1. #3641
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Which part of my statement did I lie go ahead? You black and white stated that you have no objection to the promoting the racist policy stated in that quote

  2. #3642
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    Which part of my statement did I lie go ahead? You black and white stated that you have no objection to the promoting the racist policy stated in that quote
    That was already provided, enjoy!!!

    Who am I supposedly racist against?

  3. #3643
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    That was already provided, enjoy!!!

    Who am I supposedly racist against?
    You'd argue with your own reflection. Why give a ban posting alt the time?

  4. #3644
    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    You'd argue with your own reflection. Why give a ban posting alt the time?
    I could never argue with my own reflection, it's always right.

    We were told to treat them as "new posters." This is what the powers that be want.

  5. #3645
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I mean. I just went over exactly what he thought with said amendment. It's not racist.
    He has no objections to racist policies being implemented whilst using the Amendment as a shield. He is suggesting he has no qualms about the amendment being abused like that. He is a hypocritical racist using the amendment as an excuse. Why would anyone who is devoted to racism not be opposed to this kind of BS policy.? And no true respecter of the Amendment would be approving of it being abused this way.

  6. #3646
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    He has no objections to racist policies being implemented whilst using the Amendment as a shield. He is suggesting he has no qualms about the amendment being abused like that. He is a hypocritical racist using the amendment as an excuse. Why would anyone who is devoted to racism not be opposed to this kind of the BS policy.? And no true respecter of the Amendment would be approving of it being abused this way.
    Who am I racist against?

  7. #3647
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    That was already provided, enjoy!!!

    Who am I supposedly racist against?
    You have no objections to the implementation of policies that lead to black people being excluded and discriminated. How is that not racism?

  8. #3648
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You have no objections to the implementation of policies that lead to black people being excluded and discriminated. How is that not racism?
    As before, who am I racist against?

    As has already been pointed out, I support being able to refuse service to anyone, for any reason... so that seems to mean I would have to literally be racist against literally everyone of every race.

    Your logic sucks balls.

  9. #3649
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    As before, who am I racist against?

    As has already been pointed out, I support being able to refuse service to anyone, for any reason... so that seems to mean I would have to literally be racist against literally everyone of every race.

    Your logic sucks balls.

    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white. You did not state other races at that post. Now you are adding words that never existed in that post to make you seem not guilty. Very dishonest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Yes, I think a company should be legally allowed to refuse to serve black people.
    Last edited by AntiStooge; 2020-05-09 at 03:22 PM.

  10. #3650
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white.
    You still cannot provide the entire quote? How very disingenuous of you.

    I'm also OK with people not serving white people in their private business. Does that make me racist against white people? I feel the same for all races, so your only logical conclusion, is that I must be racist against literally everyone, including myself.

    Swing and a miss for you, sport.

  11. #3651
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    If you guys are going to play with the burner accounts can you at least report them so the cleanup happens faster? You've made the last 10 pages of this thread unreadable.
    The forums are completely unmoderated over the weekend because this is a "volunteer job" and "moderators have lives". Nothing will happen till Monday.
    Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.

    Just, be kind.

  12. #3652
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You still cannot provide the entire quote? How very disingenuous of you.

    I'm also OK with people not serving white people in their private business. Does that make me racist against white people? I feel the same for all races, so your only logical conclusion, is that I must be racist against literally everyone, including myself.

    Swing and a miss for you, sport.

    There was no mention of other races in that quote. The focus was on black people being refused services in that very quote. We all know to specifically deny black people of services is a form of intentional racism. You did not say shit about other races in that post. Now you are twisting and turning to add words to hide your guilt. Very cheeky my boy. And too obvious also. You are a disgusting hypocrite. With zero respect for the Amendment.

  13. #3653
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    There was no mention of other races in that quote. The focus was on black people being refused services in that very quote. We all know to specifically deny black people of services is a form of intentional racism. You did not say shit about other races in that post. Now you are twisting and turning to add words to hide your guilt. Very cheeky my boy. And too obvious also. You are a disgusting hypocrite. With zero respect of the Amendment.
    I literally just mentioned it, and I even said it in that very thread. Maybe you'd have figured that out, if you didn't edit out other people's comments.

    You really suck at lying.

    According to Lockybalboa/Allybeboba, I'm racist against literally everyone, including myself.


  14. #3654
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I literally just mentioned it, and I even said it in that very thread. Maybe you'd have figured that out, if you didn't edit out other people's comments.

    You really suck at lying.

    According to Lockybalboa/Allybeboba, I'm racist against literally everyone, including myself.

    Someone got caught supporting racist policies black and white a while ago. Then 1 month plus later proclaims he's not a racist. Genius! Oh and he is ok with abusement of the amendment too. Like certain orange guy he claims to despise lmao!

  15. #3655
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    The only logical replacement is Bernie. Swapping in someone who wasn’t even running is fucking retarded. Only someone with a serious mental deficiency, or an agenda to get Trump elected, thinks swapping in a random governor who wasn’t running is the way to go. And that’s IF Biden needs to be replaced. I’m still on the investigate the allegations phase of this.
    Jesus fucking christ, I gotta spell it out for ya do I?

    The question was "Hypothetically, what if someone like Newsom or Cuomo had been in this from the beginning and how would you feel about them being the nominee instead of Biden."

    Everybody else got it.

    I don't really see much point in talking about the election as it stands. We don't accomplish anything here. The Blues are going to vote for Biden, the Reds are going to vote for Trump. Biden isn't a spectacular candidate but he's still miles better than Trump, and quite frankly I don't give two fucks about the allegations about Biden. Sorry not sorry. We've got the literal embodiment of all the worst aspects of America in office whose allegations have been not just investigated but also substantiated, and we collectively can't do fuck all about it.

    All "investigating the allegations" is going to do is bog down Biden and make a Trump win more likely. So when you spout off bullshit like "Oh you must have an agenda to want to replace Biden now!" you can shove it because "investigate the allegations" is no better. It's going to accomplish nothing except to run down Biden and make a Trump win easier. Even if exonerated Biden will not come out of the investigation a shining champion with a strong position to beat Trump. All people will see is a man who was investigated for a crime and most of them won't believe he's innocent anyway. Even a guilty verdict doesn't mean Bernie is gonna get the nom, it just means we'll either get a Biden with a criminal record or we'll get some other Biden-like candidate.
    Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.

    Just, be kind.

  16. #3656
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    Someone got caught supporting racist policies black and white a while ago. Then 1 month plus later proclaims he's not a racist. Genius! Oh and he is ok with abusement of the amendment too. Like certain orange guy he claims to despise lmao!
    You really should go back to that thread, it was about a racist white guy who was refused service... and I supported the private company's decision to not serve the racist piece of shit.

    Man, you lose, again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I did comment on it, take your business elsewhere. Start your own company. Send him a check. Pay him in bitcoin.

    You are right here, arguing against capitalism and the free markets. Such a shame...

    Hell, I was even talking to... YOU in that very thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    That's a moronic statement, and you are a fucking liar.

    Oh wait... new account... no surprise there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    What racists am I defending? I'll wait.

    Like I have said the entire time, I support individual liberty, limited government,a nd the free markets. I have no desire to arrest someone, simply because they are racist trash. I will simply choose to not do business with them. Since you chose to edit out my comment, that makes you a fucking liar as well. Lots of you guys around these days.

    I'll add what I said about those people, since yu chose to delete it:

    "It would make them racist shitbags, but they should be free to be racist shitbags. And yes, they would be racist, and they should be free to be racist."

    You are a fucking liar.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    No, they really haven't. Sargon still has a Facebook Page, and he still has his YouTube page (remember when people like you were calling them both monopolies).



    You. Are. Welcome.

    Also, it's adorable how disingenuous you are by continuing to edit comments to fit your agenda. I mean, if you want to be a blatant fucking liar, I support your freedom to be a blatant fucking liar.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You mean all the "woke" individuals whining against free speech and wanting to force companies to platform racist shitbags?

    Oh wait, methinks you have no clue what you are talking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Well, Patreon dumped his ass, so it would seem I have that going for me. Alas, maybe people shouldn't be racist shitbags, and others would be more likely to do business with them. Thank goodness that freedom won out on this one.

    You. Are. Welcome.

  17. #3657
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You really should go back to that thread, it was about a racist white guy who was refused service... and I supported the private company's decision to not serve the racist piece of shit.

    Man, you lose, again.

    Hell, I was even talking to... YOU in that very thread:

    You. Are. Welcome.

    That wasn't me in that thread. You've completely lost it lmao! Quoting a mount of BS as usual. You got caught being a racist supporting discriminating policies and it all went downhill from there my friend. These BS are spouted after you got caught from that quote. And you panicked and began to win sympathy points. Before and after. And why wasn't there a single mention of the Amendment and other races in that original quote if you were not guilty. Those later quotes are conjured BS to hide your obvious guilt. You expect people to believe you lmao?

    "I support the implementation of policies that excludes and discriminates black people" Few minutes later " I am not a racist" Keep on with your hypocrisy.

  18. #3658
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    That wasn't me in that thread. You've completely lost it lmao! Quoting a mount of BS as usual. You got caught being a racist supporting discriminating policies and it all went downhill from there my friend. These BS are spouted after you got caught from that quote. And you panicked and begin to win sympathy points. Before and after. And wasn't there a single mention of the Amendment and other races if you were not guilty. All conjured BS to hide your guilt. You expect people to believe you?

    "I support the implementation of policies that excludes and discriminates black people" Few minutes later " I am not a racist" Keep on with your hypocrisy.
    Uhh huh, have a wonderful day.

    Feel free to refer to the original thread, because that proves you are a liar.


    Edit, here's where I start talking:


    Last edited by Machismo; 2020-05-09 at 03:52 PM.

  19. #3659
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    That wasn't me in that thread. You've completely lost it lmao! Quoting a mount of BS as usual. You got caught being a racist supporting discriminating policies and it all went downhill from there my friend. These BS are spouted after you got caught from that quote. And you panicked and began to win sympathy points. Before and after. And why wasn't there a single mention of the Amendment and other races in that original quote if you were not guilty. Those later quotes are conjured BS to hide your obvious guilt. You expect people to believe you lmao?

    "I support the implementation of policies that excludes and discriminates black people" Few minutes later " I am not a racist" Keep on with your hypocrisy.
    Your welcome to dig if you want. Me and him had this exact convo months if not a year ago. It's not his fault you just assume something because it's not written down.

  20. #3660
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Your welcome to dig if you want. Me and him had this exact convo months if not a year ago. It's not his fault you just assume something because it's not written down.
    There was no mention of his BS amendment excuse and other races in that original post. Very telling. Then when he got caught, he panicked. He begun to do damage control and image altering from there and scream "I'm not a racist even though I have no objections to racist policies!!!" Things that are clear about him: he is a hypocrite racist who is in favor of the reckless abuse of the Amendment like a certain Orange Guy.

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