1. #26881
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    AP and Fox have both called it for Biden.

    AP is like the bastion of nonpartisan unbiased media.

    Fox is well, Fox.

    If both are calling it for Biden, EXTREMELY likely it breaks for Biden.
    I think it’s less a matter of bias and more that they called it early in Biden’s favor when there were more outstanding votes to be counted than they thought.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  2. #26882
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I think it’s less a matter of bias and more that they called it early in Biden’s favor when there were more outstanding votes to be counted than they thought.
    But they would surely have changed the map, once the error was known... if it would be possible.

  3. #26883
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Dude... people will think you are serial..

    - - - Updated - - -

    It’s Trump... it would be Count Chocula...
    Putin khuliyo

  4. #26884
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monster Hunter View Post
    Not for long if putin has his way
    No way would Trump let Georgia out of Putin clutches... relax... no one is worse to Russia than Trump. /s
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
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  5. #26885
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I think it’s less a matter of bias and more that they called it early in Biden’s favor when there were more outstanding votes to be counted than they thought.
    They could have retracted their calls though

  6. #26886
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    That’s doesn’t go well with my previous post. Count Chocula is super serial...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  7. #26887
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    A highly disgruntled constituent of Lindsey Graham.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Different times.

    Military ballots among those left to be counted

    While it's unclear exactly how many military ballots are outstanding in all of those states, four years ago, those voters sent mail-in ballots by the thousands.

    "We won't know the exact number of ballots outstanding, but past elections show the importance of counting these votes," said Jack Noland, research manager at Count Every Heroes, an organization focused on ensuring military ballots are counted.

    "This year - especially because of the impacts of COVID-19 - the integrity of the election rests on mail-in votes, including ballots from members of the military, being validated and counted. We must count every ballot."

    Pennsylvania, where Trump was leading Biden by about half a million votes as of Wednesday afternoon, will continue to accept military ballots until Nov. 10.

    "I'll also just remind everyone, military and overseas ballots are not due until a week after Election Day," Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said at a news conference Wednesday. "We want to make sure that not only every civilian absentee mail-in valid voter is counted but also that every man and woman who are serving our country, that their votes are counted."
    The only thing that has changed is that states are generally better at actually counting them. In the past, less then 10% voted, and less than 30% of those were actually counted (Because overseas mail typically sucks). I am assuming 100% of them are counted, which is wildly implausible, but just to establish an upper limit.

    People seriously overestimate how many American's are actually on active duty. It just isn't a lot of people. And they don't vote in large numbers anyway. Veterans do, but not active personnel.

    This is true of civilians as well. According to FVAP.gov, there are 2.9 million Americans working overseas that are eligible to vote. In 2018, only 135k of them actually did vote. That is a turnout of less than 4%, and that is probably about what the military realistically does as well. Only there are a lot less then 2.9 million deployed military, there are in fact only about 165,000 Active Duty members deployed overseas. Even if they were voting at 10x the rates of civilians (They aren't) that isn't going to be relevant when spread across 50 states and a lot of territories. (This also assuming they are all eligible to vote, and about 25% of them aren't)

  8. #26888
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftbrul View Post
    What an embarrassing circus so far. Hopefully it'll be done by tonight, but I doubt the country should be so lucky.

    I think it's gone smoothly given the record turnout, and many states were not able to start counting early/absentee votes until the day of and had huge backlogs.

  9. #26889
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    This man genuinely thinks that counting mail-in ballots is somehow people still personally voting after election day, doesn't he?
    He's trying to take victory in an election by throwing out votes legally cast.

    There is no positive spin on that.

  10. #26890
    Quote Originally Posted by Chelly View Post
    Regardless of who wins or loses this election, seeing the Trump supporters who kept shouting "SHE LOST, GET OVER IT" absolutely lose their shit over this election - resorting to election fraud and conspiracy theories - is fucking hilarious.

    You guys are the biggest snowflake jokes in the world.
    If Biden wins, every conservative in this country is going to have to roll new forum accounts on every discussion forum that keeps a post history. Otherwise there's no way they'll be able to try to cry about anything Biden does, because we will always have some post of theirs from the Trump era that will contradict their current stance.

  11. #26891
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    Trump just tweeted: "ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!", he truly is a special case isn't he.

    Edit: Already flagged 3 minutes after the fact. Twitter's on the ball.
    Last edited by thilicen; 2020-11-05 at 03:19 PM.

  12. #26892
    Trump has 4 ways to win at this point:

    - Win in PA, NC, AZ (note that this is already called for Biden by some outlets), NV
    - Win in PA, GA, AZ, NV
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, AZ
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, NV

    If the calls from media outlets for AZ are correct, Trump has precisely one remaining route to victory. Lose any of PA, GA, NC or NV and he's done.

    Biden only needs to win PA and it's all over. If he loses that, he can win through taking GA and NC (NC seems a long shot), GA and AZ (looks very possible), GA and NV (also very possible), NC and AZ, or AZ and NV. The fact he can win with just PA, or win with AZ and NV and win puts him very much in pole position here.

  13. #26893
    High Overlord Gerron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    No. Military absentee voting is not common enough to be influential. The bulk of the voting from a military base comes from family members and local contractors/support personnel. Every unit I was ever a part of had absentee voting rates well under 10%, and even lower when deployed.

    Georgia has a pretty normal percentage of military members, according to google it has 88,089, which is the sixth highest. Of that 88,089, expect less then 10% to vote. Of those 8808 votes, expect a partisan split of roughly 55-60% for Trump. This doesn't count people who were already in Georgia when the election was held, which would actually be a pretty substantial portion of them. All those numbers are actually pretty generous, so that is actually about the upper end of what they are likely to do. They might close the gap for Trump by about 800 or so, no more.
    I'll add on to this by saying that for those going through basic training it can be rather hard to get an absentee ballot. I was in boot camp at the Navy RTC during an election year. Stayed there a bit longer than expected so trying to request a ballot, have it arrive on time and then get it back in time was not fun.

  14. #26894
    Quote Originally Posted by thilicen View Post
    Trump just tweeted: "ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!", he truly is a special case isn't he.
    And somehow that guy got more people to vote for him than the last time.

    What's wrong with this picture? I'll tell you. People are truly stupid.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  15. #26895
    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post
    Trump has 4 ways to win at this point:

    - Win in PA, NC, AZ (note that this is already called for Biden by some outlets), NV
    - Win in PA, GA, AZ, NV
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, AZ
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, NV

    If the calls from media outlets for AZ are correct, Trump has precisely one remaining route to victory. Lose any of PA, GA, NC or NV and he's done.

    Biden only needs to win PA and it's all over. If he loses that, he can win through taking GA and NC (NC seems a long shot), GA and AZ (looks very possible), GA and NV (also very possible), NC and AZ, or AZ and NV. The fact he can win with just PA, or win with AZ and NV and win puts him very much in pole position here.
    The most 2020 thing to happen would be if Biden wins Georgia and loses every other state and it goes 269/269. Evil liberal Nancy Pelosi crowning Biden our new God King would be the most hilarious way to end this country.

  16. #26896
    Quote Originally Posted by thilicen View Post
    Edit: Already flagged 3 minutes after the fact. Twitter's on the ball.
    Why, he is right, just for the wrong reasons.

  17. #26897
    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post
    Trump has 4 ways to win at this point:

    - Win in PA, NC, AZ (note that this is already called for Biden by some outlets), NV
    - Win in PA, GA, AZ, NV
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, AZ
    - Win in PA, GA, NC, NV

    If the calls from media outlets for AZ are correct, Trump has precisely one remaining route to victory. Lose any of PA, GA, NC or NV and he's done.

    Biden only needs to win PA and it's all over. If he loses that, he can win through taking GA and NC (NC seems a long shot), GA and AZ (looks very possible), GA and NV (also very possible), NC and AZ, or AZ and NV. The fact he can win with just PA, or win with AZ and NV and win puts him very much in pole position here.
    PA is looking very likely to go to Biden. It will probably flip today, and go under 50k deficit in 5 hours. We still have to see though.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  18. #26898
    Pandaren Monk
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    Just out of humor/curiosity...I'm sure it likely wasn't enough to make a dent in anything, but does anyone know how many votes Kanye West ended up getting? I live in Georgia, and I didn't even even see him on the ballot (just Trump, Biden, and Jorgensen).

  19. #26899
    Quote Originally Posted by Cidzor View Post
    Just out of humor/curiosity...I'm sure it likely wasn't enough to make a dent in anything, but does anyone know how many votes Kanye West ended up getting? I live in Georgia, and I didn't even even see him on the ballot (just Trump, Biden, and Jorgensen).

    Sixty thousand people. Depressing, really.

  20. #26900
    Quote Originally Posted by Chelly View Post
    Regardless of who wins or loses this election, seeing the Trump supporters who kept shouting "SHE LOST, GET OVER IT" absolutely lose their shit over this election - resorting to election fraud and conspiracy theories - is fucking hilarious.

    You guys are the biggest snowflake jokes in the world.

    Keem is a trumper lmao.

    A Fetus is not a person under the 14th amendment.

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