1. #2521
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    It's actually more insulting. Kinda of sad that is where their mind went.
    Just goes to show how prevelant the rape culture is in the US, even outside its prison system. Speaking of the later... Biden contributed a lot to the very high incarceration rate the US(highest in the world) has with his crime bill.

  2. #2522
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Just goes to show how prevelant the rape culture is in the US, even outside its prison system. Speaking of the later... Biden contributed a lot to the very high incarceration rate the US(highest in the world) has with his crime bill.
    That was the work of Nixon and the war on drugs.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  3. #2523
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    They blocked the republican led covid stimulus package and made their own on the house. WTH are you talking about?
    They’re secretly confused

  4. #2524
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Biden wants to go backwards and Republicans have shown they can pull him even further back with a little bit of pressure.
    From where we are now? Because we've already gone backwards dude.

    I'm noticing that the responses from the people that this question seems directed at generally seem to not include an actual answer to the question.

  5. #2525
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    That was the work of Nixon and the war on drugs.
    Biden had been lock stop with Americas prison complex since he first took office. Yet another thing we were talking about last year.

  6. #2526
    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    Then they are either terrible inept or complicit with Trump and the GOP.

    How the hell you cant understand the basic principle of separation of power, and the existence of 2 houses in the lawmaking wing of a republic?
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  7. #2527
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Clinton and Obama ran as progressives) relative to their time). Biden wants to go backwards and Republicans have shown they can pull him even further back with a little bit of pressure.
    Go backwards from Trump?

  8. #2528
    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    Democrats have failed as much as Trump and the GOP at their response thus far. Full Stop. They are both terrible, and passed Trillions of dollars in no-time with only single peep coming from Republican. The only good part was the part worked on by Sanders. Huge Surprise there.
    So that's a no, then. You're just going to ignore how the government works and pretend that just because Democrats hold the House that they can run the show.


  9. #2529
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Oh ye, go ahead and try to wave it away by trying to imply she has a mental disorder.

    Really classy.
    So what do you think it is than? Or do you still believe her?

  10. #2530
    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    So they willingly gave Steve Munichin the keys to the vault at the treasury with what might as well be no oversight.
    No. It just happened that the executive branch completely ignored the checks and balances that it has.
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  11. #2531
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    That was the work of Nixon and the war on drugs.
    Biden's crime bill of 1994 contributed a lot to it.

  12. #2532
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Clinton and Obama ran as progressives) relative to their time). Biden wants to go backwards and Republicans have shown they can pull him even further back with a little bit of pressure.
    Relative to their time, as in post Reagan, Clinton was far less progressive compared to Bush or even Dole, than Biden is to Trump. I don’t think you grasp the gap between Trump and even Bush. Even with 9/11... Bush said Iraq had WMDs... while Trump was claiming to see Muslims celebrating on NYC. Bush at least half assed trying to distance 9/11 from muslims, is downright progressive to what Trump was saying. There are few so... uhm... conservative, that they demanded Obama’s birth certificate in 2016.
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  13. #2533
    Quote Originally Posted by Cardfripal View Post
    Don't see the Republicans compromising that much.

    And we know that republicans dont compromise, but again, the democrat controlled house cannot pass laws by themselves. They're not kings.
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  14. #2534
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Biden's crime bill of 1994 contributed a lot to it.
    You don’t like the assault rifle ban or the sex offender list?

    Edit: Is it the violence against women act?

    By the way... it helps if you don’t demonize a bill that included an assault rifle ban, sex offender list and violence against women act. When your actual issue, is the result of 3 strikes rule. That’s how you don’t toss the baby, with the bath water.
    Last edited by Felya; 2020-05-01 at 10:49 PM.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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  15. #2535
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    You don’t like the assault rifle ban or the sex offender list?
    and also in that law: "Biden authored and strong-armed the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (as part of a larger bill, Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, also known as the Biden Crime Act) which among other things, aids women in cases of domestic assault and for the first time, provided a way for victims of rape or domestic assault to find redress in civil courts if the State or District prosecutor choose not to try a case".
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  16. #2536
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    and also in that law: "Biden authored and strong-armed the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (as part of a larger bill, Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, also known as the Biden Crime Act) which among other things, aids women in cases of domestic assault and for the first time, provided a way for victims of rape or domestic assault to find redress in civil courts if the State or District prosecutor choose not to try a case".
    He means the fucking 3 strike rule... it had a greater impact on minorities. Clinton has since said he regrets that portion of the bill. People need to be careful when they toss blanket statements like that.

    Edit: and the reason he is tying it to drug arrests, is not because the bill contained drug enforcement, but because drugs are the sort of crimes you get busted 3 times for.

    What ended up happening, is Reagan’s war on drugs created a lot more drug offenders, while Clinton’s bill created a 3 strike rule. Clinton’s bill lacked foresight in this regard, it didn’t specificly target drugs or minorities. It’s the same lack of foresight as ‘if you like your plan, you can keep it’.
    Last edited by Felya; 2020-05-01 at 10:54 PM.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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  17. #2537
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    He means the fucking 3 strike rule... it had a greater impact on minorities. Clinton has since said he regrets that portion of the bill. People need to be careful when they toss blanket statements like that.
    The 3 strike rule is not bad... when looked at without context. With context (said context being the massive bias the justice system has, and had at that time, against afroamerican people) it's awful.
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  18. #2538
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    The 3 strike rule is not bad... when looked at without context. With context (said context being the massive bias the justice system has, and had at that time, against afroamerican people) it's awful.
    Sorry, I updated my reply. It is, in the context he is using. It applied to petty crime, like buying drugs. Meaning, an addict, is likely to be in jail for life, because they buy drugs 3 times and get caught. In that context, it didn’t work in its intent... prisons became overcrowded... which brought on the republican solution of private prisons for cost.

    Edit: again, Clinton him self has said this is his regret.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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  19. #2539
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Sorry, I updated my reply. It is, in the context he is using. It applied to petty crime, like buying drugs. Meaning, an addict, is likely to be in jail for life, because they buy drugs 3 times and get caught. In that context, it didn’t work in its intent... prisons became overcrowded... which brought on the republican solution of private prisons for cost.
    Yeah, i've read your update. It was more a lack of foresight (as you said) on how some laws interacted between them in the real world (that specific thing probably flew over the heads of the lawmakers) than a concerted effort to fuck over minorities.
    If anything the original problem sits with Nixon, or Reagan.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  20. #2540
    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    Using a sports rule to dictate sentencing is moronic on it's face. The overall current problem resides with the crime bill, as that is what cause the prison population to explode. Just like it was the same kind of democrats that killed Glass Steagall with it's repeal 1999.
    I know it is moronic, that's not the point here. The point i was trying to make was that the law was not a concerted effort (ie: done with malice) to fuck over minorities, it was just an oversight of how a law that wasnt bad per-se interacted with a racist justice system, and biased penalties for drugs that were more prevalent in poorer (read: with more minorities) communities, and how it made things worse. Have a problem with that? Then whine about how Nixon and Reagan started and escalated the war on drugs, respectively.
    And glass steagall was reinstated with the Obama administration (or a glass steagal-esque replacement). And you know who was the VP of said administration? Joe "Motherfucking AMTRAK" Biden.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

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