He admitted it was a mistake and he wants to repeal large portions of it, particularly mandatory minimums for drug offenders. Also, Hillary Clinton (who is not running for office) was the one who said the "super predators" quote.
Topkek. I don't care if Biden's son is a shitheel, I'm not voting for Hunter. We have 22 years of Biden's tax returns. No corruption, no foreign contributions.
To separate children brought over by human traffickers, not to separate children from their parents.
"Republican Congress"
Did we watch the same debate?
He said he ‘prepaid’ taxes. According to the IRS, people are allowed to send estimated tax payments with a 1040-ES form and provide estimates of income, exemptions and any taxes withheld. These prepayments are done quarterly. Prepaying income taxes are typically reserved for people who are self-employed. That being said, even if someone were to prepay taxes, the total number would be shown on the final tax filing, which is at the root of Trump’s tax scandal as The New York Times claims he only paid $750 in taxes. Trump has yet to release his tax returns, which would show the number he paid -- prepaid or not. Ergo, he’s talking shit.
I don't think anyone actually doubted Trump was so poor of a businessman, that his losses would offset his gains for years. You can't go bankrupt six times without that being a valid option.
But yeah, you're suggesting he gave a partial excuse for the part everyone already figured out. How much does he owe to foreign governments and their assets?
Polls will continue to tighten a slight bit, but, I think they were going to do that regardless of this debate. I don’t think it’ll move the needle much. Biden winning this by 10% was always a pipe dream, but I think the major polling outfits learned from 2016 with lesser educated white voters and have been pretty spot on in 2017-2019. I think Biden goes into the election up by 6-7ish percent, but that’s an actual 6-7 percent, not a 2016 6-7 percent.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.
Mass Effect
TLDR is that the venture never generated revenue. Joe isn’t listed as a board member or associate anywhere at all. One of the folks mentioned in the email said Joe wasn’t involved. That’s it. The reporting arm of the WSJ went through all the stuff they were sent and found nothing.
- - - Updated - - -
Polls will tighten cos polls will tighten. That’s just how the final run in on an election works unless either candidate is utterly unpopular.
Seems safe to say Trump lost the debate. Recycling a comment I made after the VP debate, he lost because he didn't win because he direly needed a win.
He's in bad shape; his campaign is running out of money, he is trailing in the polls and is the one who direly needs to change the trajectory of the election. It's unlikely he achieved that tonight. All his attempts at October surprises have flopped harder than his Tulsa rally and failed to gain traction outside his base.
"If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.
Mass Effect
Oh, and apparently Trump defended rolling back environmental regulations with "the people being polluted are making money now".
I understand a lot of people have 2016 PTSD but at some point you need to calm down and have some positivity...
1. Hillary at this point in 2016 was losing points. Biden has been mostly stabilizing, with small gains.
2. Hillary never had this high of a lead to begin with.
It's smart to treat this cautiously and keep encouraging everyone to vote, but the doomer mentality has started to get a little draining.
yeah I think thats the one thing Joe said that Conservatives will latch onto and try to spin in their favor. its as close to a gotcha as they got tonight.
anyone with a brain understood what Biden was saying, and that he is of course correct, but it may win him a bit of a bump in a place like Texas.