Thread: simcraft issue

  1. #1

    simcraft issue

    im afflction aand simcraft single target says crit is highest stat is that correct seems very wierd

  2. #2
    If you don't know how sims work, yes, ofc it is wrong - for you.
    Sims tell you the best dps increase per point for any stat. If your other stats are high enough, and your crit is to low, yes, you need more crit, as this is more valuable in this case.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kinettik29 View Post
    im afflction aand simcraft single target says crit is highest stat is that correct seems very wierd
    If you link your character page/armory, I'm sure many of us would be willing and able to run sims for you and verify the claims.
    In general, stats are worth as much as you don't have of another, or if it directly affects the functionality of your spec.

    Example: BM Hunter.
    Crit is our best stat, to a point. Haste is also super important, as it has a direct interaction on the spec.
    "x number of autos in y time frame = x number of crits on said autos which is q instances of Barbed Shot resetting" (Hyperbole and over-simplification is intended :3 )

    I haven't touched Afflication, but even for Destro your stat weights can fluctuate a lot between Haste, Crit and Mastery.

    TLDR; link your armory and someone can help you.

  4. #4
    i cant post links yet but im kinettik on hyjal US

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kinettik29 View Post
    i cant post links yet but im kinettik on hyjal US
    I've done a basic Patchwerk sim for you. Here's your Pawn string of stat weights.
    ( Pawn: v1: "kinettik - Affliction - Patchwerk (Raidbots)": Class=Warlock, Spec=Affliction, Intellect=2.61, CritRating=5.91, HasteRating=4.21, MasteryRating=4.55, Versatility=5.84 )

    From what I can see, you have 23% raw Haste. My knowledge of Affi isn't the best, but it looks like you (like many classes/specs) rely on a 20% "Soft Cap" for haste.
    This basically means, once you're at 20% raw haste, you're in a comfy spot and other stats start to out-scale the haste.

    I also took the liberty of simming your weapon enchants. Currently Deadly Nav is actually a 203 dps gain on 5minute Patchwerk.

    My opinion: Swap weapon enchant to Deadly Nav, swap the ring enchants and 1 gem slot from Haste to either Crit or Vers, they're so close in value it hardly matters.
    Overall you're looking at maybe a 500dps increase, or 1% total value.

    Getting your cloak to rank 12 will net you close to 2,000 extra dps, food for thought.

    Hope this was helpful!

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