1. #36701
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    I like the last bit as well.
    I didn't even quote the real last bit, where the topic was once again "Hunter Biden is corrupt despite no proof, and there needs to be an investigation despite what Trump did when caught red-handed admitting to working with Russia".

    - - - Updated - - -

    The NYTimes reports--


    That's why you guys keep me around. Quoting more or less the whole thing.

    Some House Republicans plan to try to use Congress’s tallying of electoral results on Jan. 6 to tip the election to President Trump. The attempt will put Republicans in a pinch.

    Trump lost key swing states by clear margins. His barrage of lawsuits claiming widespread voting fraud has been almost universally dismissed, most recently by the Supreme Court. And on Monday, the Electoral College will formally cast a majority of its votes for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

    But as the president continues to refuse to concede, a small group of his most loyal backers in Congress is plotting a final-stage challenge on the floor of the House of Representatives in early January to try to reverse Mr. Biden’s victory.

    Constitutional scholars and even members of the president’s own party say the effort is all but certain to fail. But the looming battle on Jan. 6 is likely to culminate in a messy and deeply divisive spectacle that could thrust Vice President Mike Pence into the excruciating position of having to declare once and for all that Mr. Trump has indeed lost the election.

    For the vice president, whom the Constitution assigns the task of tallying the results and declaring a winner, the episode could be particularly torturous, forcing him to balance his loyalty to Mr. Trump with his constitutional duties and considerations about his own political future.

    The effort is being led by Representative Mo Brooks, Republican of Alabama, a backbench conservative. Along with a group of allies in the House, he is eyeing challenges to the election results in five different states — Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin — where they claim varying degrees of fraud or illegal voting took place, despite certification by the voting authorities and no evidence of widespread impropriety.

    “We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does,” Mr. Brooks said in an interview. “What we say, goes. That’s the final verdict.”

    Under rules laid out in the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887, their challenges must be submitted in writing with a senator’s signature also affixed. No Republican senator has yet stepped forward to say he or she will back such an effort, though a handful of reliable allies of Mr. Trump, including Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have signaled they would be open to doing so.

    Even if a senator did agree, constitutional scholars say the process is intended to be an arduous one. Once an objection is heard from a member of each house of Congress, senators and representatives will retreat to their chambers on opposite sides of the Capitol for a two-hour debate and then a vote on whether to disqualify a state’s votes. Both the Democratic-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree to toss out a state’s electoral votes — something that has not happened since the 19th century.

    Several Senate Republicans — including Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah — have forcefully rejected the idea of overturning the results, and their votes would be enough for Mr. Biden to prevail with the support of Democrats.

    “The Jan. 6 meeting is going to confirm that regardless of how many objections get filed and who signs on, they are not going to affect the outcome of the process,” said Edward B. Foley, a constitutional law professor at Ohio State University who has written extensively on the electoral process. “We can say that with clear confidence.”

    But he noted that the session could still carry consequences for the next few years. If even one Republican senator backed the effort, it could ensure that the partisan cloud hanging over the election would darken Mr. Biden’s presidency for years to come. If none did, it could send a definitive message to the country that despite Mr. Trump’s bluster, the party trusted the results of the electoral process and was finally ready to recognize Mr. Biden as the rightful winner.

    Mr. Brooks is far from the first lawmaker to try to use the tallying process to challenge the results of a bitter election loss. House Democrats made attempts in 2001, 2005 and even 2017, but they were essentially acts of protest after their party’s nominee had already accepted defeat.

    What is different now is Mr. Trump’s historic defiance of democratic norms and his party’s willing acquiescence. If Mr. Trump were to bless the effort to challenge the congressional tally, he could force Republicans into a difficult decision about whether to support an assault on the election results that is essentially doomed or risk his ire. Many Republicans are already fearful of being punished by voters for failing to keep up his fight.

    The dilemma is particularly acute for Mr. Pence, who is eyeing his own presidential run in 2024. As president of the Senate, he has the constitutionally designated task of opening and tallying envelopes sent from all 50 states and announcing their electoral results.

    But given Mr. Trump’s penchant for testing every law and norm in Washington, he could insist that Mr. Pence refuse to play that role. And either way, it will call for a final performance of the delicate dance Mr. Pence has performed for four years, trying to maintain Mr. Trump’s confidence while adhering to the law.

    “The role the V.P. plays in the transition is something that people have never focused on and never think about, but with Donald Trump, you now have to consider all the possibilities,” said Gregory B. Craig, a White House counsel under President Barack Obama.

    In 1961, Richard M. Nixon, who had just lost the election, oversaw the vote tabulation and had to decide whether to recognize competing electors from the new state of Hawaii. Mr. Nixon ultimately made a decision that hurt his vote total but had no effect on the final result that John F. Kennedy had won. Forty years later, after the 2000 election, Al Gore had to reject objections from his fellow Democrats and certify the victory of George W. Bush, who had won the state of Florida after the Supreme Court ordered a recount ended in that state.
    Okay I think that's enough bolding and emphasis. But let's talk about the bolded and orange for fat fatty fat fatass obese fat Trump.

    I am not the expert here and I hate to contradict the NYTimes who has more awards than I have brain cells. But I gotta disagree here. This is a very easy choice -- Pence will side with Trump without a second thought.

    Pence has no future without Trump. There is no choice to be made here. I don't care if he thinks he can run in 2024, he's wrong, for the following reasons:
    1) He's not Trump. People who are not Trump, cannot carry Trump's votes. It's a cult. Cults don't have Vice Presidents.
    2) He has no Charisma score. He could barely hold Indiana on "I hate the gays". He can't run and win on his own merits.
    3) I've personally cited multiplel articles about the GOP trying to field more women. Pence can't run with a woman.
    4) Trump is planning on running in 2024. Therefore Pence won't run. He could be the Vice President again, but (a) that's not really running and (b) that assumes Trump shows loyalty to someone who isn't Trump.
    5) Pence stood by like a potted plant while Trump attacked every square inch of democracy and every line in the Constitution except the Second Amendment. He has lost all the faith what's left of the Republicans had in him.
    6) And finally, I've seen literally nothing about Pence running anywhere except this one article this one time.

    Sorry, NYTimes. I just don't think Pence has means, motive, or opportunity.

  2. #36702
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I didn't even quote the real last bit, where the topic was once again "Hunter Biden is corrupt despite no proof, and there needs to be an investigation despite what Trump did when caught red-handed admitting to working with Russia".

    - - - Updated - - -

    The NYTimes reports--


    That's why you guys keep me around. Quoting more or less the whole thing.

    Okay I think that's enough bolding and emphasis. But let's talk about the bolded and orange for fat fatty fat fatass obese fat Trump.

    I am not the expert here and I hate to contradict the NYTimes who has more awards than I have brain cells. But I gotta disagree here. This is a very easy choice -- Pence will side with Trump without a second thought.

    Pence has no future without Trump. There is no choice to be made here. I don't care if he thinks he can run in 2024, he's wrong, for the following reasons:
    1) He's not Trump. People who are not Trump, cannot carry Trump's votes. It's a cult. Cults don't have Vice Presidents.
    2) He has no Charisma score. He could barely hold Indiana on "I hate the gays". He can't run and win on his own merits.
    3) I've personally cited multiplel articles about the GOP trying to field more women. Pence can't run with a woman.
    4) Trump is planning on running in 2024. Therefore Pence won't run. He could be the Vice President again, but (a) that's not really running and (b) that assumes Trump shows loyalty to someone who isn't Trump.
    5) Pence stood by like a potted plant while Trump attacked every square inch of democracy and every line in the Constitution except the Second Amendment. He has lost all the faith what's left of the Republicans had in him.
    6) And finally, I've seen literally nothing about Pence running anywhere except this one article this one time.

    Sorry, NYTimes. I just don't think Pence has means, motive, or opportunity.
    So, aside from the blatant treason and sedition, which is basically par for the course in GOtrumP land, this sets a dangerous precedent that could actually backfire. Right now it's clear what happened. The United States elected Joseph Biden as President of the United States. Trump lost. End of discussion.

    However, by "activating" this Constitutional mechanism in the modern era, it opens the door for Democrats to question a future election using this method. If the GOtrumP survives, we can expect future election shenanigans (see also intimidation, violence, cheating - the hallmarks of the classless GOtrumP). If those are rampant in a particular state that swung an entire election in favor of a future Republican candidate, and the House and Senate are held by the Democrats, well, it would now be "fair" for Pelosi-2 to roll out this procedure and invalidate a state's votes.

  3. #36703
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Trump lost. End of discussion.
    Pfft. You sound just like Chris Christie...uh...no offense.

    Listen, the legal theory put forward by his legal team and by the president is an absurdity. And the reason why the Supreme Court didn’t take it is because it’s an absurd idea to think that any state, or any number of states, no matter how good they are, can challenge another state’s right to run the election as they see fit. And also there’s no evidence.

    And also there’s no evidence.

    And also there’s no evidence.
    Wanna see the video?

    People are going to have to stand up and start to say these things. I mean, you know, the fact is in Georgia, and people should know this, that signature verification, which the president continues to tweet about, has been done twice in this election.

    The reason the Supreme Court is not taking this is not because of a lack of courage. It's for the same reason that every court has thrown this out. It's a lack of evidence and a lack of any type of legal theory that makes any sense.
    As to the rest of your post, what we're talking about is, as it often is, hypocrisy. We're seeing the Party of Trump do nothing but yell "the election was rigged because I don't like the result" and offer nothing but obstruction without evidence or standing. So, yes, the question is, why wouldn't literally every election end this way literally every time? The Republican Party has gone out of its way to say "yes, we should do this, that's okay". After 2016, the Democrats did none of this -- despite Clinton winning the popular vote and Russia attacking the election. We're seeing none of that here, yet the Party of Trump, should they follow through with Mo Brooks Mo Problems' threat, will be about fifty challenges. None of which changed anything about the legit, legal results of elections made tricky because of a pandemic Trump personally caused.

  4. #36704
    Why is Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger working so hard to add drop boxes and take other steps to make it harder for Republicans to win. Is he really that intimidated by Stacey Abrams?

    Woah Newt, saying the wrong part out loud. Of course Trump stated this but people always give Gingrich more credit.

    So again Trumpkins they are admitting voter suppression is the best way to win elections.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  5. #36705
    I don't think all the GOP politicians who signed onto the cases actually believe Trump won. Hell, I don't think most of them even believe it.

    That's what makes this all so much worse. This isn't about some falsely-believed fraud, or massive incompetence among election personnel. This is about placating the fragile ego of a 300-pound baby, because he cannot accept defeat. I stopped being a sore loser when I was 10 years old. They have to protect his ego, and they have to pander to him, or else they will lose the support of his cultists who are every bit as fragile as he is. This would be akin to a team losing the Super Bowl, but nobody being able to talk about it, because the losing team is still out on the field demanding a 7th and 8th quarter to try and catch up. Their mental state is so precarious, that they cannot even allow themselves to entertain the idea that they may have actually lost.

    This is the part that sickens me most about this country, how utterly fucking weak a large segment of the population is. Ten years ago, if you would have asked me to point to the perfect example of a weakling in America, I would have shown you images of effeminate emo boys in makeup and hoodies. If you would have asked 4 years ago, it would have been the Hillary supporters crying in the streets. Now, it's the "rugged individuals" who are the pathetic lot, and it's not even fucking close. Millenials and Generation Z are orders of magnitude tougher, stronger, and more macho than the sniveling lot that is the Trump cult.

    The GOP has become the party of fragile white supremacists, who are so scared of reality, that the people in charge of them have decided to simply keep letting those grown-ass men that Santa Claus is real, and the Easter Bunny still loves them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    Woah Newt, saying the wrong part out loud. Of course Trump stated this but people always give Gingrich more credit.

    So again Trumpkins they are admitting voter suppression is the best way to win elections.
    That's because Newt Gingrich is an evil fucktard.

  6. #36706
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    For more analysis, this NBC News article is titled "What the Electoral College vote means for Trump and Biden"

    Spoiler alart: the first line is The presidential race will be officially decided Monday. There's almost no way to change the outcome.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I don't think all the GOP politicians who signed onto the cases actually believe Trump won. Hell, I don't think most of them even believe it.
    Agreed, hence the wording being closer to "we need to see the evidence" and less "we found it".

  7. #36707
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    For more analysis, this NBC News article is titled "What the Electoral College vote means for Trump and Biden"

    Spoiler alart: the first line is The presidential race will be officially decided Monday. There's almost no way to change the outcome.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Agreed, hence the wording being closer to "we need to see the evidence" and less "we found it".
    I personally believe that makes the GOP even worse. It's not about actually challenging what they believe to be a fraudulent election (even if the evidence shows them to be wrong). It's about pandering to a bunch of fragile racists who are simply not prepared to face the reality that their guy lost.

    By this point in 2016, all the Hillary fans had stopped crying, regrouped, and become angry assholes hell bent on resisting the shit stain that is Trump. They had reached the final stage of grief, and were ready for the next round. It's been a month, and the Trumpsters haven't gotten past denial.

    I'm honestly not sure they ever will.

  8. #36708
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    Woah Newt, saying the wrong part out loud. Of course Trump stated this but people always give Gingrich more credit.

    So again Trumpkins they are admitting voter suppression is the best way to win elections.
    What GOP says:
    Making it easier for people to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    What GOP means:
    Allowing blacks and browns (and women) to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    I mean, I would wager only like 2/3rds of the votes cast in Fulton county were legal...
    Last edited by Eviscero; 2020-12-13 at 09:24 PM.

  9. #36709
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviscero View Post
    What GOP says:
    Making it easier for people to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    What GOP means:
    Allowing blacks and browns (and women) to vote makes it easier for DEMOCRATS to win!


  10. #36710
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviscero View Post
    What GOP says:
    Making it easier for people to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    What GOP means:
    Allowing blacks and browns (and women) to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    I mean, I would wager only like 2/3rds of the votes cast in Fulton county were legal...
    I can't tell if you're kidding or not.... Here is what your post should have said:

    What GOP means:
    Making it easier for people to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    What GOP means:
    Allowing blacks and browns (and women) to vote means we'll lose because we're moral and economic cowards!

    I mean, we know all of the votes cast in Fulton county were legal...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Weird thing to wager considering all the recounting and auditing they've done.
    I can't tell if he's kidding or not - I don't know his post history well enough.

  11. #36711
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    5) Pence stood by like a potted plant while Trump attacked every square inch of democracy and every line in the Constitution except the Second Amendment. He has lost all the faith what's left of the Republicans had in him.
    Point of order

    We’re going to take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court … it takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida; he had a lot of fires [and] they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second.
    -Trump Feb 2018

    2nd amendment got it too
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  12. #36712
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I can't tell if you're kidding or not.... Here is what your post should have said:

    What GOP means:
    Making it easier for people to vote makes it easier for WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD to occur!

    What GOP means:
    Allowing blacks and browns (and women) to vote means we'll lose because we're moral and economic cowards!

    I mean, we know all of the votes cast in Fulton county were legal...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I can't tell if he's kidding or not - I don't know his post history well enough.
    Yes. We had many of examples, evidence of GOP members openly admitting why they don't want people to vote. I mean with what's happening now trying to delegitimize and election and constant suppressing of voting, the GOP is nothing but a party of authoritarianism. A party that's once to rule with no inclination of our Constitutional, democratic principles.

    Anyways besides the crap they are pulling now, suppressing the vote has always been the my focus on how evil the GOP party is. Lazy in fact that they don't want to earn people's votes. Racist and bigots enough that the enough people in their party don't want to even try to bring people who don't look like them.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  13. #36713
    The Insane Daelak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I don't think all the GOP politicians who signed onto the cases actually believe Trump won. Hell, I don't think most of them even believe it.

    That's what makes this all so much worse. This isn't about some falsely-believed fraud, or massive incompetence among election personnel. This is about placating the fragile ego of a 300-pound baby, because he cannot accept defeat. I stopped being a sore loser when I was 10 years old. They have to protect his ego, and they have to pander to him, or else they will lose the support of his cultists who are every bit as fragile as he is. This would be akin to a team losing the Super Bowl, but nobody being able to talk about it, because the losing team is still out on the field demanding a 7th and 8th quarter to try and catch up. Their mental state is so precarious, that they cannot even allow themselves to entertain the idea that they may have actually lost.

    This is the part that sickens me most about this country, how utterly fucking weak a large segment of the population is. Ten years ago, if you would have asked me to point to the perfect example of a weakling in America, I would have shown you images of effeminate emo boys in makeup and hoodies. If you would have asked 4 years ago, it would have been the Hillary supporters crying in the streets. Now, it's the "rugged individuals" who are the pathetic lot, and it's not even fucking close. Millenials and Generation Z are orders of magnitude tougher, stronger, and more macho than the sniveling lot that is the Trump cult.

    The GOP has become the party of fragile white supremacists, who are so scared of reality, that the people in charge of them have decided to simply keep letting those grown-ass men that Santa Claus is real, and the Easter Bunny still loves them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's because Newt Gingrich is an evil fucktard.
    Great post. 100%
    Quote Originally Posted by zenkai View Post
    There is a problem, but I know just banning guns will fix the problem.

  14. #36714
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I'm sure he'll lash out at it simply because it's handing him a defeat, but without the EC he would have had practically zero chance of winning, at all.

    In fact the whole Trump shitshow thread wouldn't have existed, because without the electoral college we'd have had President Clinton and the concern trolls would be making threads about her choice of pantsuit or the 10,000th thread about the GOP launching more Benghazi investigations while we all go about our day-to-day businesses remembering the coronavirus outbreaks at the start of the year that we buckled down, listened to the scientists on, and got over mid-summer.
    I LOVE this post

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    Woah Newt, saying the wrong part out loud. Of course Trump stated this but people always give Gingrich more credit.

    So again Trumpkins they are admitting voter suppression is the best way to win elections.
    REALLY ???????

    Why is Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger working so hard to add drop boxes and take other steps to make it harder for Republicans to win. Is he really that intimidated by Stacey Abrams?

    Secretary of State Raffensperger is adding additional drop boxes???

    My hats off to him. He is putting himself and his family at risk to fight for democracy. This makes me think that we, as a country, just might stand a chance.

    Any idea what "other steps" he is taking that Gingrich is complaining about? This is the first I've heard about this.

  15. #36715
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    Any idea what "other steps" he is taking that Gingrich is complaining about? This is the first I've heard about this.
    Probably having voters registered, i mean how is an honest republican supposed to win if all those non-white people can vote?! Obviously to me it's a good thing when more people get to vote.

    (also note that I have no idea what the actual things are but seeing as how Ms Abrams is championing registration it seems likely that there is the problem for Mr Newt)
    Last edited by Iphie; 2020-12-14 at 04:55 AM. Reason: Corrected name

  16. #36716
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocSavageFan View Post
    Perhaps. We'll see.
    So now that electors are certifying the election for good, do you have any other brilliant plans to claim Trump will still be in office past Jan 20th?

  17. #36717
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    So now that electors are certifying the election for good, do you have any other brilliant plans to claim Trump will still be in office past Jan 20th?
    Something something secession something something Biden is #notmypresident

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  18. #36718
    Is there a projected time for when they have all voted?

  19. #36719
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Is there a projected time for when they have all voted?
    I doubt it, the pandemic changed the rules.

  20. #36720
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocSavageFan View Post
    It was a much closer margin than I expected.

    But, oh noes, we can't have that! You must insult me by saying I must have failed math or something. Wow...just wow...what a cesspool.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Perhaps. We'll see.
    Lol, no we won't. Biden is your President. So weird how quiet you've been this past month.

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