The people dogpile onto commenters here is nasty.
Again reading comprehension much? Where did I put the blame on Clinton losing to anyone? She had a part in losing for sure. Clinton, Russia, misinformation, Comey, all to blame. If it's the same mistakes, than it's the same people falling to the same traps laid out for them.
Some people have the luxury to be blind idealists and claiming it is done for the best of the country in the long term, however this is easy to do when you are not the one paying the price.
It honestly makes no sense, i have never abstained my vote out of spite. Change also comes from within not standing on the outside shouting things should be done better.
It is easy to claim that voting for nobody is putting the wrong person in charge because they aren't doing anything at all.
Can't claim that Maher isn't critical of the democrats either.
That's nice,
Now those are all lessons they can put into practice when democrats have the Presidency than when a republican is still there.
All in all you think you make a good case voting against Biden while in reality you make a good case for voting against donny dumbo. Because all what the democrats did poorly he did worse.
Fun fact for you, the last republican president who actually remotely gave a damn about the working class was Nixon. So if you are truly concerned about the working class you shouldn't have been voting republican for a long time.
Last edited by Acidbaron; 2020-05-09 at 07:38 AM.
Sounds like you to be honest, you have also made up your mind on the matter so what makes you more right than anyone else his?
You have also decided to grant certain sources more credible than others and also embraced them more because it suits your view better.
Now i am not saying this is true or false, i am simply stating that the message from Maher makes sense and he also is not lying as he simply states that in the grand scheme of things it matters less.
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The both sides argument is weak and a false, as while both pander to their benefactors one does not go out of their way to dismantle agencies and attack worker rights flat out.
We only need to look at the difference in governors handling the corona crisis, Democrats are far more concerned about the well being than republicans are by a factor of ten.
You and others keep making about the Democratic party and unkept promises.
First of all, campaign promises that don't turn into something concrete when the one making it is as old as politics.
And this isn't about the Democratic party. It's about not giving a person a chance who is universally considered to be an abhorrent individual and politician.
You talk about the Democrats not meeting progressive agendas. How would maintaining a regressive politician in power help that in any way?
But maintaining a guy who's as regressive as it gets is the antithesis of progressive.
You cannot claim to be for the betterment of society while supporting a man that is the opposite of that, just because the alternative still doesn't meet your ideological standards.
You are not progressives.
I'm sorry, but there's little way for one to see this except for the spoiled brat who didn't get his candy.
Within the American mainstream understanding of Conservatives, why would one be upset about people not voting for Biden? I'd think that they'd be happy to have Trump remain in the WH.
But you've made yourself clear in the past, have you not? Be it now or November, you won't change your stance. Let's lay our cards on the table: November comes and Biden is still the Democratic nominee. Would you vote or not for him?
It is ironic that one who lacks nuance in their perspective chooses to frame their critics through one single lens. So, every person criticizing your stance is a conservative?
This reminds me a bit of the Portuguese situation, although it's less significant, by a huge margin. There's the politician/party that's essentially a populist extreme right wing party that has around 40.000 supporters country wide, and it got that support banking on the vastly transparent populist message of "enough is enough! it's time to change things!"
My point? That I'm sure that a margin of that support is willingly given to just send a message to the current political establishment to change.
Except... you don't enact change by supporting an extremist.
Do you see the parallel here?
Directly it does not, indirectly it does.
Republicans benefit from lower voter turn out. Republicans benefit from division among the democrat base.
So the question can be phrased differently. What conditions can you contribute to increase the chances of the political ideologies you oppose from winning?
When it comes to winning an election these things matter, what this thread is about.
Now when it comes to changing the democrat leadership this is also done more efficiently from within the party especially when the current situation is so that democratic institutes are under attack in the US, if this was not the case i could agree that reforming the party could also happen when in opposition and one can actually already argue that this is already happening as younger people not tied to the old ways and old money are making waves such as AOC.
So Grimbold21 is correct it makes absolutely no sense to abstain yourself from voting with the risk of letting the situation deteriorate even more. As a Belgian i can't even understand the idea of not voting because voting here is mandatory and for a good reason, i mean people died to give you that option.
As stated earlier i also find that people who are okay with seeing their nation deteriorate further are those capable of wintering the storm, what is very selfish and very unpatriotic if you ask me.
Those voting for a segregationist, a homophobe, a man in the pay of wall st, a man who opposed abortion his entire life, a man who cheerleaded for Bush's wars, yes those are conservatives. It is a simple point: you vote for whom you want elected.
I'm sure you think you are doing something terribly clever voting for that guy but we've been here before with Obama and Clinton and there was nothing terribly clever about the outcome: you simply ended up with the political center moving to the right.
Those voting for a segregationist, a homophobe, a man in the pay of wall st, a man who opposed abortion his entire life, a man who cheerleaded for Bush's wars, yes those are conservatives. It is a simple point: you vote for who you want elected.
I'm sure you think you are doing something terribly clever voting for that guy but we've been here before with Obama and Clinton and there was nothing terribly clever about the outcome: you simply ended up with the political center moving to the right.