Damn Biden is really pushing on in PA..
To all you freaks not sleeping I’m with you. Been taking short breaks but this has me focused.
Been going over all this with my wife and a few friends. Me and my wife think Biden will lose Nevada but win Pennsylvania.
Have a friend who says Georgia is going to come through. But with 14,000 votes.
There can’t be anyway even with 70/20 Biden can’t eat a 23,000 vote deficit.
Also question of the night why haven’t they called Alaska already for Trump.
Last edited by Doctor Amadeus; 2020-11-05 at 09:46 AM.
I liked someone said on Twitter said. Agree to stop all votes with Trump and have Biden run out the clock lol
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Yeah but he has like a 8,000 vote lead is that really enough for Nevada. Especially considering Latinos have gone for Trump. I thought that’s why Biden lost Florida.
Yeah, but those are if I remember correctly, mostly exile cubans, or their decendants. They are way more republican leaning than all other latino groups.
Also, with regards to Florida... it is a mostly conservative, seniors state, that sometimes flirts with blue. It might go blue here and then, but mostly they are red.
Would you rather have an 8000 vote lead with more to count or an 8000 vote deficit?
If Nevada stomached Hilldawg they are voting for Biden.
The Hispanics in Florida were Cubans. It's a unicorn situation but Trump spent the last four years preparing for this by convincing them that Biden was a Socialist and was going to turn the country into Cuba, while also telling them Trump was going to fight Cuba tooth and nail.
Hilarious the amount of working class Americans that vote Republican.
But if muh bawss has to pay more taxes he'll take it out of muh waaaaages.
Unionize the entire country.
I kind of hope that this will be a catalyst for change within Democratic leadership.
How god dam hard is it to put up a couple of adds and to send a few people to those Cuban area's and show people that the Republican party does not give a F if your Cuban or Mexican. Racist don't bother with nuance.