1. #20881
    Will we know the winner on November 3rd?

  2. #20882
    Are they counting the mail-in ballots? or they are all sealed and cannot open right now.

  3. #20883
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I got banned for reminding Ann Coulter that she got me banned for calling her a cunt when she celebrated the deaths of illegal immigrant children. This time it was in response to her saying she was sick of people policing language on Twitter. *comedically exaggerated shrug*
    Hey, samesies, I called her a horse faced cunt, on some post, I don't remember. And now, I just use the same account to read stuff posted from here, while I report fake accounts and threats from Trump supporters.

  4. #20884
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    Will we know the winner on November 3rd?
    It's very possible that we will.


    Title: Yahoo News
    Yahoo News/YouGov poll: With one week left, Biden's lead over Trump grows to 12 points — his biggest yet

    Basically, Trump was tightening up the races for a bit, but those days are over and Biden has more than reclaimed what he previously lost.

    Heading into the final week of the 2020 presidential campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden now holds his largest-ever lead over President Trump, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a 12-point margin that’s four times the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016.
    Basically, there are three things that seem to turning this into a landslide.

    1) People are comfortable with President Biden / Vice President Harris. Trump's personal attacks on Biden are not swaying anyone.
    2) Trump is imploding and is saying lots of really stupid things.
    3) Texas passed up California in number of virus cases. The virus is no longer just for blue states, and this really drives home the point.

    Democrats are still fighting like we are scared to death of Trump finding a way to win, including by cheating as much as is needed, and this attitude pretty much is very likely to seal the victory. If the margin of victory is large enough, which is quite likely at this point, then the election will be callable by late next Tuesday or Wednesday.

  5. #20885
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    Will we know the winner on November 3rd?
    Unlikely, unless some key states like FL and PA are called.

  6. #20886
    Some states count before but some have to wait for election day I think.


    We very well may know on election night if Biden wins North Carolina, Arizona, etc... and if he does get those and a few select others then the winner could be announced that night even if a few other states take longer.

  7. #20887
    Quote Originally Posted by Donatello Trumpi View Post
    This is one of the most ignorant things I have read this year. A fruitless endeavor of my trying to argue it seems.
    I can only shoock my head. I will pray for you.
    And it is true, unsurprisingly.

  8. #20888
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    Will we know the winner on November 3rd?
    Depend on the states. Florida state laws allow the state to start counting ballots as soon as they were received. Texas only allowed mailed ballots for people 65 and older. So for Texas and Florida we should know the results pretty fast.

    A lot of states, like PA and WI, won't start counting mailed ballots until Election day. We probably won't get the full results for another 2 to 3 days. That only matter in close election though.

  9. #20889
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    Will we know the winner on November 3rd?
    Highly unlikely. With close battleground states and significant mail-in ballot still to be counted, we might not know for a week or two. The only result we could be relatively certain of is an early blowout for Biden.

  10. #20890
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    PSA: Most Cosplay Leftists are really just fans of particular podcast.

    They really have no depth of knowledge of how US politics work, or how elections even works.

    It's just a stupid performance for their online personas.

    All the "woke leftists" pretending to vote for Trump or against Biden, are this guy:

    Stop shaming the non voters guys, it might hurt their imaginary ballots.
    Tim Pool is a right winger who has only ever tried to appeal to right wingers. He only ever pretended to be a left wing to get more right wing viewers so right wingers could go "SEE this dude that's totally left wing agrees with literally every single right wing talking point ever!"

  11. #20891
    According to this map, if the election ended today, Biden would win with 290 EV.


    IMO, that's not nearly enough. In a sane country, Biden would have at least 300 EV.

  12. #20892
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I don't believe in polls, but you guys froth over them like lemmings, so ...enjoy


    Trump 48%, Biden 47%
    The worst poll you could come up with, and Trump is only up 1? From a pollster that only calls land lines and online polls? So....Fucking.....Sad......

  13. #20893
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Are they counting the mail-in ballots? or they are all sealed and cannot open right now.
    It depends on the state. the majority of states are counting or will be counting starting mail in's tomorrow. A handful of states only start counting those nov 3rd. almost all of them are deep red states, with the exceptions of WI and PA, which is why we might not know on election day, unless its a blowout of course.

  14. #20894
    Harris County, TX should pass their 2016 total votes of 1,219,209 today. Still averaging 90k votes per day.

  15. #20895
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post
    Tim Pool is a right winger who has only ever tried to appeal to right wingers. He only ever pretended to be a left wing to get more right wing viewers so right wingers could go "SEE this dude that's totally left wing agrees with literally every single right wing talking point ever!"
    I used to have a guy on Facebook who was the typical "I'm very hardcore libertarian centrist that's why I only read far right websites and support everything Trump and the Republicans do" and he kept trying to tell me Tim Pool is a left leaning guy so I looked at Pool's YouTube channel and it is literally all right wing talking points and criticising the left and he couldn't explain to me exactly how he's left leaning or show me anything of his that's left leaning.

  16. #20896
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    According to this map, if the election ended today, Biden would win with 290 EV.


    IMO, that's not nearly enough. In a sane country, Biden would have at least 300 EV.
    he win's today by if every single toss up goes to trump, which likely they won't, so he'll likely win by at least 300.

  17. #20897
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Annnnnd, Hillary's numbers were plummeting at this point in 2016 whereas Biden's are either holding steady, or going up.
    We had Comey to thanks for that because of his bullshit investigation into Weiner's laptop that had nothing new on it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    Rasmussen in 2016 had Hillary getting over 300 in EC and winning in their popular poll.

    Also not sure how in just two polls they go from +12 biden to +1 trump.
    They are already a joke, now they just got stupid.

    Odd too they all of a sudden dropped from 2500 LV to 1500 Lv. ghmmmm??

    hey you got a link to their methodology?
    They also had Romney Winning in 2012 with something like 360+ EC votes. It was the opposite for Obama.

  18. #20898
    Mechagnome Donatello Trumpi's Avatar
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    BREAKING: Tucker Carlson's show tomorrow night will be devoted entirely to an interview with Tony Bobulinksi, the Biden family insider-turned-whistleblower whose explosive e-mails show that Joe Biden himself was deeply involved in Hunter's foreign business dealings.

    According to a source familiar with the planning, Bobulinski will play recordings of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet and claiming Bobulinski's revelations will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas deals.

    I can't wait for Tuckers Show tomorrow. This is gonna be extremely interesting.

  19. #20899
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Biden winning will destroy basically everything the political grifter class has been working for since 2015... It's basically nulls out their arguments.
    Wait what?

    Biden suddenly has an agenda besides reseting the clock back to 2012?

    The very real why so many settled for Biden because everything about him is vanilla and low effort.

    I also find it interesting, where do leftists hating liberals think they are gain support from once they alienate the rest of the left and no longer have a Trump messing things up to save them?

    The right half of Moderates? Conservatives? They are going still celebrating the gift horse that liberals gave them. 3 SCOTUS seats, Trump out of office, and if we want to be real Democratic presidents Biden also end up with Congress - whether it's due to the honeymoon period being over or liberals being terrible at down ballot voting. They aren't playing softball anymore come February 2021.

    So people can keep on keeping on pushing allies away because a little self reflection is too much.

  20. #20900
    Quote Originally Posted by Waniou View Post
    I used to have a guy on Facebook who was the typical "I'm very hardcore libertarian centrist that's why I only read far right websites and support everything Trump and the Republicans do" and he kept trying to tell me Tim Pool is a left leaning guy so I looked at Pool's YouTube channel and it is literally all right wing talking points and criticising the left and he couldn't explain to me exactly how he's left leaning or show me anything of his that's left leaning.
    Yeah, I know a guy who links his videos all the time and the only "proof" of Tim Pool being left wing is one of those political axis tests he did one time. You know, the tests where you can just fill in the answers however you want to get the result you want.

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