Full Joe Biden '60 Minutes' interview transcript here.
You will notice "he gets up and walks out" is not part of the Joe Biden transcript.
"Yeah but they wouldn't give a transcript of --"
He did not see her in a little while. He did not come back.
Now, you'll notice the bolded part above. That back and forth, where Trump was talking about an interview that Stahl says she did not give? You know what that means: 24 hours challenge time!
DocSavageFan -- I know you're banned, but you can always read up on the issue anyhow, and possibly comment when you return.
Zeth Hawkins
the game
Healing Rain
I'm going to give you four options this time.
1) You say that Stahl did an interview with Biden during
this election cycle. To take this answer, you must find it and link it.
2) You say that Trump used the plural "you" to refer to 60 Minutes, but was still talking about an interview from
this election cycle. Again, to take htis option, you must find it and link it.
3) You say that Trump used the plural "you" to refer to the media in general, and as such, is using an overly-broad generalization and applying it to Leslie Stahl, despite neither Stahl nor 60 Minutes doing what Trump said. You don't need to link this one.
4) You say nothing, which I will take as admission that Trump lied about seeing any interview, and further by taking this action you admit you are a coward for refusing to answer when #3 is a fucking slow-pitch softball right over the goddam
steam plate.
The election cycle is coming to an end, so no extensions. Those are your options, time starts now.