1. #3621
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    Most people are of the opinion we don't really want to go back to "No Irish, No Blacks" because it is racist.

    i'm not sure why I have to explain this.
    If someone wants to treat all races the same. Is that racism?

  2. #3622
    Quote Originally Posted by Acidbaron View Post
    So easy to trigger this anti-intellectuals
    I'm merely stating the facts, you entered the thread and were being ignored.

  3. #3623
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    If you guys are going to play with the burner accounts can you at least report them so the cleanup happens faster? You've made the last 10 pages of this thread unreadable.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  4. #3624
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    If someone wants to treat all races the same. Is that racism?
    If someone wants to serve some people on the basis of their race and not others, that is racism.

  5. #3625
    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    If someone wants to serve some people on the basis of their race and not others, that is racism.
    Yes, and as I said in that very quote, those people would be racist for doing that.

    It would appear you got conned by that burner account.

  6. #3626
    The Insane Acidbaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    If you guys are going to play with the burner accounts can you at least report them so the cleanup happens faster? You've made the last 10 pages of this thread unreadable.
    That's a given to be honest.

  7. #3627
    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    If you guys are going to play with the burner accounts can you at least report them so the cleanup happens faster? You've made the last 10 pages of this thread unreadable.
    Are you really so intimidated by someone challenging your opinions that you have to run to the moderator at every opportunity? You have a very infantile mindset: you seem to run to Mummy every time you think people were mean to you.

  8. #3628
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    If someone wants to serve some people on the basis of their race and not others, that is racism.
    That would be on the people that choose to serve people based on race. Not on someone that is ok with all races being treated equally.

    While I disagree with Machismo, what he is proposing isn't racism in itself, but it does allow racist people to show themselves. His idea being a free market would push those bad people out and they wouldn't be able to run a business.

    I seem to remember having this exact convo with him before.

    Again if I'm wrong on any of this feel free to correct me @Machismo

  9. #3629
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    That would be on the people that choose to serve people based on race. Not on someone that is ok with all races being treated equally.

    While I disagree with Machismo, what he is proposing isn't racism in itself, but it does allow racist people to show themselves. His idea being a free market would push those bad people out and they wouldn't be able to run a business.

    I seem to remember having this exact convo with him before.

    Again if I'm wrong on any of this feel free to correct me @Machismo
    Nope, you are right on the money.

  10. #3630
    Can't reply again.. Man man. Oh well Machismo. Thanks for proving my point that all your claims of hating racists to be complete bs and lies. That quote I've provided exposed you as the hypocritical racist that you are. A hypocrite who is in favor of the abuse of the goodwill of the Amendment that allows the promotion of racial discrimination and exclusion. You remind me of a certain guy who abuses the Amendment all the time.

  11. #3631
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    Can't reply again.. Man man. Oh well Machismo. Thanks for proving my point that all your claims of hating racists to be complete bs and lies. That quote I've provided exposed you as the hypocritical racist that you are. A hypocrite who is in favor of the abuse of the goodwill of the Amendment that allows the promotion of racial discrimination and exclusion. You remind me of a certain guy who abuses the Amendment all the time.
    Yeah... nope... Try agian

  12. #3632
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post

    While I disagree with Machismo, what he is proposing isn't racism in itself, but it does allow racist people to show themselves. His idea being a free market would push those bad people out and they wouldn't be able to run a business.
    Yes but in the interim while the freemarket is supposed to work its magic, ethnic minorities would be kept down. You would be restricting public access to commercial services which would damage those races also. And the racists don't care if it hurts them financially as long as they get hurt other races. This is a big part of why Trump got elected.

  13. #3633
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Yeah... nope... Try agian
    He has no objections to the misuse of the Amendment that leads to the promotion of racism. And you are defending him. Or are you saying the Amendment is supposed to be used like that? Birds of a feather I guess?

  14. #3634
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    He has no objections to the misuse of the Amendment that leads to the promotion of racism. And you are defending him. Or are you saying the Amendment is supposed to be used like that? Birds of a feather I guess?
    You keep lying, shame on you.


    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    But you support policies that encourages racism and exclusion. That makes you a Trumpster. Sugarcoating doesn't hide anything. You are a Trumpster that favors racist policies.

    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    The Amendment can be abused by bs racist policies like that. And you favor that. You are a Trumpster. To think I used to look up to you as my senpai. You disappoint me. I'm devastated and need some time alone now. My world is dead.
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    So you favor the abuse of the Amendment so as to encourage racism and racial exclusion? Can't fucking believe a you are a Trumpster, mate. You disappoint me my man

  15. #3635
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    If you guys are going to play with the burner accounts can you at least report them so the cleanup happens faster? You've made the last 10 pages of this thread unreadable.
    Doesn't really matter when the clean up happens so long as the root issue is not addressed, If he gets banned and still want to respond he'll be back 5 minuter later with a fresh account anyway.

  16. #3636
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    Yes but in the interim while the freemarket is supposed to work its magic, ethnic minorities would be kept down. You would be restricting public access to commercial services which would damage those races also. And the racists don't care if it hurts them financially as long as they get hurt other races. This is a big part of why Trump got elected.
    I don't disagree with that, but that still doesn't make machismo racist.

  17. #3637
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    Can't reply again.. Man man. Oh well Machismo. Thanks for proving my point that all your claims of hating racists to be complete bs and lies. That quote I've provided exposed you as the hypocritical racist that you are. A hypocrite who is in favor of the abuse of the goodwill of the Amendment that allows the promotion of racial discrimination and exclusion. You remind me of a certain guy who abuses the Amendment all the time.
    If you had looked at that quote, and not edited it out, then you'd have the answer. Don't blame me, because you got caught being disingenuous.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    Yes but in the interim while the freemarket is supposed to work its magic, ethnic minorities would be kept down. You would be restricting public access to commercial services which would damage those races also. And the racists don't care if it hurts them financially as long as they get hurt other races. This is a big part of why Trump got elected.
    So, who am I racist against?

  18. #3638
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    He has no objections to the misuse of the Amendment that leads to the promotion of racism. And you are defending him. Or are you saying the Amendment is supposed to be used like that? Birds of a feather I guess?
    I mean. I just went over exactly what he thought with said amendment. It's not racist.

  19. #3639
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I don't disagree with that, but that still doesn't make machismo racist.
    Possibly on some kind of philosophical level, but I'd like to see him agree that in front of audience of black people.

    Given that he's clearly been implying that those who oppose Biden are all Trumpists, I don't feel especially generous towards interpreting his comments favorably.

  20. #3640
    Quote Originally Posted by Truthtelling View Post
    Possibly on some kind of philosophical level, but I'd like to see him agree that in front of audience of black people.

    Given that he's clearly been implying that those who oppose Biden are all Trumpists, I don't feel especially generous towards interpreting his comments favorably.
    It's already been explained... your willful ignorance really isn't my fault.

    I feel like David Duchovny in Zoolander.

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