1. #5321
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Nope, you just tried to say it wasn't about the First Amendment. The evidence shows you are lying. Feel free to keep ignoring all the evidence, I expect nothing less from Trumpsters who spam burner accounts.

    Just so everyone is clear, this is one of your burner accounts, and we both know you have others.

    Me still being consistent:

    I feel like I'm selling steak knives. But wait, there's more!!!

    It's amazing how goddamned consistent I truly am on the issue.

    Class dismissed.
    Kek you are just digging yourself deeper and deeper M. The more quotes you give the bigger of a disgusting liar and hypocrite you expose yourself to be. Imagine this: a racist repeats a 1000 times a day he is not a racist and yet at the same time he is okay with allowing practices that promotes racial discrimination. Then when got caught out this hypocrite pulls out the First Amendment as his shield! The racist is okay with the Amendment being abused to allow policies that encourages more exclusionism. How so very Trumpish!

  2. #5322
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    Kek you are just digging yourself deeper and deeper M. The more quotes you give the bigger of a disgusting liar and hypocrite you expose yourself to be. Imagine this: a racist repeats a 1000 times a day he is not a racist and yet at the same time he is okay with allowing practices that promotes racial discrimination. Then when got caught out this hypocrite pulls out the First Amendment as his shield! The racist is okay with the Amendment being abused to allow policies that encourages more exclusionism. How so very Trumpish!
    You mean by being incredibly consistent and condemning racism?

    Yeah, you suck at this.

    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white. You did not state other races at that post. Now you are adding words that never existed in that post to make you seem not guilty. Very dishonest.
    You seem to forget, every single one of those comments about the First Amendment was made BEFORE your bullshit attempt to edit.

  3. #5323
    Quote Originally Posted by Josuke View Post
    You can tell the world is really going to shit when libertarians like machismo care more about people than centrists and liberals.
    Like I always say, I care just enough about people, to want them to be able to do whatever they want, so long as they are not harming others.

  4. #5324
    Quote Originally Posted by Louisa Bannon View Post
    You folks make these ludicrous statements as if they were in any way legitimate, and of course, they aren't.

    Hypothetical: someone chooses not to vote for president at all. That person is not helping nor hurting either side, that person is simply abstaining from making a choice that is either too difficult or too trivial to them. In effect, it's like saying, "I don't care, let others decide this question."

    I am very nearly there, but I will probably actually bother myself to vote third party in the hopes of giving them a boost for the future. For example, the Greens will have a candidate by mid summer or thereabouts and I'll probably vote for that candidate.

    Yes, I don't care who wins between Trump or Biden. Sure, you can decide for me. I don't care about that either.

    Dems don't get my vote because they don't want to earn it and I am not giving it away. I can choose to throw it away, or simply give that vote to someone else for literally any reason I choose.

    I despise Biden in the exact same way I despise the Clintons, McConnell, Schumer, Graham, Pelosi, Emanuel, etc. All of them are career politician assholes: greedy, for sale, and corrupt as hell. I should probably make this even clearer, I don't actually like too many Democrats at this moment - they moved too far to the right for me. I'm not calling the two major parties GOP and GOP-Lite for nothing - I have real animosity toward both and need to be pointedly motivated to vote for anyone in the Dems circle. And I am not motivated. Every day I am shocked and annoyed by the corruption of both of our right-wing parties.

    Some of you say that I should vote for the least evil of these choices, but I have tried to explain how I really don't see it that way.

    For example, this absurd feint to Medicare for All / Public Option if the budget allows or whatever other obstacles Biden will eventually attach to its certain and eventually demise. I mean, y'all are kidding, right? Not only was I not born yesterday, but these exact same assholes have been playing Democrats that way for decades. So no, I don't believe it nor should anyone else.

    And nobody gets the vote just as a matter of course, as if I owed it to them, or because where else am I going to with that vote, or whatever.

    The answer is no.
    Giving 0 shits about the direction of this country, IMO, is worse then supporting Trump or Biden. Go ahead, throwaway your vote, accomplish nothing, and continue to be ignored by the electorate.
    Last edited by beanman12345; 2020-06-01 at 03:42 AM.

  5. #5325
    Quote Originally Posted by Josuke View Post
    Repeating lies makes them true.
    Which part of that is a lie?

  6. #5326
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    Which part of that is a lie?
    All of it, the evidence proves you to be a liar.

    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white. You did not state other races at that post. Now you are adding words that never existed in that post to make you seem not guilty. Very dishonest.
    I actually want to thank you, looking back at that thread, that's the one where Primary Color admitted he'd vote for Hitler.

  7. #5327
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You mean by being incredibly consistent and condemning racism?

    Yeah, you suck at this.

    You seem to forget, every single one of those comments about the First Amendment was made BEFORE your bullshit attempt to edit.

    Nah you are just being incredibly consistent at being a hypocrite mate. "I am certainly not a racist but I support the allowance of practices that allows racial discrimination and exclusion" Hot damn. And you are even okay with the First Amendment being misused to promote racist policies.

  8. #5328
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    The question they will not answer is, why has it taken this long for Joe Biden to win a primary(which he still has yet to do) and what is going to change now that he would be President? What is he going to do that they could not do over the decades he has been "fighting" for people? He would be an elected puppet.
    It's amazing how totally out of touch Trumpsters are at this point...look at the above statement. It's incipient nonsense like this that demonstrates the depths of their willful ignorance and how much kool aid they truly chug - eyes closed, of course.

    What will Joe Biden do as President you ask? Fix the monumental levels of shit your Dear Leader has perpetrated on this county and the world. It will take decades to make amends.

  9. #5329
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    Nah you are just being incredibly consistent at being a hypocrite mate. "I am certainly not a racist but I support the allowance of practices that allows racial discrimination and exclusion" Hot damn. And you are even okay with the First Amendment being misused to promote racist policies.
    I don't think you know what the word "hypocrite" means.

    I get it, you cannot keep all of the burner accounts separate, so you just start making shit up. Alas, the evidence proves otherwise. You got caught lying, deal with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white. You did not state other races at that post. Now you are adding words that never existed in that post to make you seem not guilty. Very dishonest.

  10. #5330
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Giving 0 shits about the direction of this country, IMO, is worse then supporting Trump or Biden. Go ahead, throwaway your vote, accomplish nothing, and continue to be ignored by the electorate.
    Are the Democrats the liberal party? Maybe they could try acting like it.

    55.7% of the U.S. Voting Age Population voted in 2016. Obviously, 44.3% did not.

    That's actually a lot of people disenfranchised and not giving a shit which way it turns out. Wonder why...?

  11. #5331
    Quote Originally Posted by Louisa Bannon View Post
    Are the Democrats the liberal party? Maybe they could try acting like it.

    55.7% of the U.S. Voting Age Population voted in 2016. Obviously, 44.3% did not.

    That's actually a lot of people disenfranchised and not giving a shit which way it turns out. Wonder why...?
    You however are not part of that 44.3% You are part of that 55.7%. You are not disenfranchised, you are not being suppressed, you are actively participating and knowingly throwing your own vote away. Unless you actually think your green party vote actually will matter to anyone.

  12. #5332
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Here comes the GOP's tiered story, setting up for setting aside the election results:

    Senator Johnson claims Obama administration totally corrupted the transition of power

    This is what the ground work looks like as the GOP tries to hold power through an election they don't think they will win legitimately.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisa Bannon View Post
    You folks make these ludicrous statements as if they were in any way legitimate, and of course, they aren't.

    Hypothetical: someone chooses not to vote for president at all. That person is not helping nor hurting either side, that person is simply abstaining from making a choice that is either too difficult or too trivial to them. In effect, it's like saying, "I don't care, let others decide this question."

    I am very nearly there, but I will probably actually bother myself to vote third party in the hopes of giving them a boost for the future. For example, the Greens will have a candidate by mid summer or thereabouts and I'll probably vote for that candidate.

    Yes, I don't care who wins between Trump or Biden. Sure, you can decide for me. I don't care about that either.

    Dems don't get my vote because they don't want to earn it and I am not giving it away. I can choose to throw it away, or simply give that vote to someone else for literally any reason I choose.

    I despise Biden in the exact same way I despise the Clintons, McConnell, Schumer, Graham, Pelosi, Emanuel, etc. All of them are career politician assholes: greedy, for sale, and corrupt as hell. I should probably make this even clearer, I don't actually like too many Democrats at this moment - they moved too far to the right for me. I'm not calling the two major parties GOP and GOP-Lite for nothing - I have real animosity toward both and need to be pointedly motivated to vote for anyone in the Dems circle. And I am not motivated. Every day I am shocked and annoyed by the corruption of both of our right-wing parties.

    Some of you say that I should vote for the least evil of these choices, but I have tried to explain how I really don't see it that way.

    For example, this absurd feint to Medicare for All / Public Option if the budget allows or whatever other obstacles Biden will eventually attach to its certain and eventually demise. I mean, y'all are kidding, right? Not only was I not born yesterday, but these exact same assholes have been playing Democrats that way for decades. So no, I don't believe it nor should anyone else.

    And nobody gets the vote just as a matter of course, as if I owed it to them, or because where else am I going to with that vote, or whatever.

    The answer is no.
    You "don't care", but all you can do is shit over Biden with every breath you draw. Is that how indifference looks in your world? Weird how that's exactly what the Russian Troll Farms are pushing all over social media, isn't it?

    You Trumpkins are running out of childish tricks to play.

    And of course you Trumpsters don't "see it that way" - you delight in pushing the "both choices are bad" and the "lesser of two evils", all the while seeing what a travesty Trump has turned this country into, but willfully ignorant of the fact that your words and "choices" make it worse.
    Last edited by cubby; 2020-06-01 at 03:58 AM.

  13. #5333
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I don't think you know what the word "hypocrite" means.

    I get it, you cannot keep all of the burner accounts separate, so you just start making shit up. Alas, the evidence proves otherwise. You got caught lying, deal with it.
    You giving 100000 quotes about you hating racism does not make it a reality mate. That is not evidence. So do you mean if I can record myself repeating that I am ultraman then I can use it as evidence I am ultraman? That very quote already shows you as the hypocrite that you are mate. Why would a real hater of racism be okay with racist practices like that being allowed in the first place. You can't even see the paradox that you are.

  14. #5334
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    You giving 100000 quotes about you hating racism does not make it a reality mate. That is not evidence. So do you mean if I can record myself repeating that I am ultraman then I can use it as evidence I am ultraman? That very quote already shows you as the hypocrite that you are mate. Why would a real hater of racism be okay with racist practices like that being allowed in the first place. You can't even see the paradox that you are.
    Yes, thanks for admitting that you keep ignoring evidence. All of that was said in the very same thread you keep lying about, before it all. Of course, if you can refute it, be my guest. The evidence says you are a liar.

    Quote Originally Posted by AntiStooge View Post
    You are ok with black people being excluded and discriminated from services. Black and white. You did not state other races at that post. Now you are adding words that never existed in that post to make you seem not guilty. Very dishonest.
    is this all because youa re upset that you keep getting caught on your burner accounts shilling for Trump?

    Alleybeboba, Communismo, Antistoge, and all the others. You. Got. Busted.


  15. #5335
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Yes, thanks for admitting that you keep ignoring evidence. All of that was said in the very same thread you keep lying about, before it all. Of course, if you can refute it, be my guest. The evidence says you are a liar.

    is this all because youa re upset that you keep getting caught on your burner accounts shilling for Trump?

    Alleybeboba, Communismo, Antistoge, and all the others. You. Got. Busted.


    That quote shows you are both a racist and as well as a bigot who has no qualms about misusing the Amendment to promote racism and exclusion. And best part is, you are not even voting for Biden and yet goes round showing your fake concern about people who are not voting for him. You are one fine specimen of a two-faced lying hypocrite mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Biden is a creepy old dude, and represents almost none of the political stances I want. I will not be voting for the guy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Yes, I think a company should be legally allowed to refuse to serve black people. It would make them racist shitbags, but they should be free to be racist shitbags. And yes, they would be racist, and they should be free to be racist.

  16. #5336
    Quote Originally Posted by lockybalboa View Post
    That quote shows you are both a racist and as well as a bigot who has no qualms about misusing the Amendment to promote racism and exclusion. And best part is, you are not even voting for Biden and yet goes round showing your fake concern about people who are not voting for him. You are one fine specimen of a two-faced lying hypocrite mate.
    Nope, try again. The facts and evidence don't rally care about your feelings. Thanks for providing that quote where I condemn racism.

    I don't support Biden, and have made that quite clear from the beginning. But hey, at least you are no longer pretending to be a Biden supporter.

    It's been fun, Alleybeboba, Lockybalboa, Antistooge, Communismo, and all the rest. Enjoy all that evidence.


  17. #5337
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    You "don't care", but all you can do is shit over Biden with every breath you draw.
    I tried to link the search result set last time, now I'll just put the links here:
    All threads I began. Looking back, I can see where the Dems should have not impeached. I don't think it worked for them.

    Must be pretty obvious I am what again?

  18. #5338
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Nope, try again. The facts and evidence don't rally care about your feelings. Thanks for providing that quote where I condemn racism.

    I don't support Biden, and have made that quite clear from the beginning. But hey, at least you are no longer pretending to be a Biden supporter.

    It's been fun, Alleybeboba, Lockybalboa, Antistooge, Communismo, and all the rest. Enjoy all that evidence.


    That quote literally shows you as the hypocrite that you are. "I hate racists but I am fine with allowing policies that encourages racism". Your very own words. Don't blame me. And no, Trump's handling of the Covid has made me changed my mind. So if you hate Trump so much like you've said, why are you not voting for Biden? And why are you acting condescendingly towards those who are on the fence since you are not voting for him yourself?

  19. #5339
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    It simply is... From Trump him self urging his supporters to do it, to alt right media actively pushing and celebrating the dishonesty. This isn’t an assumption...
    Ok sure, in the sense that there is always some of that sort of dishonesty in political activity, especially from the right at the moment. My point is that the "Won't vote for Biden Leftist" stance isn't inherently dishonest.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I find that the democratic/liberal side always has a very tough time making the argument, because our side can't be explained with one-liners and talking points. It takes a real conversation - which our society is moving farther and farther away from.
    And more to the point, the Democratic/Liberal side, which generally involves the government doing things, requires people to have more trust in the institutions of government. It's hard to imagine four more years of Trump doing anything but further eroding that trust. Not saying that Biden will bring it back to where it should be, but if he can build a better foundation than we have, it will set up progressives for future victories.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Not being stuck in the mud isn't an option at this time. And it's quite self-defeating to say "Well if I can't be free from the mud, then being waist-deep and actively buried might as well be as good as being knee-deep!"

    People can rant and rave about how it's so unfair that not being in the mud isn't an option. But whining doesn't change the reality of the situation. And, most importantly, refusing to vote for either level of mud-entombment doesn't mean you wont continue to be stuck in mud. It just means that you did nothing to be less buried.
    Yes, I completely agree which is why I'm going to vote for Biden despite his many flaws.
    "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
    -Louis Brandeis

  20. #5340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louisa Bannon View Post
    I tried to link the search result set last time, now I'll just put the links here:
    All threads I began. Looking back, I can see where the Dems should have not impeached. I don't think it worked for them.

    Must be pretty obvious I am what again?
    Then why do you want Trump to win a second term? Why do you continue to shit all over Biden, when the end result of any conversation began will be Trump in a second term?

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