1. #36901
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Betsy DeVos urged career employees at the Education Department on Tuesday to “be the resistance”
    Well, that's an excuse to have them all fired.

  2. #36902

    In a totally real case of, "That actually happened!", some Trump supporter totes left a chick with...uh...blue...not-balls? because she asked him if he voted for Trump before they got freaky. He then went and drank a bottle of Syrah and had a vision with the frogs, and something something Trump will still be in office on January 20 and something I don't know anymore.

    I'm just here for the popcorn and am devastated that he appears to have deleted all the tweets : (

  3. #36903
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    In a totally real case of, "That actually happened!", some Trump supporter totes left a chick with...uh...blue...not-balls? because she asked him if he voted for Trump before they got freaky. He then went and drank a bottle of Syrah and had a vision with the frogs, and something something Trump will still be in office on January 20 and something I don't know anymore.

    I'm just here for the popcorn and am devastated that he appears to have deleted all the tweets : (
    I saw that earlier.

    Incels will invent the wildest fantasies.

  4. #36904
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    In a totally real case of, "That actually happened!", some Trump supporter totes left a chick with...uh...blue...not-balls? because she asked him if he voted for Trump before they got freaky. He then went and drank a bottle of Syrah and had a vision with the frogs, and something something Trump will still be in office on January 20 and something I don't know anymore.

    I'm just here for the popcorn and am devastated that he appears to have deleted all the tweets : (
    I'm supposed to believe this guy claiming he was drunk and trying to have premarital sex is a prophet?

    Seriously, though, it's amazing how easy it is to fall into a lunatic's inane ramblings just clicking onto profiles of Trump supporters on Twitter.

    "Trump still has a chance on Jan 14, read the constitution!" -> View Profile -> 30 tweets a day about Deep State PsyOps and Q.

  5. #36905
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Guess Trump will have to try fire Mitch now lol
    UPDATE: McConnell apparently called the WH first to warn them about his actions. Not to beg permission.

    It's still too little, too late for the tortoise to claim he's doing the right thing. But it is interesting that he's taking a few big steps back.

  6. #36906
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    So...I guess the TX electors pointless passed a resolution demanding other states go with "Alternate Electors"?

    I mean, it's pointless because it's literally just a piece of paper with no meaning or authority. To quote the San Antonio Current -

    PA Lt. Governor John Fetterman is taking this with the appropriate seriousness, too - https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/st...07626377195525

    - - - Updated - - -


    Trump remains focused on the big issues in the twilight hours of his administration.

    No, not covid. Think bigger.

    Shower heads. Yes, those magical devices that shoot out water that helps clean you. The ones Trump complains about all the time.

    Apparently the regulations are being updated - previously all shower heads combined in a fixture could provide 2.5 gallons per minute worth of pressure. Now that's being updated to "per-showerhead", so if you've got a 10-head shower then you're working with up to 25 gallons per minute worth of water pressure.

    Which...pretty much only affects rich folks with mansions that don't give a shit about water prices or conservation anyways. Another win for the...well, not the little guy or the average American, we all just have single shower head in our showers because we're normal fuckin people.
    Maybe Trump watched the episode of Seinfeld where they swapped out the showerheads and they were all "lo-flow" showerheads.

  7. #36907
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    PolitiFact got their hands on the latest Trump tweet and, well, it's exactly what you'd expect.

    Our Ruling

    Trump claimed that there was a 68% error rate in the tabulation machines used in Michigan, far more than the law allowed. The apparent source for his claim is a report from an investigation of tabulation equipment from one county that purportedly identified a 68.05% error rate.

    The author of the report said the error rate applied not to the number of ballots counted, but rather to the lines or events listed in the tabulators’ activity logs.

    Trump’s tweet refers to a "law" about benchmark error rates. There is no such law. The report he alluded to refers to FEC guidelines that don’t exist either.

    Election officials have explained that the error in unofficial election night reporting in Antrim County was the result of human error, not an error with the software or tabulation machines used in the county.

    We rate this claim False.
    Once again, Trump is caught just making shit up, or just as bad, seeing someone else making shit up and accepting it without reservation and passing it along as fact.

  8. #36908
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I'm not sure if Trump actually wants to try and jail these two, or if he's just trying to scare others into his corner.
    He's tryIng to scare theM. It'll fall through his tiny hands because he's Proven he is incapable fOllowing up his Threats with actions, but hE thiNks it makes him look Tough.

    He's had lot of opportunities he just never rose to the occasion .
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  9. #36909
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    While the Legal Eagle continues to do a @cubby -level job of keeping us informed, this video about Texas hasn't been posted yet.

    Feel free to watch the whole thing -- the disrespect is real. But if I know my YouTube codes, I should have it FF'd to 16:09 where the best bit happens.

  10. #36910
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    This dude still doesn't understand
    Or, he's lying.

    Oh, and I can't help but notice he's bragging about a record again. I wonder if he actually holds it...

    (checks news)

    Nope. Percentagewise, Washington set it well beyond what Trump could get. Numberwise, looks like W did it 16 years ago.

  11. #36911
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    While the Legal Eagle continues to do a @cubby -level job of keeping us informed, this video about Texas hasn't been posted yet.

    Feel free to watch the whole thing -- the disrespect is real. But if I know my YouTube codes, I should have it FF'd to 16:09 where the best bit happens.

    I've always said the best legal advice comes with a bit of twang and good hat.

    (yeah - even if you don't watch this all - definitely check out 16:00+)

  12. #36912
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    I was really hoping logical voices would prevail in the GOP after the EC vote, but I suppose there are precious few left.

    Hopefully McConnell gets them in line, or at least further fractures the party in trying to do so. Moving the party as a whole in a moderate direction, or dividing it into moderates and Trumpists -- either outcome feels like a win for Democrats (violence notwithstanding).
    Nope that's not going to happen the GOP is now Trump's party and the fact that he will run in 2024 basically freeze them in place. Even if for some reason he were to go to jail those hard core Trumpist in the house and several senators who will try to run will mimic him. The GOP as we know it is dead there's no coming back from Trumpism.

  13. #36913

    Trump's a bit vaccine shy, but Biden's happy to show you his vaccination.

    This is getting scandalous, too lewd. Shoving hard rods into people and filling them with small amounts of liquid and whatnot.

  14. #36914
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Trump's a bit vaccine shy, but Biden's happy to show you his vaccination.
    Trump just doesn't want people to see how gross his flabby arm is.

  15. #36915
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Trump just doesn't want people to see how gross his flabby arm is.
    Let's not forget he was/is an anti-vaxxer too and I'd wager that's a big part of why

  16. #36916
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Trump just doesn't want people to see how gross his flabby arm is.
    If you want Trump to do something, tell him that Obama/Biden is doing it and it will make him look like a total loser to not do it.

  17. #36917
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    If you want Trump to do something, tell him that Obama/Biden is doing it and it will make him look like a total loser to not do it.
    I can't believe how easy it is to manipulate that fuck-wad. Because what you just suggested would absolutely work.

  18. #36918
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    If you want Trump to do something, tell him that Obama/Biden is doing it and it will make him look like a total loser to not do it.
    Could have the opposite effect tbh. He has always wanted to be the anti-Obama. Tell Trump that Biden/Obama are reluctant about the vaccine safety and Trump will shoot that up like a champion.
    The wise wolf who's pride is her wisdom isn't so sharp as drunk.

  19. #36919
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    It's still not over. Hoo boy, that article goes into extreme detail. I'll sum up, feel free to read the whole thing.

    1) All it takes is a single challenge from each chamber to send a state's results into debate, then a full vote.
    2) Which the GOP could ensure never meets consensus, denying the results of the election and just stamping their feet shrilling TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!
    2a) Pence helps.
    3) When the debate/vote after each state is challenged individually would require months of debate time, which doesn't exist, the Constitution says the Senate elects the VP and the House elects the P.
    4) Which we all know is a special election, and the Party of Trump controls more states.

    Therefore, Trump and Pence remain in power -- effectively dictators with a willing hand from the Republican Party, cheering and applauding overthrowing democracy on live TV.


    5) Pelosi could just delay the House vote forever.
    6) Meanwhile the Democratic Senators could walk out of the Senate, denying them quorum and preventing that vote.
    7) With no result from either by Jan 20th, the rules of succession immediately come into play.
    8) Hail to the Chief, President Pelosi.

  20. #36920
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    It's still not over. Hoo boy, that article goes into extreme detail. I'll sum up, feel free to read the whole thing.

    1) All it takes is a single challenge from each chamber to send a state's results into debate, then a full vote.
    2) Which the GOP could ensure never meets consensus, denying the results of the election and just stamping their feet shrilling TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!
    2a) Pence helps.
    3) When the debate/vote after each state is challenged individually would require months of debate time, which doesn't exist, the Constitution says the Senate elects the VP and the House elects the P.
    What? everything I've read said the debate lasts 2 hours and then they vote. Everyone in the house gets a vote, so fuck whatever the senate does, the house will say NO. DONE.

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