1. #2621
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpan View Post
    That this thread is supposed to be a Biden worshipping thread?
    It would be closer to something like "Stalinist rewriting of Biden's history" thread.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    God there are so many misused stats out there. "Killed more people than Vietnam" really just shows that not too many Americans died in Vietnam. A more accurate way to describe it is say, "So far, it has killed twice as many people as the flu does in a year, with potentially many more deaths to come."
    That's assuming that all deaths are being counted: which, going on the experience of other countries is unlikely. Is any one keeping tabs on deaths in nursing homes? I doubt it.

  2. #2622
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpan View Post
    Frustrating for whom? For you corrupted mods and your Biden clique buddies to be called out on your abusively biased and revolting behavior? And you have to cheek to talk about "harassment"? What have you mods done to aid posters that got harassed and abusively labelled as Trumpsters, trolls and racists by your clique buddies just because they happen to have differing political viewpoints? Those are not "bait" posts then? You mods use your power to oppress and silence those victims instead! And what's the deal about "baiting into fractions"? Do you mean only a single political allegiance and outlook is allowed in this thread? That this thread is supposed to be a Biden worshipping thread? Give me a fucking break lol. What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites you people are.
    Because they are Trumpsters, because they are trolls or they engaged in repeated trolling along the years, or because they said racist things in the past?
    Mr ban evading alt account, we can see post history and hace the ability to remember.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  3. #2623
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Time to stop pretending you're someone you're not, my British friend. Unless you fancy saying which mod you think you used to be?

    This is just sad and pathetic now. If anything, you'd think you would know that discussing moderation is against forum rules. Maybe search for a new hobby.
    The person you are responding to is not me, idiot.

  4. #2624
    Quote Originally Posted by Rozz View Post
    I know it can be frustrating to deal with evaders and that the process to catch their many accounts can be slow, but please be wary of accounts purposefully baiting users into fractions. I know you all have been told to treat them as "new users", but keep reporting posts that are either blatant bait or harassment and try not to engage them.

    The last thing we want is for users to get caught between sweeps.
    Rozz, it's the moderators who are at fault here, not the users. Biased infractions, ignoring ban appeals, perma banning new accounts without a reason, deleting and editing posts. Address the issues. PM me for some advice on how to be a moderator, like we did 10 years ago. Always posting a reason for an infraction, not deleting posts. And what's with all the infractions to stop people from posting? First "Major Spam and/or Advertising", then "Minor Spam" and then "Avatar/Signature Violation" to give enough points to not being able to post anymore (for some time)? This is childish behavior. Address the issues, take some advice from a former moderator.

    Deleting posts doesn't help, is just a knee jerk reaction because you can't handle the situation.

  5. #2625
    Quote Originally Posted by Rozz View Post
    I know it can be frustrating to deal with evaders and that the process to catch their many accounts can be slow, but please be wary of accounts purposefully baiting users into fractions. I know you all have been told to treat them as "new users", but keep reporting posts that are either blatant bait or harassment and try not to engage them.

    The last thing we want is for users to get caught between sweeps.
    Biased infractions, ignoring ban appeals, perma banning new accounts without a reason, deleting and editing posts. Address the issues. PM me for some advice on how to be a moderator, like we did 10 years ago. Always posting a reason for an infraction, not deleting posts. And what's with all the infractions to stop people from posting? First "Major Spam and/or Advertising", then "Minor Spam" and then "Avatar/Signature Violation" to give enough points to not being able to post anymore (for some time)? This is childish behavior. Address the issues, take some advice from a former moderator.

    Rozz, it's the moderators who are at fault here, not the users. Deleting posts doesn't help, is just a knee jerk reaction because you can't handle the situation.

  6. #2626
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Nobody else wastes their time this incessantly with new accounts to bitch and moan the way you do. Idiot.
    Actually, there's now two people spamming burner accounts in here.

    Oh, joy!!!

  7. #2627
    Merely a Setback breadisfunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    They cant show the covid death train. Because it shows that the dotard incompetence has killed more people than Vietnam.
    a quick search for dead in vietnam shows this:
    u.s./allied dead in vietnam 282,000 total dead in vietnam 1,353,000.
    deaths from covid 19 242,533.
    deaths fronm covid 19 in us. 66,453.
    so no that is factually incorrect. please stop reinventing history to suit your narrative. it is an insult to the people who served in vietnam like my parents.
    Last edited by breadisfunny; 2020-05-02 at 04:58 PM.
    r.i.p. alleria. 1997-2017. blizzard ruined alleria forever. blizz assassinated alleria's character and appearance.
    i will never forgive you for this blizzard.

  8. #2628
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    They cant show the covid death train. Because it shows that the dotard incompetence has killed more people than Vietnam.
    The difference is that the 1.3 million they killed in Vietnam where on purpose.

  9. #2629
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    With Trump we have videos of him partying with Epstein, interviews of him acknowledging he is a pedo, himself and his lawyer frequently flying with Epstein on the Lolita express to his island. Trump supporters are a joke if it wasn't clear before it is now.
    Personally, my favourite defence of this is that Trump found out about Epstein's dark side and was so disgusted that he bravely cut ties with Epstein... never mind the fact that this would mean Trump knew about the sex trafficking and didn't tell the authorities who could have put a stop to it.

  10. #2630
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Nobody else wastes their time this incessantly with new accounts to bitch and moan the way you do. Idiot.
    There's at least two other people doing the same thing today alone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post

    This is just sad and pathetic now.
    Reality check. You are a 34 year old man who spends all his time writing crap no one reads on an mmo forum. Ask around and I don't think any one would describe that as an exciting life.

  11. #2631
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    The difference is that the 1.3 million they killed in Vietnam where on purpose.
    Even that figure also doesn't include related health issues in the years afterwards. The American use of Agent Orange is linked to birth defects and so on in Vietnam even now decades later, there's a couple of millions more on top of that impacted.

  12. #2632
    Yeah right now this is looking more and more like a political hit job. This was a huge liability from the start, of course, since Biden has always had a reputation for being weird about personal space.

    Unless some bombshell evidence comes to light, this won't sway many (if any) voters to Trump that were going to vote Biden. It will just be facebook meme fodder for the Trump cult.

    After all, unless you're a raging hypocrite you wouldn't skip voting for Biden because of a sexual assault allegation and then vote Trump. One could argue it would cause voters to stay home or vote 3rd party, but given how terrible of a president Trump has been I'm not sure that will happen in any significant way. Everyone outside of the cult wants him gone and they're highly motivated.

  13. #2633
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I'm not for attacking the woman (why is she referred to as Tara if her first name is Alexandra?), but come on.... you could not make it a more obviously political motivation if you tried.

    On another note: has an investigation into it been announced yet?
    Her police complaint was basically put aside for the time being. So unless the GOP or someone else does one there isn't going to be one

    Something funny that also came out recently is that there is no senate complaint anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Last edited by NED funded; 2020-05-02 at 06:48 PM.

  14. #2634
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Her police complaint was basically put aside for the time being. So unless the GOP or someone else does one they should go for it.

    Something funny that also came out recently is that there is no senate complaint anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Within an hour of Biden saying records should be made public. In either case, it’s a strange move. If there is no record, she could maintain that it’s a cover up. It’s a mistake from every perspective. That’s why I keep saying that, even if this turns out to be fake, I don’t think she is doing it on purpose. Even if fake, this doesn’t negate other cases, like Kavanaugh and all that. It’s very sensitive...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  15. #2635
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Within an hour of Biden saying records should be made public. In either case, it’s a strange move. If there is no record, she could maintain that it’s a cover up. It’s a mistake from every perspective. That’s why I keep saying that, even if this turns out to be fake, I don’t think she is doing it on purpose. Even if fake, this doesn’t negate other cases, like Kavanaugh and all that. It’s very sensitive...
    I haven't seen where she withdrew any claim about a Senate complaint, did someone link it?

  16. #2636
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I haven't seen where she withdrew any claim about a Senate complaint, did someone link it?
    Yes, several times.


    She claims it was a verbal complaint that Biden “made her feel uncomfortable”. According to that, even the complaint wasn’t of assault.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Im shocked by your inability to use Google and impressed by how far you can burry you head into the sand.

    Lucy Flores
    Amy Lappos
    DJ Hill
    Caitlyn Caruso
    Ally Coll
    Sofie Karasek
    Vail Kohnert-Yount

    Tara Reade
    As part of reporting on Reade, NYT asked names in italics if they considered Biden’s encroachment assault. Each one said it wasn’t... are they all lying?
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  17. #2637
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    Yeah right now this is looking more and more like a political hit job. This was a huge liability from the start, of course, since Biden has always had a reputation for being weird about personal space.

    Unless some bombshell evidence comes to light, this won't sway many (if any) voters to Trump that were going to vote Biden. It will just be facebook meme fodder for the Trump cult.

    After all, unless you're a raging hypocrite you wouldn't skip voting for Biden because of a sexual assault allegation and then vote Trump. One could argue it would cause voters to stay home or vote 3rd party, but given how terrible of a president Trump has been I'm not sure that will happen in any significant way. Everyone outside of the cult wants him gone and they're highly motivated.
    You really underestimate how some people are just not willing to vote for a rapist, any rapist.

  18. #2638
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Yes, several times.


    She claims it was a verbal complaint that Biden “made her feel uncomfortable”. According to that, even the complaint wasn’t of assault.

    - - - Updated - - -

    As part of reporting on Reade, NYT asked names in italics if they considered Biden’s encroachment assault. Each one said it wasn’t... are they all lying?
    Yes, thanks for that. So, in the end, she still said she filed a complain, but the complaint won't actually speak of harassment or assault. Honestly, that actually can be turned to help her credibility, as she remembers details of what she wrote in the complaint.

    Now, if only we can find that complaint.

  19. #2639
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    You really underestimate how some people are just not willing to vote for a rapist, any rapist.
    What about people who willfully let serial rapists become president?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Yes, thanks for that. So, in the end, she still said she filed a complain, but the complaint won't actually speak of harassment or assault. Honestly, that actually can be turned to help her credibility, as she remembers details of what she wrote in the complaint.

    Now, if only we can find that complaint.
    No, she is saying there was no written complaint filed. The change to verbal and the contents of the complaint, changed around an hour after Biden said to release records. It is unknown who she told, but everyone who would have received a verbal complaint, already vouched that they never heard if it.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  20. #2640
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    What about people who willfully let serial rapists become president?

    - - - Updated - - -

    No, she is saying there was no written complaint filed. The change to verbal and the contents of the complaint, changed around an hour after Biden said to release records. It is unknown who she told, but everyone who would have received a verbal complaint, already vouched that they never heard if it.
    That's going to be problematic for her, if that's the case. The government writes fucking everything down, and people who work for the government know to write everything down. That's why there are so many forms.

    I'm now getting conflicting messaging, that it still may be written down (but not necessarily by her), as in she went in to file a complaint, and someone else may have filled it out for her.

    At the end of the day, she should give a taped deposition, under oath.

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