“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
tHAT'S another thing good about this thread. You get to find out who to ignore on this site and the right wing crazies to block on social media
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
https://twitter.com/tripgabriel/stat...561126401?s=19Allegheny County, PA still has 35,413 uncounted mail-in ballots, but elections staff is taking today off for "administrative work" and will not resume count until Friday. "I can't get an answer as to why,'' says @bethanyhallam, a member of county elections board.
I understand 4hr work day is a long day. Take the rest off, only Democracy in the balance
"Buh dah DEMS"
If this was, say, a board game, I'd understand if each state was waiting on one of the others to go first and make themselves the target.
I hope that's not what's happening here. Being afraid to reveal the results of legally-cast votes, for fear of violence, is giving in to terrorism. Which right now, Team Trump is performing.
GA - R 2,432,925 D 2,414,781 99% reporting. Is it enough left to flip?
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
What could fix all this mess is to have the same deadline to vote but the count is kept secret for one week. Then release all results at once. No state knows what the other has or doesn't have and there isn't this up and down roller coaster as votes are counted by the minute.
There is no requirement for the States to deliver the results ASAP. It's generally accepted that it'll be a week or more before an official count is finalized, and that's been the case for every single election the USA has ever had.
The only difference is that the lead's usually significant enough that it's easier to call earlier in the race. This is a nail-biter not because vote counting is slow, but because the race is so close.
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman said that his state’s ballot-counting process is “drawing to a close” and believes that the outstanding ballots will deliver the state's 20 electoral votes to Joe Biden.
Fetterman is a well-respected PA moderate, well-educated, and a long-term mayor. Hopefully he knows what he's doing.As of Thursday morning, Pennsylvania had about 768,000 ballots remaining that needed to be counted, which Fetterman said in an interview on MSNBC would be enough to "probably deliver our Commonwealth to the [former] vice president at this point, based on previous modeling of how those ballots have been performing with respect to, whether it's for the [former] vice president, or the president.”
While Fetterman declined to predict when he believes his state would finish counting, he indicated that it was possible it would be done by Thursday evening.
“Things are drawing to a close,” said Fetterman, who reiterated that the outstanding ballots in his state will be favorable to Biden’s chances to carry Pennsylvania, which Trump won in 2016.
Asked about any irregularities from the election in his state, he said it’s been “incredibly smooth” and suggested that the only issue has been the lawsuits the Trump campaign is mounting.
“You have the Trump campaign showing up on our corner in Philadelphia like some sad carnival barker, making outlandish claims,” he said. “That's the only problem.”
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That also sounds like a board game.