1. #2661
    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Reade cancelled her interview with Faux News and changed her story with the AP again.

    The Obama camp also stated they'd found nothing about sexual assault when vetting Biden... Not even a rumor.

    Reade is a liar.
    Considering how much she has changed her story since the allegations started and how she went batshit insane about 18 months ago when she started praising Putin, yeah, she has lost much of her credibility.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    If she made a complaint, republican and democrat oppo would have jumped up and down with that at any time over the past decade+
    Yep, they would have used it against Biden when he was announced as a running mate for Obama.

  2. #2662
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    Anyone using that stat has purposely picked it because they are trying to make the number sound as large as possible. It’s taking advantage of the fact that Vietnam looms far larger in culture than in actual human cost (I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, just that it’s true).

    That’s why I say it’s misleading. It is true, but designed to make it sound much bigger than it is.

    The stat I mentioned about flu is more relevant, and should be enough to convey the sobering reality that this is really really serious.
    Because it is fucking large. We are at the upper end of a bad flu year right now, and the year isn't even over yet. We have 7 fucking months to go. At this rate, we will crack the 100k mark easily before the end of the year, because we know that dumbass Trump supporters will continue spreading this virus simply because they think they can't live without something for a month or 2.

  3. #2663
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    Considering how much she has changed her story since the allegations started and how she went batshit insane about 18 months ago when she started praising Putin, yeah, she has lost much of her credibility.
    And this is why the prosecution rate for rape is so low...people clamber over each other to discredit the victims of the powerful.

    Very obviously, her political views have no relevance as to the merits of her case or otherwise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    Because it is fucking large. We are at the upper end of a bad flu year right now, and the year isn't even over yet. We have 7 fucking months to go. At this rate, we will crack the 100k mark easily before the end of the year, because we know that dumbass Trump supporters will continue spreading this virus simply because they think they can't live without something for a month or 2.
    So what if they kill each other off? Humanity is better off without them. Why are you discouraging them?

  4. #2664
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    If she made a complaint, republican and democrat oppo would have jumped up and down with that at any time over the past decade+
    It is almost like she might have been frightened of a powerful rich politician with extensive political influence. But you know, because she didn't immediately report a crime she must be a whore like all those bitches that slept with Trump and Weinstein. Yes, that's what you sound like.

  5. #2665
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    So what if they kill each other off? Humanity is better off without them. Why are you discouraging them?
    Cause those people have a chance to spread it to others. How hard is this to understand. If it only effected the idiots that didn't want to listen no one would give 2 shits about them, but since it can spread to other non idiots through the idiots actions..... We can't just let them go.

  6. #2666
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    And this is why the prosecution rate for rape is so low...people clamber over each other to discredit the victims of the powerful.

    Very obviously, her political views have no relevance as to the merits of her case or otherwise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So what if they kill each other off? Humanity is better off without them. Why are you discouraging them?
    When you change your story about your so called sexual assault 4 times in as many days, then yeah, you are making shit up then. Something that Blasey-Ford didn't do. She also didn't cheer on her assaulter for over 25 years since the "incident" supposedly happened.

    Also, come back on your real account.

  7. #2667
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    It is almost like she might have been frightened of a powerful rich politician with extensive political influence. But you know, because she didn't immediately report a crime she must be a whore like all those bitches that slept with Trump and Weinstein. Yes, that's what you sound like.
    Nothing you said changes the fact that she lied and said she made a complaint when she didn't.

  8. #2668
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Nothing you said changes the fact that she lied and said she made a complaint when she didn't.
    Not to mention, that her so called "witnesses" like her brother, has also changed the story as well. She has also changed her blogs on Medium to bring her story to be more inline with everything she started saying the last couple of months.

  9. #2669
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Nothing you said changes the fact that she lied and said she made a complaint when she didn't.
    If you are a Biden supporter then lying clearly doesn't bother you-his serial deception is pretty well extensively recorded.

    The lady in question maintains she complained, but did not make an official complaint. That sounds plausible. It may not be true, but we don't know. You choose to believe the accused not the victim, which puts you in the same category of people who defended Weinstein and Trump.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    Not to mention, that her so called "witnesses" like her brother, has also changed the story as well. She has also changed her blogs on Medium to bring her story to be more inline with everything she started saying the last couple of months.
    Everyone's memory of an event changes over decades. It doesn't mean the memory is fundamentally inaccurate. That's the type of bullshit sophistry Weinstein's lawyers tried to pull.

  10. #2670
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    If you are a Biden supporter then lying clearly doesn't bother you-his serial deception is pretty well extensively recorded.

    The lady in question maintains she complained, but did not make an official complaint. That sounds plausible. It may not be true, but we don't know. You choose to believe the accused not the victim, which puts you in the same category of people who defended Weinstein and Trump.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Everyone's memory of an event changes over decades. It doesn't mean the memory is fundamentally inaccurate. That's the type of bullshit sophistry Weinstein's lawyers tried to pull.
    I'm not a biden supporter, so yes lying does bother me. But if this thread is anything to go by, it surely doesn't bother you, because all you do is lie.

  11. #2671
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    When you change your story about your so called sexual assault 4 times in as many days, then yeah, you are making shit up then. Something that Blasey-Ford didn't do. She also didn't cheer on her assaulter for over 25 years since the "incident" supposedly happened.
    You keep saying people changed their story without reference to any specific detail of any changes which is a prime tell of bullshit.

    As for cheering on her accuser, I can't really believe a grown adult in 2020 is that insensitive and frankly, stupid. Victims often have misplaced guilt, blame themselves for being attacked, often by gaslighting manipulation on behalf of the perpetrator. Well done for enabling rapists everywhere through your ignorance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    I'm not a biden supporter, so yes lying does bother me. But if this thread is anything to go by, it surely doesn't bother you, because all you do is lie.
    Despite the fact I haven't made any categorical or definitive statements about what happened, you accuse me of lying. It seems that everyone you disagree with is a liar, me, this woman, I'm guessing your ex-wife....it isn't persuasive when you fling that type of accusation around when it doesn't even make sense.
    Last edited by Francid; 2020-05-03 at 12:38 AM.

  12. #2672
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    If you are a Biden supporter then lying clearly doesn't bother you-his serial deception is pretty well extensively recorded.

    The lady in question maintains she complained, but did not make an official complaint. That sounds plausible. It may not be true, but we don't know. You choose to believe the accused not the victim, which puts you in the same category of people who defended Weinstein and Trump.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Everyone's memory of an event changes over decades. It doesn't mean the memory is fundamentally inaccurate. That's the type of bullshit sophistry Weinstein's lawyers tried to pull.
    Sorry, you don't go from 25 years of praising someone to going schizophrenic and praising the current most murderous dictator in the world. And no she didn't "maintain that she complained", she said there was a written complaint, and now apparently she just changed her story to say there isn't one.

  13. #2673
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    As for cheering on her accuser, I can't really believe a grown adult in 2020 is that insensitive and frankly, stupid.
    How adult is it to avoid bans, by creating new accounts?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    Sorry, you don't go from 25 years of praising someone to going schizophrenic and praising the current most murderous dictator in the world. And no she didn't "maintain that she complained", she said there was a written complaint, and now apparently she just changed her story to say there isn't one.
    Uhm... It’s no problem for Trump supporters... this is about maintaining power:

    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  14. #2674
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    How adult is it to avoid bans, by creating new accounts?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Uhm... It’s no problem for Trump supporters... this is about maintaining power:

    Gotta earn them turnips.

  15. #2675
    I was not and still am not a Biden supporter. Yes, I'd much prefer him over Trump and will vote for him because he and the dems will do the most for the things I care about. He wasn't even in my top 5.

    But it's becoming obvious that this assault thing is bullshit. When I first heard it I leaned towards believing her. I wouldn't have trouble believing Biden crossed the line at some point given his past handsy behavior, but there still needs to be credible evidence of some kind. I don't choose to believe Trump is a rapist just for the fun of it. I choose to believe it because there's over three decades of solid evidence showing that he is.

    Certain progressive groups are really getting carried away with this because they want Biden to crash and burn so they can say,"I told you so. Should have nominated Bernie." Obviously trolls (Russian and otherwise) along with Trump cultists are running with this because, duh.

  16. #2676
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    You keep saying people changed their story without reference to any specific detail of any changes which is a prime tell of bullshit.

    As for cheering on her accuser, I can't really believe a grown adult in 2020 is that insensitive and frankly, stupid. Victims often have misplaced guilt, blame themselves for being attacked, often by gaslighting manipulation on behalf of the perpetrator. Well done for enabling rapists everywhere through your ignorance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Despite the fact I haven't made any categorical or definitive statements about what happened, you accuse me of lying. It seems that everyone you disagree with is a liar, me, this woman, I'm guessing your ex-wife....it isn't persuasive when you fling that type of accusation around when it doesn't even make sense.
    That has already been provided, feel free to read back a few pages.

    Welcome to the site!!!

  17. #2677
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    How adult is it to avoid bans, by creating new accounts?
    Literally no one cares what a bunch of impotent anal hall monitor interns thinks or does, except when it suits their own political advantage to have them censor people who disagree with them.

    If you can find me a single instance of you complaining about other people who have done the same thing but agreed with you I'd love to see it, but it is pretty obvious you don't really give a shit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    That has already been provided, feel free to read back a few pages.

    Welcome to the site!!!
    Where is your proof that this exists on the last few pages? Where is your proof? Where is your proof?
    Where is your proof?

    Who do you intend to vote for?

  18. #2678
    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    Literally no one cares what a bunch of impotent anal hall monitor interns thinks or does, except when it suits their own political advantage to have them censor people who disagree with them.

    If you can find me a single instance of you complaining about other people who have done the same thing but agreed with you I'd love to see it, but it is pretty obvious you don't really give a shit.
    Sorry, friend... this is an attempt to shift the burden of evidence. That's an intellectually dishonest thing to do. I know you are new here, but you shouldn't make a bunch of baseless accusations towards other posters.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Francid View Post
    Literally no one cares what a bunch of impotent anal hall monitor interns thinks or does, except when it suits their own political advantage to have them censor people who disagree with them.

    If you can find me a single instance of you complaining about other people who have done the same thing but agreed with you I'd love to see it, but it is pretty obvious you don't really give a shit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Where is your proof that this exists on the last few pages? Where is your proof? Where is your proof?
    Where is your proof?

    Who do you intend to vote for?
    That evidence was already provided, enjoy!!!

    I'm not sure who I'm voting for, who are you voting for?

  19. #2679
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    You've lied plenty in this thread. It's crystal clear from the posts that were just banned but remained, instead of deleted. Saying you are anything but a liar, is just another lie.
    Yes and you are mysteriously unable to provide a specific quote or link to specific post for reasons.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Sorry, friend... this is an attempt to shift the burden of evidence.
    Where is your evidence?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    That evidence was already provided, enjoy!!!
    Where is your evidence? Who are you voting for?

  20. #2680
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I was not and still am not a Biden supporter. Yes, I'd much prefer him over Trump and will vote for him because he and the dems will do the most for the things I care about. He wasn't even in my top 5.
    I do not believe there is even a single Biden supporter on this forum. Trump supporters and unwitting sympathizers, can’t seem to get it through their heads, that voting Biden to defeat Trump, is a lot more Trump, than anything Biden. Every single pole done on enthusiasm, it’s democrats that are not enthusiastic about Biden, while republicans are ecstatic about Trump.

    But it's becoming obvious that this assault thing is bullshit. When I first heard it I leaned towards believing her. I wouldn't have trouble believing Biden crossed the line at some point given his past handsy behavior, but there still needs to be credible evidence of some kind. I don't choose to believe Trump is a rapist just for the fun of it. I choose to believe it because there's over three decades of solid evidence showing that he is.
    You can’t really call it bullshit, otherwise you invite false equivalence. Biden did it the right way in his Friday address. You cannot accuse her of anything, because you can’t really back any of it up. You don’t know what is in her head and she can believe it, even if it didn’t happen.

    Certain progressive groups are really getting carried away with this because they want Biden to crash and burn so they can say,"I told you so. Should have nominated Bernie." Obviously trolls (Russian and otherwise) along with Trump cultists are running with this because, duh.
    I hope that one day it occurs to then, that calling Biden’s encroachment ‘rape’, is watering down the word. It’s creating a precedent where two elections in a row, people are told to ignore serial sexual assault, because everyone has flaws. I hope that they understand, that trying to justify not voting against a serial predator, who last struck in 2016, because Biden encroaches on women is counter productive.

    Remember when people used to say policy matters? Now I am wondering if Trump might reverse Biden written violence against women act, to spite Biden’s history, as he did with Obama. That would be an interesting turn of events and I dare a single third party or abstaining voter to explain why Trump wouldn’t do it.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

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