1. #4421
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    its a perfectly reasonable fear based off of existing examples. you conflate every countries healthcare systems (which are often different from each other), as a reason why the US based healthcare system (whatever form it may be) would be fine, in a system that you yourself admit was designed to be a failure, as well as one of the successful programs constantly being used as a political football by a certain party to "cut spending".
    they sure as heck would attack universal healthcare funding; that is a given, not "meteor on head" possibility.
    also, no one has addressed that federal funding is prohibited for women's healthcare providers for abortion. this is an example of why government owned healthcare could be potentially damaging to certain demographics.
    It's only reasonable if you live in an American corporate media bubble. No one south of the Rio Grande or north of the Great Lakes believes these nonsense arguments unless they happen to be like, foreign fans of Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  2. #4422
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    It's only reasonable if you live in an American corporate media bubble. No one south of the Rio Grande or north of the Great Lakes believes these nonsense arguments unless they happen to be like, foreign fans of Fox.
    you of all people ought to be familiar with the abuses that can come from the government taking a hand in healthcare.
    you really want to be subject to say the trump administration's whims on what is and is not covered for who, with no other option?

    there is already the precedent of women being denied their right to abortion via the hyde amendment. that means, healthcare coverage is already subject to being used as a weapon against minorities.

    The Hyde Amendment restricts abortion coverage for federally-funded healthcare recipients, specifically women enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, Native American women, U.S. servicewomen and veterans, women in Peace Corps, female federal employees, D.C. women residents, and women in immigration detention facilities and prisons.[29]
    Last edited by starlord; 2020-05-22 at 02:20 AM.

  3. #4423
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    you of all people ought to be familiar with the abuses that can come from the government taking a hand in healthcare.
    you really want to be subject to say the trump administration's whims on what is and is not covered for who, with no other option?
    You get all your information from television don't you fucktard?

  4. #4424
    Quote Originally Posted by funtwidths View Post
    You get all your information from television don't you fucktard?
    please seek mental help.

  5. #4425
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funtwidths View Post
    You get all your information from television don't you fucktard?
    I hope that you realize, that getting the news from TV, is far superior than from a obsessive compulsive internet poster. If you notice someone exhibiting certain stereotyped actions repeatedly to alleviate persistent fears or intrusive thoughts. I’d recommend you trust the TV instead...

    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    please seek mental help.
    Don’t toss stuff like that around... maybe he just wanted a Pepsi... and they wouldn’t give it to him...
    Last edited by Felya; 2020-05-22 at 02:30 AM.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  6. #4426
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    I hope that you realize, that getting the news from TV, is far superior than from a obsessive compulsive internet poster. If you notice someone exhibiting certain stereotyped actions repeatedly to alleviate persistent fears or intrusive thoughts. I’d recommend you trust the TV instead...
    Don’t toss stuff like that around... maybe he just wanted a Pepsi... and they wouldn’t give it to him...
    it seems pathological to me, i was serious. no way a mentally stable person does all that.

  7. #4427
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    A growing realization in Trumpworld that they are, in fact, not able to tar Biden with the same playbook they used on Clinton; so much so that some folks openly muse that they wish Hillary were running again...

    The playbook that worked in 2016 isn’t so far in 2020. And some in Trump land are feeling nostalgic for their old foe.

    Fox News poll:

    Biden 48
    Trump 40

    Biden makes inroads with two key groups: independents prefer him by 13 points and voters ages 65+ by 17 points.
    In 2016, Trump won independents by 4 and seniors by 7.

    Speaking of smears that failed.
    Biden accuser Tara Reade (aka Alexandra McCabe) appears to have lied under oath about her educational background as an expert witness. Defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified
    Government Affiliated Snark

  8. #4428
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    Anybody who claims to have a reading on this election is a hack. Are we forgetting 2016 happened?

    I'm not saying Trump has this in the bag - he could very well lose, and Covid-19 has definitely not improved this.

    But the dems nominated Biden of all people...this is definitely not set in stone, especially as they seemed to have learned absolutely nothing from 2016 and are in fact doubling down on all the things that people dislike about the Democratic party.
    Most polling groups are overly petrified of a 2016 repeat (although to 538 they did keep the states Trump won within margin of error.) to the point they likely are leaning more to giving trump an extra point or two.

    Even then nation wide polls have been on point. They're just the way be Frank useless. Because West Coast, new England and some other Atlantic States don't matter (same for deep south, texas, flyover) and even if numbers pick up for Biden there he could easily have 10m more votes and still lose because of battleground areas.

  9. #4429
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Speaking of smears that failed.
    Biden accuser Tara Reade (aka Alexandra McCabe) appears to have lied under oath about her educational background as an expert witness. Defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified
    While I'm not particularly inclined to take Reade at her word, it is probably important to note this bit:

    Reached for comment by the Weekly, Reade says that the CNN reporting is incorrect, and that the statement from Antioch University is incomplete. She says that her degree from Antioch University in Seattle was conferred under special circumstances by former Chancellor Toni Murdock. Reade had recently changed her identity following the separation from what she describes as a deeply abusive ex-husband. In order to fulfill her graduation requirements Reade says she had to present coursework completed prior to her identity change. Her account is corroborated by an unofficial transcript from the Seattle University School of Law, which lists Antioch University as Reade’s prior degree granting institution.

  10. #4430
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    A growing realization in Trumpworld that they are, in fact, not able to tar Biden with the same playbook they used on Clinton; so much so that some folks openly muse that they wish Hillary were running again...

    The playbook that worked in 2016 isn’t so far in 2020. And some in Trump land are feeling nostalgic for their old foe.

    Fox News poll:

    Biden 48
    Trump 40

    Biden makes inroads with two key groups: independents prefer him by 13 points and voters ages 65+ by 17 points.
    In 2016, Trump won independents by 4 and seniors by 7.

    Speaking of smears that failed.
    Biden accuser Tara Reade (aka Alexandra McCabe) appears to have lied under oath about her educational background as an expert witness. Defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified
    Honestly I'm not that fond of these type of attacks towards accusers where they something kind of unrelated and attack that persons credibility.

    Having that out of the way.

    Ofc Trump attacking Biden won't result in the same damage as it did H. Clinton. Clinton is a women who has been smeert for decades, Biden on the other hand was made fun of all this time and not in a bad way. ''Oh that crazy uncle Joe saying something silly again'' is what Joe Biden is known for regardless if you know his full political past or not.

    Second line of attack is attacking Biden for his age and age related mistakes. Well as the daily show shown you can easily replace clips of Biden with Trump and get even a better result of the mental decline.

    Trump problem is that Trump is to focused on keeping his base happy, the 30% of deplorables who would vote for Trump even if he killed a puppy.

  11. #4431
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post

    Speaking of smears that failed.
    Biden accuser Tara Reade (aka Alexandra McCabe) appears to have lied under oath about her educational background as an expert witness.[/URL] Defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified
    You do understand that is your willingness to use smear tactics on this woman is what is alienating people from your favored candidate?

    You can say "this is an allegation unproven in a court of law: innocent until proven guilty". Difficult to argue with that. But you are not doing that. You are using the same ugly tactics Trump and Weinstein supporters used to smear their accusers. The question of Biden's guilt is unconnected to this. Whether he is ultimately proven guilty or innocent you still come across like a vicious misogynist.

  12. #4432
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    She lied or misrepresented herself under oath. That's a big No No, creates all kinds of legal jeopardy.

    I wonder what the propagandists who pushed her story are feeling?

    "How I Got Taken In By A Grifter Who Is Now Serving Time for Multiple Counts of Perjury, Bernie Would Have Won" the name of Ryan Grim's future memoir.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  13. #4433
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    She lied or misrepresented herself under oath. That's a big No No, creates all kinds of legal jeopardy.
    I expect she was not a virgin either, vile whore!

  14. #4434
    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    Honestly I'm not that fond of these type of attacks towards accusers where they something kind of unrelated and attack that persons credibility.

    Having that out of the way.

    Ofc Trump attacking Biden won't result in the same damage as it did H. Clinton. Clinton is a women who has been smeert for decades, Biden on the other hand was made fun of all this time and not in a bad way. ''Oh that crazy uncle Joe saying something silly again'' is what Joe Biden is known for regardless if you know his full political past or not.

    Second line of attack is attacking Biden for his age and age related mistakes. Well as the daily show shown you can easily replace clips of Biden with Trump and get even a better result of the mental decline.

    Trump problem is that Trump is to focused on keeping his base happy, the 30% of deplorables who would vote for Trump even if he killed a puppy.
    That's from the NYT...

    The college she claimed to get a degree from and taught at said they have no idea what she's talking about. She also claimed she was a legislative assistant when she was really a staff assistant... She did this under oath as an expert witness in cases that got people put away for life...

    Now there are at least 2 cases that are going to be reopened involving domestic abuse.

    Doing some investigative journalism isn't smearing an accuser. The fact her story falling apart has the potential to set abusers free is far worse than what the internet has been accusing people with a hint of skepticism.
    Last edited by kaelleria; 2020-05-22 at 02:04 PM.

  15. #4435
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    That's literally the NYT headline...

    The college she claimed to get a degree from and taught at said they have no idea what she's talking about. She also claimed she was a legislative assistant when she was really a staff assistant... She did this under oath as an expert witness in cases that got people put away for life...

    Now there are at least 2 cases that are going to be reopened involving domestic abuse.

    Doing some investigative journalism isn't smearing an accuser. The fact her story falling apart has the potential to set abusers free is far worse than what the internet has been accusing people with a hint of skepticism.
    It's why the actual journalists that worked for a year on her story, dropped it. Too many dead ends, changing details.

    The people that finally pushed this story are not journalists. They did zero due diligence. I wonder how much protection they promised her?

    As we learned last week, Tara has a proven history of turning on people in her life. Defrauding landlords, friends and family.

    I wonder how long until she turns on Halper, Grim, and Robinson ... and releases all of the emails between them.

    Tik Tok...
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  16. #4436
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarnwelp View Post
    I expect she was not a virgin either, vile whore!
    Defender of women, ladies and gentlemen. Does this include Jewish women? Asking for a friend...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    I wonder how long until she turns on Halper, Grim, and Robinson ... and releases all of the emails between them.
    If she pulls the Comey version of a Wiener reveal 2 weeks before election, it would be hilarious.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  17. #4437
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    While I'm not particularly inclined to take Reade at her word, it is probably important to note this bit:
    While I'm not going to insist that Reade definitely lied on this particular issue, I do feel the need to point out that an unofficial transcript from another institution listing Antioch as her degree-granting institution, that doesn't actually corroborate anything. Did they check with the school to ensure they followed up on the claim? In many cases, they don't. This only corroborates that Reade claims Antioch granted her a degree; Antioch is the institution that would confirm or deny if that's true.

    I also don't see how an identity change would have been a problem. If it's a name change, those are trivial to handle; anyone who gets married during a degree sees the same process. If it's a full-on identity change, that's so much deeper and thorough that I can't see how she would ever have been able to get credit for "someone else's" work. And I don't think there's any real middle ground, there. If they just had to edit the name on her student account, no big deal. If they made a new student account just for an extra level of protection (her ex-husband might have her student ID number and such), it would also be trivial for the school to copy over all grade records and enrollments to the new file The whole account smells.

  18. #4438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    While I'm not going to insist that Reade definitely lied on this particular issue, I do feel the need to point out that an unofficial transcript from another institution listing Antioch as her degree-granting institution, that doesn't actually corroborate anything. Did they check with the school to ensure they followed up on the claim? In many cases, they don't. This only corroborates that Reade claims Antioch granted her a degree; Antioch is the institution that would confirm or deny if that's true.

    I also don't see how an identity change would have been a problem. If it's a name change, those are trivial to handle; anyone who gets married during a degree sees the same process. If it's a full-on identity change, that's so much deeper and thorough that I can't see how she would ever have been able to get credit for "someone else's" work. And I don't think there's any real middle ground, there. If they just had to edit the name on her student account, no big deal. If they made a new student account just for an extra level of protection (her ex-husband might have her student ID number and such), it would also be trivial for the school to copy over all grade records and enrollments to the new file The whole account smells.
    Antioch has made three statements that they never granted her a degree.
    A statement from the president, that there was never a special deal for a secret degree.
    She was never a professor there. Only did admin work there for a few months.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  19. #4439
    "You ain't black" now this one will be a classic. He already has past issues with race relations and now he says this. This is not going to age well. The Be joe biden thing is a joke but this one aught to be fun.

  20. #4440
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trunksee View Post
    "You ain't black" now this one will be a classic. He already has past issues with race relations and now he says this. This is not going to age well. The Be joe biden thing is a joke but this one aught to be fun.
    Yeah, I’m pretty sure as long as Biden supporters don’t march screaming “Blood for soil”, Biden will be alright. Call me when Biden pretends to start taking medication that kills people.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

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