That would be on the people that choose to serve people based on race. Not on someone that is ok with all races being treated equally.
While I disagree with Machismo, what he is proposing isn't racism in itself, but it does allow racist people to show themselves. His idea being a free market would push those bad people out and they wouldn't be able to run a business.
I seem to remember having this exact convo with him before.
Again if I'm wrong on any of this feel free to correct me @Machismo
Can't reply again.. Man man. Oh well Machismo. Thanks for proving my point that all your claims of hating racists to be complete bs and lies. That quote I've provided exposed you as the hypocritical racist that you are. A hypocrite who is in favor of the abuse of the goodwill of the Amendment that allows the promotion of racial discrimination and exclusion. You remind me of a certain guy who abuses the Amendment all the time.
Yes but in the interim while the freemarket is supposed to work its magic, ethnic minorities would be kept down. You would be restricting public access to commercial services which would damage those races also. And the racists don't care if it hurts them financially as long as they get hurt other races. This is a big part of why Trump got elected.
You keep lying, shame on you.
Possibly on some kind of philosophical level, but I'd like to see him agree that in front of audience of black people.
Given that he's clearly been implying that those who oppose Biden are all Trumpists, I don't feel especially generous towards interpreting his comments favorably.