1. #28661
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Lindsey Graham tells me while smoking that her husband is donating half a million dollars to Trump's election legal funds.

    I mean...why? The DoJ is on the case already. Clearly Trump's legal issues will be handled by the American taxpayer. And not Trump, who doesn't pay taxes.
    Yeah, really cool to see Trump solicit millions in legal funds while the American people are struggling with record unemployment and uncertainty.

  2. #28662
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Kellyanne "I use do thave a daughter that loved me" Conway goes on FOX News for the verbal equivalent of what a five-year-old does to force that jigsaw puzzle together.

    His campaign manager is out there saying, ‘Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.’ That should not be said, because we are still counting votes. And just as Joe Biden is telling people to be patient, I’ve been saying that since election night.

    If they spent three years investigating this president, impeaching this president, we can certainly wait for three hours, three days, three weeks or three months, however long it takes for every legal and on-time vote to be counted
    First of all, it wasn't three years yet. GOP had the House for two. Or, she's talking about NYState, but that election ended ages ago.

    Second of all, this is a better spin than the rest of Team Trump. Instead of "stop the vote" or "keep counting" it's "count all the votes that are legal, then stop".

    Legal = Trump, of course.

    EDIT: Wait! There's more!

    Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum then asked Conway to comment on Trump prematurely declaring victory early Wednesday, even as millions of ballots were still being counted across multiple states.

    Conway attempted to clarify the president’s remarks, saying, “I think what the president was meaning there is that ... earlier in the night, he had the race won, people were projecting that some of these states that were supposed to turn blue, like Florida, Ohio, Texas — three states where Michael Bloomberg himself alone spent $100 million to turn those states blue, and they’re still bright red.”
    HAHAHAHAHA that bitch got called right the fuck out by FOX News live HAHAHAHAHA

  3. #28663
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    Clearly he only turns in War Mode for an easy PvP world quest, then it's back to care bear mode so he doesn't have to deal with a fair fight.
    You'll see. He will have WM on and someone will dismount him mid flight and he will "accidently" fall to his death.....
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  4. #28664
    Another small Georgia update takes it down to 1479.

  5. #28665
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Lindsey Graham tells me while smoking that her husband is donating half a million dollars to Trump's election legal funds.
    So the guy who spent weeks begging for donations to his campaign on Fox News is...donating $500,000 from his campaign to Trump's legal fund to challenge ballots?

    That sounds about right.

  6. #28666
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Is Graham also in super deep legal trouble that we don't know about and is afraid of going down with the Trump ship? Does he dread a potential Trump loss that badly that he's willing to burn money on frivolous law suits?
    <Pure speculation>

    During @Skroe's early impeachment threads, he had posited that a large portion of GOP leadership was complicit in campaign finance violations relating to foreign contributions. This was before the NRA issues with Russian money came out.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Graham involved in those shenanigans, and if I were a GOP Senator who had done something wrong that Trump knew about, I'd be terrified that he might turn state's evidence for SDNY or FBI in a massive RICO case.

    </Pure Speculation>
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Woods View Post
    LOL never change guys. I guess you won't because conservatism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do care what people on this forum think of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This site is amazing. It's comments like this, that make this site amazing.

  7. #28667
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Is Graham also in super deep legal trouble that we don't know about and is afraid of going down with the Trump ship? Does he dread a potential Trump loss that badly that he's willing to burn money on frivolous law suits?
    idk, dudes gravy train going for 6 more years. not sure why he's keeping up the charade.

  8. #28668
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Kellyanne "I use do thave a daughter that loved me" Conway goes on FOX News for the verbal equivalent of what a five-year-old does to force that jigsaw puzzle together.

    First of all, it wasn't three years yet. GOP had the House for two. Or, she's talking about NYState, but that election ended ages ago.

    Second of all, this is a better spin than the rest of Team Trump. Instead of "stop the vote" or "keep counting" it's "count all the votes that are legal, then stop".

    Legal = Trump, of course.
    More damning is that little "on-time vote" tick she threw in there.

    On time meaning... the actual definition, as in simply postmarked on or before November 3? Or on time meaning the Trump-brand definition of... received, and possibly-implied counted, before election day?
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  9. #28669
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Is Graham also in super deep legal trouble that we don't know about and is afraid of going down with the Trump ship? Does he dread a potential Trump loss that badly that he's willing to burn money on frivolous law suits?
    maybe his male prostitutes have recordings.

  10. #28670
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    So assuming Biden wins, I see three major points:

    1. Trump's reaction to this situation shows why he is different. The guy doesn't care at all about anyone or anything but himself, and he's willing to tear down the country if he doesn't get his way. People can say, "Well Biden is bad too", but that's because Trump's only option was to try to tear down Biden because everyone knows Trump is a scumbag. If Biden had lost, there is NO WAY he would have declared it a fraud.

    2. The composition of the Senate is becoming really problematic. In a few years, 70% of the population will be represented by 30% of the Senate. That's not good, and a serious problem. The Senate has been a problem since slavery days - when the overwhelming majority of the population was antislavery, the southerners relied on the Senate to prevent anything from changing.

    3. I think once more data comes back, we're going to see yet again that identity politics continues to drag down the democratic party. It's actually kind of amazing that they couldn't win the Cuban vote in Florida, and the vote there is 100% a repudiation of Black Lives Matter. It's fascinating to me because a more inclusive democratic party that had a message focused on workers rights and healthcare seems like it would be an absolute juggernaut. But they keep losing the votes of blue collar whites - who really should be part of their base - because the endless protests and attacks on the middle class coming from progressives erodes their support.
    I had a couple of conversation with my mom who is ultra liberal. She loves seeing Trump cry on TV when all he needs to say is 'heh I put 3 judges on the bench and the best Senate might be is 50/50. Fuck it, I'm out". I added that last part.

    The Senate was always supposed to be the static analogue to the House, where support is based on the population. I am fine with that. I think the real issue with the Senate are its customs that revolve around the two major parties. Customs that have little to do with the government and more about two parties consolidating their own power. The power that the Majority Leader has is a bunch of bullshit that's not sanctioned by much of anything.

  11. #28671
    I've firmly believed since Graham did his 180 on Trump that someone forced him to fall in line with his gay secret life escapades.

  12. #28672
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I've firmly believed since Graham did his 180 on Trump that someone forced him to fall in line with his gay secret life escapades.
    You might have a point. The sudden change of heart did come after Donnie Dum-dum Jr's tweet which mentioned Graham, by name, as not supporting Trump enough. Maybe he was motivated to do the alt-right thing?

  13. #28673

    Question, if the President does an executive order, who is it that has to challenge it?
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  14. #28674
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    You might have a point. The sudden change of heart did come after Donnie Dum-dum Jr's tweet which mentioned Graham, by name, as not supporting Trump enough. Maybe he was motivated to do the alt-right thing?
    I've also seen the argument that he's just a political pilotfish, going hard in whatever direction his party does. If Trump leaves, I guarantee he'll fall in line with whatever the GOP messaging happens to be thereafter.

  15. #28675
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    So the guy who spent weeks begging for donations to his campaign on Fox News is...donating $500,000 from his campaign to Trump's legal fund to challenge ballots?

    That sounds about right.
    Mitch pushed to confirm a judge then bailed on his responsibilities instead of passing a new stimulus package and he was still reelected. At what point do we call what Graham and Mitch are doing taking advantage of the mentally disabled? How do these blatantly corrupt individuals keep getting reelected.

  16. #28676
    has the attempted attack slowed down the count in PA?

  17. #28677
    Quote Originally Posted by Anevers View Post
    Still not the craziest election related thing I've seen on twitter.

    For some reason this reminds me, there's a religious group in New Zealand who apparently believe that it's God's will that one party in particular should win the election. However they're also not allowed to vote according to their religion. They just... believe God will make it happen? Also they did some now-illegal electioneering.

    Haven't heard from them for a while though so no idea if they're even still doing much.

  18. #28678
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post

    Question, if the President does an executive order, who is it that has to challenge it?
    Anyone with standing. Which means anyone who it would affect IIRC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  19. #28679
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    has the attempted attack slowed down the count in PA?
    Republicans will make a new conspiracy out of this as a "false flag psy-op" plot just like with the guy who shot up that pizza place lol
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  20. #28680
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    African Angels. If you don't know

    They didn't remix the audio.

    I think this was the strangest thing yet
    Quote Originally Posted by lakers01 View Post
    Those damn liberal colleges! Can you believe they brainwash people into thinking murder is wrong! And don't get me started with all that critical thinking bullshit!
    Quote Originally Posted by Rukentuts View Post
    I'm being trickled on from above. Wait that's not money.

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