Top lad right here.I want to add something regarding this topic. One of the posters on these forums revealed himself to be a CBP officer at the border (he didn't post all that much). He spewed all sorts of racist nonsense, especially against Hispanics and Muslims. Of course, he was also stupid enough to have a rather unique username, that he also used in CBP and law enforcement sites. With a little effort, it wasn't difficult to figure out who he was. It was rather foolish of him to talk about applying for specific jobs, at specific locations, using his real name in those other sites.
A few phone calls to those facilities, and demands he be investigated... and he's no longer an employee of the United States Government, in any capacity. Pro tip; if you are going to be a racist fuckwit who cheers about torturing minorities, don't let everyone know you are one of those people who are actually doing it. Anonymity on the internet is not nearly as secure as some would think. One not-so-fine chap learned a lesson in OpSec.
No, I will not reveal the asshat's username, or his actual name. Yes, I do check in on him from time to time (he's a security guard). Yes, I am proud of what I did, it's one less violent racist working for the taxpayers.