We don't have all the things needed in place at this time to switch to mail-in voting easily or smoothly, and if they are not dealt with immediately, which will get pushback from the GOP, then they won't be solved in time for the election. Courts will not probably do anything about those problems because they are reluctant to interfere with elections under almost any circumstances esp if asked to do so close to the election.
I have no idea if these things will happen or not, but here are some predictions for this coming election:
1. VAP percentage of participation drops 12-16% from 2016 to 2020
2. Mail-in voting is made difficult or impossible in many states
3. Biden fails to inspire people to actually turn out and vote
4. Trump wins
The first two are almost sure to occur, and the last two are just to annoy some of you. But in your hearts you know Trump has more than a good chance to win this again. Edit: I think its probable that supposed "swing voters" may be a high percentage of the 12-16% that choose to not participate as they are simply not that invested anyway.
FWIW, if Trump doesn't win I'd say its even odds that the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York will charge Trump with something. I don't have a lot of faith in the legal system of the U.S. in any case. I'd personally like to see that jackass in prison, but that's about as likely as Mandela going from prisoner to leader of his country - who could have anticipated that?
Last edited by Louisa Bannon; 2020-06-02 at 10:10 AM.
I mean Joe "Is not the best option but he's hell of a lot better than what we've got currently, so stay in thy lane European leftists who still have not processed the reason why Bernie lost the primary which is especially ironic considering the reason for the current riots, fuckin' lol" Biden.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Lets put it this way. If Trump was running against Garrosh Hellscream, I would take my chances with the asshole that is at least willing to fight his own battles. I mean we all wanted Basic campfire, but it lost the primary, so sometimes you have to pick the villain from the lighter fantasy world. Trump seems more of a Warhammer character at this point, and I am not taking my chances with someone that has all 3 of the 4 chaos gods on speed dial (No way Trump is metal enough to make a deal with Khorne).
Biden isn't anyone I want in the white house. He is an old, out of touch, incompetent old establishment politician that got the job because nobody wanted to take chances. But he isn't going to be actively and maliciously destroying this country for the lolz.
No, I’m here about the issue and find the idea of your mother being an example of why Trump’s sexual assault doesn’t mater, absolutely abhorrent.
Notice how you care nothing about the actual issues. Not a single mention... why even bother replying? It’s not going to change me pointing out that your rhetoric is both empty and shallow. Just because you ignore issues to respond like this, doesn’t give you credit for actually discussing issues.
Trump hiding in a bunker, than gassing protestors do give a photo op, that even the church it self has denounced... is Trump advertising? That’s not agnostic... Biden being better at this than Trump, isn’t remarkable, since no one has been worse.This isn't even an advert, it's just the endless coverage Trump gets as earned media because he is the sitting president:
Oh, the feels! The messaging is quite clear. Better than anything Biden has done from his basement. The symbolism is not at all accidental and we shall be seeing plenty more of similar footage for months to come.
I'm an agnostic, but I can see how that plays out.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
That great dear, nobody is forcing you to defend him on some meaningless forum. I know that you don't care about left-wing causes in reality. Its clear as day as I see real American leftists address the police/justice system issues.
This all started in a democrat controlled state, but hey, keep on ignoring reality while you pretend to be a leftist because it makes you look "cool".
Last edited by JohnBrown1917; 2020-06-02 at 01:09 PM.
Your issue with mail in voting is that voter participation will drop? It will be made difficult to vote by Trump? Then Biden fails to inspire turn out? I’m sorry, when people who think Trump is better than Biden, complain that the problem with mail in voting us Trump, don’t expect anything, but shock at how blind that is.
- - - Updated - - -
Explain why should anyone take advice on looking cool, from a Holomodor supporter and apologist?
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
I dont know how anyone can claim to be left of center, and watch bidens speech right now compared to trumps yesterday and say
"oh actually id rather trump win"
well they had 1 last opportunity in the 1933 election, but the communist leader ernst thalman siphoned enough votes to prevent the social democrats from winning and let the nazis pass the enabling act, thats why even socialist like noam chomsky say its important to vote for biden if you are left of center, were at a similar turning point.
they had enough votes to stop the nazis but ernst thalmans KDP party refused to do anything
Trump's getting rather poor marks on his handling of the protests... And this was before he gassed peaceful protestors.
Generally found that about 2/3rds of those who say fair will disapprove. 1/3 will approve. So converted from excellent/good/fair/poor scale... Say approximately, 25% approve/52% disapprove of Trump's handling of the protests in this poll.
John Harwood @JohnJHarwood
Morning Consult national poll,
May 31-June1, in Trump’s handling of protest:
all adults
20% excellent/good
54% only fair/poor
age 18-34
age 65+
Oh that is easy. Because there are a huge number of even fairly liberally minded folks that will call the police any time they hear a black man raise his voice in public. Because racial discussions absolutely terrify many white people, and the idea of social disorder stemming from it is alarming. They might mentally agree with Biden's approach, but they emotionally connect to Trump's "Put them back in their place as fast as possible" approach. A return to the status quo, using guns, dogs and tear gas to put this ugliness behind us. Because that is the pervasive racism in America. Not this chanting, tiki-torch carrying facade that we like to pretend is the face of American racism, those people are actually pretty rare. Nope, America's racism comes from the middle class that thinks they aren't racist because they give their old clothes to Goodwill, because the natural order of things is that poor black families should wear our hand me downs. And that is what is being threatened here.
You won't find many people that say they like Trump's approach, but there are a huge number of people that are clutching their purses and hoping someone just puts a stop to all this horrible unpleasantness.
edit: Added the post I was replying too
Last edited by Thekri; 2020-06-02 at 02:40 PM.
I mean...I'm not saying that literally everything over the past few months from the Trump administration failing spectacularly to prepare for or protect Americans during an incoming and now current pandemic, nor his monumental failure to lead the country through a tragedy that flairs up long-simmering racial tensions once more, instead actually driving division and making things worse, are why every person should vote for Biden regardless of what they think for him but...
I kinda wanna have a democracy and a country, ya know? I kinda don't wanna devolve into tyranny because some idealists and leftists couldn't fucking hold their nose and pull for Biden, or literally whoever the fuck it is running on the Democratic ticket come November. I don't even fuckin like Biden.
Fuck, if it was Williamson I'd be buying up moon crystals and whatever other new-age bullshit she shills and pulling the lever for her gladly. Why? Not because I think she'd usher a new era of American exceptionalism. Not because I think she's got any actual qualifications for the job, even. But because god-damnit she's not Donald fucking Trump and nothing she nor any Democratic candidate would do could make things worse.
Literally if they got elected and quietly sat around watching TV and not rage-tweeting, that would be better.
Is it sad that we're at this state? Yes, nobody will fucking deny that. But folks saying they don't care if Trump wins a second time because their preferred candidate isn't up for the nomination are just as selfish and insane as the boogaloo bois showing up in their Hawaiian shirts.
This isn't an election about ideas. This isn't an election about policies. This isn't an election about any of that usual shit. It's an election about whether or not you believe in decency, or burning everything to the ground. Neither is a great choice, but one is uniquely, less shitty and self-destructive than the other.
Or we could watch as Trump mobilizes the military to squash protests with questionable legality and see more Americans murdered, on top of the over 100,000 dead from the coronavirus, a number which will undoubtedly increase following these protests.
But hey, at least we'll have owned the libs, right?
To steal someone else's metaphor, it's like we're stick waist-deep in shit. One side's platform is "TAKE A DEEP FUCKIN' BREATH, WE'RE GOIN' IN DEEP", and the other candidate's platform is "maybe we should try and get out of this shitpit, let's see if we can get us only knee-deep".
The detractors of Biden (who's the latter, here), are making horseshit claims that "he wants us knee-deep in shit!" or "we're still gonna be in the shithole, so it isn't any better!" Which, yeah, in the absence of context, is technically true. But it ignores that we're currently waist deep, and that Biden's trying to get us out. He's just more practical about what's feasible, in the short term in office he'll have. If he gets another term, and we're now knee-deep, maybe we can get ankle deep. And then, maybe, out of the shit entirely. Expecting miracles is not reasonable politics. You've got to put in the work, and not everything can get solved in a single 4-year term.
Pretending that the two candidates' vision and policy are the same, that's shitposting on a grand scale and anyone making that argument is coming at this in deliberate bad faith. They're lying, and the only real question is what their motive is.
Because him being the senator from MBNA, trying to kill SS, veteran's bennies, and on and on is somehow not enough proof. We already had this thread over here:
Biden's Problematic Record
It's interesting how many of you are now willing to admit that Biden isn't really your guy, you don't even like him, but somehow he's what we ended up with. And yet, we supposedly chose him, yeah? Where's Endus where I need some false sense of democratic processes laid out for me?
He was chosen by the DNC, everyone pretty much fell in line over a weekend, people knelt and pledged fealty, the media gave Creepy Joe plenty of earned media because jackasses like Bill Maher and everyone on MSNBC or CNN had been talking about him for over a year. Biden is electable, etc ad nauseum. Suddenly Bernie tanked and Joe was ascendant. Now, right here, let me say that my first choice candidate was Warren (all her fucking plans etc) and I thought Bernie should back her as VP (huge enthusiasm would have resulted I suspect), but when Warren had zero momentum and lost her own state I then thought she could back Bernie (still huge enthusiasm), but then drama happened (and I don't care if its true or false). One thing that remained weird throughout was Sanders sort of constantly kowtowing to Biden and absolutely refusing to go after him on ANYTHING. Well, we all know how it shook out esp after Clyburn gave Biden the southern black vote. Right, because almost certainly racist motherfucking Biden is some great friend to the black american as long as he can incarcerate them and get them on the Federal Prison Industries (aka Unicor) payroll. Yes, I am cynical as hell - this shit was significantly engineered by DNC insiders in my opinion. They'd rather lose this election than shift to the left and thereby potentially lose the same corporate money that the GOP gets now.
Because the job seems to be to make bloody well sure we deregulate the financial sector, curbstomp the working class, and then hollow out the tax coffers every 15-20 years. Force Joe and Jane Sixpack to sell low, so later the elite can buy high. We literally have socialism for the rich, and capitalism for the poor. For our friends everything, for our enemies the law.
They've been doing this for decades and I am simply no longer willing to keep them in power if all they will do is endlessly break empty promises. I do not give two shits about ID politics. Where is motherfucking Glass-Steagall? Where is austerity for the rich? Where is allowing Boeing to go belly up? Where is universal healthcare and the necessary safety nets for american workers in the face of increased automation and the probable destruction of the ability for many to earn any part of the american dream?
So sure, yeah, vote Biden so that maybe your descendants can finally have Medicare for All in the year 2250 or whatever.
Incrementalism is the death of the United States. It's going to burn because its built on lies, eggregious inequality, and human suffering.
They certainly don't have the same policies or vision for the country but are either of them good/logical/useful? Isn't it sad that in our last few election cycles it's more a decision of which of these complete disasters is the smaller piece of shit? It's hard to fathom Biden being overall worse than Trump, but he certainly will do some things that are worse albeit in a more apologetic tone.
We need to do a better job of encouraging smart, logical, less biased people to run for local, state and federal office. And then we need to actually elect those people. Until we do that we will never be able to make the fundamental changes most people want.
That's nice Karen. It's already on fire, so it being not on fire under Biden is a marked improvement.
Imagine looking at the state of things and thinking you're making some sort of point in bemoaning how hard you have it because you have to vote for a moderate. If I were the United States I would simply ask to speak to incrementalism's manager.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
That's how primaries work, dude. Your candidate doesn't always win.
We as individuals, may not have. We as a Democratic primary voting base, did as a whole.
This is the literal Democratic process. Your guy doesn't always win, and that means you have to make choices on what you do from there.
Ain't that a fuckin hard-lie. Good lord, are you even fucking serious with that garbage?