1. #421
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    Examples, and it is curious even on this forum how quick some peoples stance changes when its "Their Guy".
    It's not an example of anything. People in general and this forum in particular have a real problem with using opinion articles to try to validate points. Opinion articles aren't held to the same journalistic standards and can be anything from fact filled cited informational posts to ravings about literal conspiracy theories. It's a terrible practice.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  2. #422
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    First, Factually incorrect. He has had other allegations of uncomfortable contact with women. Which the NYT initially acknowledged until the Biden campaign demanded that be removed.

    Second, Reade has more evidence than any of the Kavanaugh accusers have.

    Third, I guess reflexive "ITS ALL A RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY" is like the go to for covering for your team. Which by the way, is rape apologia. A woman's background, personal life, or story really shouldn't matter or at least that is what people such as yourself were saying when it was Christine Blaisy Ford and pals. I guess the stance changes when its time to defend YOUR GUY.
    Other allegations of uncomfortable contact which is what was said. Where are these other cases of rape???

    Reade has more evidence post the fucking evidence here

    Russian conspiracy? she literally praised Putin insulted America and said he's a loving misunderstood man by the evil west... it isn't rape apologia? What the fuck is wrong with you?

    "The background shouldn't matter"

    It goes to credibility? Has critical thinking just gone out the window?

  3. #423
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    We really need to stop with the Sanders vs Biden bs. Sanders endorsed Biden. Obama is coming online today to endorse Biden. We need to be full steam ahead on getting Biden a win in November. Sanders' supporters claiming they won't vote for Biden should just be ignored from hereonin.

    On topic - the WI final tally is INSANE for what we can possibly expect in November. Yuge Democrat(ic) win for everyone.

  4. #424
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    Second, Reade has more evidence than any of the Kavanaugh accusers have.
    That is incorrect Kavanaugh had other allegations against him and the republicans have literally put the investigation (light as it was) under lock and key so no one can see it. Also considering your post history how come you are not defending Biden?

  5. #425
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    We really need to stop with the Sanders vs Biden bs. Sanders endorsed Biden. Obama is coming online today to endorse Biden. We need to be full steam ahead on getting Biden a win in November. Sanders' supporters claiming they won't vote for Biden should just be ignored from hereonin.

    On topic - the WI final tally is INSANE for what we can possibly expect in November. Yuge Democrat(ic) win for everyone.
    Nobody gives a fuck who Sanders endorsed.

  6. #426
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    On topic - the WI final tally is INSANE for what we can possibly expect in November. Yuge Democrat(ic) win for everyone.
    I am not sure honestly because the republicans in the state put themselves in a very bad light the way they pulled this off especially the one that came out in full protective gear insisting it was "safe".

  7. #427
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    First, Factually incorrect. He has had other allegations of uncomfortable contact with women. Which the NYT initially acknowledged until the Biden campaign demanded that be removed.
    Interesting that when there were other Democrats in the lead, the media was running stories about the many MANY women accusing Biden of molesting them. Now that Biden is the presumptive nominee, total silence.

    Like this Vox article from a year ago titled "Joe Biden has a long history of touching women inappropriately."

  8. #428
    The Unstoppable Force Theodarzna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    So you're a sycophant shill because she told her story in therapy... years ago... and there were other women who had witnesses who were never investigated.

    Also why are you underlining that part? It says "other than what we know about uncomfortable touches we haven't found anything else" are you just asking to be outraged? Meanwhile you have Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussies with him walking in on naked women at miss America.

    Kavanaugh had a credible person against him plus other people coming forward some with witnesses...

    Biden has a single woman who is literally a Russia shill.
    In fact, Themius, lets review your previous statements about Rape Accusations, lets compare and contrast shall we.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Let's get a couple things straight here.

    The overwhelming majority of rape claims are never reported of the ones that do get reported few lead to arrest even fewer are ever referred to a prosecutor and in the end of all rapes about 0.6% of men will be jailed.

    In contrast, 98% of rapes reported are not false accusations... False accusations make up about 2% of rape cases. Men are not in danger, unless you're a man who has been raped. For then the likelihood of reporting is abysmally small, and there is major stigma against men who are raped.

    I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with a lot of people here that when they first hear of a rape accusation their go to in their head is. "Oh that poor guy, being accused of rape. They're probably lying!" and not "wow, they must be one of the very few to actually come forward"

    We know rape reports are low, we know most do not get reported, we know very few ever lead to convictions

    Stop playing the fucking victim, don't fuck drunk people, don't drug and fuck drunk people, if a person says no, don't fuck them and cover their mouths and turn up the music. I mean these are pretty basic things that any person that isn't a fucking raping creep can abide by. If you are scared of the #metoo movement maybe don't rape people?
    Lets see, Old Themius said "Overwhelming majority of rape claims are never reported" and "that do get reported few lead to arrest even fewer are ever referred to a prosecutor and in the end of all rapes about 0.6% of men will be jailed."

    Old Themius said "I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with a lot of people here that when they first hear of a rape accusation their go to in their head is. "Oh that poor guy, being accused of rape. They're probably lying!" and not "wow, they must be one of the very few to actually come forward""

    New Themius on the other hand "WHAT, THAT BITCH IS A RUSSIAN SPY, LYING TO HURT MY PARTY!".

    What changed Themius? Why were your words so strong for believing rape accusations back in October of 2008? So a few days AFTER Brett Kavanaugh was headed for the SCOTUS you definitely were of the mind that sexist misogynistic men need to believe women, but now, somehow a mere two years later your stance has changed from "People who accuse rape survivors of lying are pieces of shit!" to "That rape accuser is a piece of shit", I wonder what changed your mind Themius? Really gets my noggin' joggin' trying to figure out what makes this time different? I would hope it isn't pure partisanship. Why it almost looks like the only sycophant shill here is you Themius, is that what you are doing? Projecting?

    Also, Incidentally, for those reply-guys I have, this is how you save receipts and dredge up past posts to prove something about a poster. Consider this lesson on the house.
    Last edited by Rozz; 2020-04-14 at 10:50 PM. Reason: Minor Trolling
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    i think I have my posse filled out now. Mars is Theo, Jupiter is Vanyali, Linadra is Venus, and Heather is Mercury. Dragon can be Pluto.
    On MMO-C we learn that Anti-Fascism is locking arms with corporations, the State Department and agreeing with the CIA, But opposing the CIA and corporate America, and thinking Jews have a right to buy land and can expect tenants to pay rent THAT is ultra-Fash Nazism. Bellingcat is an MI6/CIA cut out. Clyburn Truther.

  9. #429
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    In fact, Themius, lets review your previous statements about Rape Accusations, lets compare and contrast shall we.

    Lets see, Old Themius said "Overwhelming majority of rape claims are never reported" and "that do get reported few lead to arrest even fewer are ever referred to a prosecutor and in the end of all rapes about 0.6% of men will be jailed."

    Old Themius said "I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with a lot of people here that when they first hear of a rape accusation their go to in their head is. "Oh that poor guy, being accused of rape. They're probably lying!" and not "wow, they must be one of the very few to actually come forward""

    New Themius on the other hand "WHAT, THAT BITCH IS A RUSSIAN SPY, LYING TO HURT MY PARTY!".

    What changed Themius? Why were your words so strong for believing rape accusations back in October of 2008? So a few days AFTER Brett Kavanaugh was headed for the SCOTUS you definitely were of the mind that sexist misogynistic men need to believe women, but now, somehow a mere two years later your stance has changed from "People who accuse rape survivors of lying are pieces of shit!" to "That rape accuser is a piece of shit", I wonder what changed your mind Themius? Really gets my noggin' joggin' trying to figure out what makes this time different? I would hope it isn't pure partisanship. Why it almost looks like the only sycophant shill here is you Themius, is that what you are doing? Projecting?

    Also, Incidentally, for those reply-guys I have, this is how you save receipts and dredge up past posts to prove something about a poster. Consider this lesson on the house.
    What changed? Trump. If Trump and his horde of willfully ignorant supporters are going to ignore dozens/hundreds of accusations against him then the issue becomes moot. It's not our fault your Dear Leader is the Chief Deplorable. But we're not going to play by a different set of rules.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Martymark View Post
    Interesting that when there were other Democrats in the lead, the media was running stories about the many MANY women accusing Biden of molesting them. Now that Biden is the presumptive nominee, total silence.

    Like this Vox article from a year ago titled "Joe Biden has a long history of touching women inappropriately."
    See above. Cracks me up what Trumpsters start to care about when their Dear Leader is failing so miserably on so many levels.

  10. #430
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    What changed? Trump. If Trump and his horde of willfully ignorant supporters are going to ignore dozens/hundreds of accusations against him then the issue becomes moot. It's not our fault your Dear Leader is the Chief Deplorable. But we're not going to play by a different set of rules.

    - - - Updated - - -

    See above. Cracks me up what Trumpsters start to care about when their Dear Leader is failing so miserably on so many levels.
    Theo is a lot, but ive never seen him support Trump lol.

    Reaching so hard, anybody against Biden must be a Russian or a Trumper in the eyes of right-wing liberals.

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    I am not sure honestly because the republicans in the state put themselves in a very bad light the way they pulled this off especially the one that came out in full protective gear insisting it was "safe".
    Possibly - I mean, of course the WI GOP did that. But that "bad light" is where most/all GOP are sitting right now, backing Team Deplorable in the White House. This win in WI is very yuge, on multiple levels.

  12. #432
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    In fact, Themius, lets review your previous statements about Rape Accusations, lets compare and contrast shall we.

    Lets see, Old Themius said "Overwhelming majority of rape claims are never reported" and "that do get reported few lead to arrest even fewer are ever referred to a prosecutor and in the end of all rapes about 0.6% of men will be jailed."

    Old Themius said "I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with a lot of people here that when they first hear of a rape accusation their go to in their head is. "Oh that poor guy, being accused of rape. They're probably lying!" and not "wow, they must be one of the very few to actually come forward""

    New Themius on the other hand "WHAT, THAT BITCH IS A RUSSIAN SPY, LYING TO HURT MY PARTY!".

    What changed Themius? Why were your words so strong for believing rape accusations back in October of 2008? So a few days AFTER Brett Kavanaugh was headed for the SCOTUS you definitely were of the mind that sexist misogynistic men need to believe women, but now, somehow a mere two years later your stance has changed from "People who accuse rape survivors of lying are pieces of shit!" to "That rape accuser is a piece of shit", I wonder what changed your mind Themius? Really gets my noggin' joggin' trying to figure out what makes this time different? I would hope it isn't pure partisanship. Why it almost looks like the only sycophant shill here is you Themius, is that what you are doing? Projecting?

    Also, Incidentally, for those reply-guys I have, this is how you save receipts and dredge up past posts to prove something about a poster. Consider this lesson on the house.
    Um Theo where is this proof that Reade had something that was more damning than Ford???

    Ford told her story long before he was in the public eye not Reade, and Reade literally praises Russia and Putin and she seems politically motivated, unlike Ford.

    This idea of believe women no matter what also literally something I never said it's look at the situation and the story and decide how credible you find it.

    remember that everyone said ford was credible including republicans people aren't saying that about Reade, because she literally isn't credible.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Theo is a lot, but ive never seen him support Trump lol.

    Reaching so hard, anybody against Biden must be a Russian or a Trumper in the eyes of right-wing liberals.
    Except when they have...
    Last edited by Themius; 2020-04-14 at 03:53 PM.

  13. #433
    The Unstoppable Force Theodarzna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Um Theo where is this proof that Reade had something that was more damning than Ford???

    Ford told her story long before he was in the public eye not Reade, and Reade literally praises Russia and Putin and she seems politically motivated, unlike Ford.
    Reade has evidence from the time and people to corroborate that she has been telling this story for some time to close friends, Likewise her abrupt removal from her post is after her accusation back in the 90's does fit her story and can be corroborated.

    Reade also told her story well before Biden ran for president and well after his career was fairly high. Plus, as per Christine Blaisy Ford's accusations, I was under the impression that we weren't suppose to question WHEN rape survivors come forward.

    I recall you responding to this:
    If someone is raped and they don't report it immediately, they should be ignored when they try to say something later.

    Also, regret=/=rape
    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Okay so if you were raped when you were 8 years old, tough shit.
    So timing matters now, but not then? Heck you followed up with,

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Why should they be treated more skeptically? I mean maybe if you say "fuck basic psychology it means nothing" what you're saying would make sense, but we don't live in a world were psychology doesn't exist.
    So why should we treat Tara Reade more skeptically just because of timing? I mean, it was allegedly a big uber "Doing a rape apology" and "Doing a sexism" when Righties asked that same question of the Kavanaugh accusers. The timing didn't matter to you either back then, so why does timing matter now?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Except when they have...
    Oufff gunna need a big cite on that one. Hopefully, after my excellent lesson in saving receipts, you can do a better job than past Reply-Guys.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    i think I have my posse filled out now. Mars is Theo, Jupiter is Vanyali, Linadra is Venus, and Heather is Mercury. Dragon can be Pluto.
    On MMO-C we learn that Anti-Fascism is locking arms with corporations, the State Department and agreeing with the CIA, But opposing the CIA and corporate America, and thinking Jews have a right to buy land and can expect tenants to pay rent THAT is ultra-Fash Nazism. Bellingcat is an MI6/CIA cut out. Clyburn Truther.

  14. #434
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    Reade has evidence from the time and people to corroborate that she has been telling this story for some time to close friends, Likewise her abrupt removal from her post is after her accusation back in the 90's does fit her story and can be corroborated.

    Reade also told her story well before Biden ran for president and well after his career was fairly high. Plus, as per Christine Blaisy Ford's accusations, I was under the impression that we weren't suppose to question WHEN rape survivors come forward.

    I recall you responding to this:

    So timing matters now, but not then? Heck you followed up with,

    So why should we treat Tara Reade more skeptically just because of timing? I mean, it was allegedly a big uber "Doing a rape apology" and "Doing a sexism" when Righties asked that same question of the Kavanaugh accusers. The timing didn't matter to you either back then, so why does timing matter now?
    Do you have the proof of this? Because I'm not seeing any links.

    Reade should be treated more skeptical because of her changing story and alliance to a Russia... a known participant in actively manipulating elections. Is this hard to follow?

    I mean people have investigated, there just isn't much there... it isn't like Fox News and busting out with some sound breaking discovery, and you know they would if they could.

    You have a tendency of playing the "I see and her no evil when xyz and only critique a particular side while staying oddly entirely silent"

    I mean you think Ford is a disgusting human being but yeah that's totally not bias.
    Last edited by Themius; 2020-04-14 at 04:11 PM.

  15. #435
    Sounds like Obama will be endorsing today. The final Infinity Stone is in place.
    While you live, shine / Have no grief at all / Life exists only for a short while / And time demands its toll.

  16. #436
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rukh View Post
    Sounds like Obama will be endorsing today. The final Infinity Stone is in place.
    Must have been really tempting to not use a harry potter reference.

  17. #437
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Barack Obama, just endorsed Biden.
    I’m proud to endorse my friend Joe Biden
    for President of the United States. Let's go:

    Former President Barack Obama will endorse Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday, continuing the unification of Democratic leaders around the party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

    Mr. Obama’s endorsement of his former vice president, expected via video, comes just one day after Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who had been Mr. Biden’s last challenger, also endorsed him.

    While the Democratic race was competitive, Mr. Obama remained publicly neutral, even as multiple candidates tried to link themselves to him. But now, with the primary effectively over, at
    tention is turning to the potentially difficult task of unifying the party for the general election — and Mr. Obama is uniquely positioned to help do that.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  18. #438
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Nobody gives a fuck who Sanders endorsed.
    Why not? When he was still in the race people cared immensely about who Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Warren and others endorsed. Why doesn't Sanders matter now? Because squaring his Biden endorsement with the previous attacks against those that had endorsed Biden over Sanders are awkward?

  19. #439
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    War criminal endorses war criminal, as expected. Everybody is surprised.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Why not? When he was still in the race people cared immensely about who Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Warren and others endorsed. Why doesn't Sanders matter now? Because squaring his Biden endorsement with the previous attacks against those that had endorsed Biden over Sanders are awkward?
    Because they have different people that support them? Those that where gonna vote blue no matter who will do it anyway, those that hate Biden won't change because of what Sanders did.

    Or is it normal for US politicians to all have cult followings?
    Last edited by JohnBrown1917; 2020-04-14 at 04:11 PM.

  20. #440
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    Because they have different voting bases?
    Including Warren?

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