Thread: Skullflower UI

  1. #1

    Skullflower UI

    I use this addon for my Elvui and currently the guy that manages it hasn't updated it all lately. Obviously it's just a profile for Elvui that's changing all the settings for me instantly but for some reason the addon won't change the unitframes, artifact bar, some texts, and it won't create the profile in Elvui so I can just copy it all my alts.

    I'm just wondering is there anything I can do on a basic level to make this function properly?

  2. #2
    A lot of the internalt structure of ElvUI have changed over this expansion. So when your outdated Skullflower profile-installer tries to set-up it's profile, it's likely trying to edit variable values that no longer exist within ElvUI.

    There likely wont be any easy fixes to get the profile-installer to work, i'm afraid.

    If you are feeling adventurous however, Elv is a very flexible UI. And if you were to venture into the Elv config window (/ec in chat), you can mess about with pretty much everything, to recreate the UI yourself.

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