP caps' obtainment didn't create really "long" problems for PvE players), and with return of adequate "directional" servers, also goes away unnecessary claims of players to "someone else's choice" in relation to interest in part of everyone's participation in particular activity = complete separation of activities is obtained, still within framework of one game and obeying main rules of open world (without setting unnecessary restrictions and without inventing unnecessary artificial bonuses), leaving solution of particular situation to each player's will...
(no influence) When
dividing game into two
different ones, all this no longer required, since laws of each can be completely different, due to lack of any plane of interaction (= lack of mutual influence), but game will suffer irreparable damage in such division (even more than their forced division of classes into specs, addition PvP perks and removal of PvP servers).