You know as fucked as florida is, 'cause fuck florida, they at least didn't vote that shitty cunt laura loomer in.
It's the overworked and underpaid Latino farm workers that are the problem, not the Biden campaign for not reaching out to them. Again, continue blaming everyone else but the campaign or the Democratic party, and make 0 changes and keep seeing how well it goes for the Democratic party.
Am I to take it from the results so far that Trump actually increased his vote amongst black people?
If you have time to go to a rally, you have time to look up a few things from the internet/TV. Again, I'm not saying it's a negative thing to reach out to voters but the american elections seem to be more like a sporting event. A circus, reality TV. People care more about "showmanship" than the actual issues.
This is going to sound harsh, but you're not calming anyone down. If anything you're adding tension because what you're doing is, quite frankly, very annoying. Tone policing during an election when emotions are high is always going to rile people up, even if they don't respond. Skimming past and seeing posts that read as if you're telling people to go away if they are just going to be negative will never be received well.
Please understand I'm not trying to be mean, but for a lot of people this situation is pretty bad.
Sylvanas didn't even win the popular vote, she was elected by an indirect election of representatives. #NotMyWarchief
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
Trumps tone sounds like he's fixing to lose this
EU funding was keeping Scotland afloat Tbh. Plus at the time EU support in uk overall was over 65%. It wasn't until Boris went on his "This is easy path to PM" view and farage Nazi inspired posters did it go the other way. (Plus the courts said leave cheated so heavily if the vote was legally binding it would have been thrown out.)