1. #6421
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    Why Trump should be worried about his cash reserves
    The RNC spent over $1 million on “legal and compliance services” during the month, including nearly $200,000 to “Alan Dershowitz Consulting LLC."

    The Trump campaign spent more than $470,000 on polling in the month of May. Most of that spending went to the polling firm Fabrizio, Lee & Associates — but the Trump campaign also paid $98,000 to the firm of the pollster John McLaughlin, who wrote a memo for the Trump campaign in June to try to discredit a national poll from CNN that showed the president performing poorly.
    Spending 100k for a fake poll and a memo to make your guy feel better just reaffirms my viewpoint that the Trump campaign is burning through there cash reverses. It should start adding up when you spending money and time to prevent losing red states and you start spending money on adds to just cheer up Trump.
    This is also ignoring the fact that Trump is probably overcharging his own campaign (he did it last time) and that his campaign staff are also getting paid generously.
    Trump looks at his campaign contributions as his personal slush fund - if anyone doubts that, let me remind you that Trump's "foundation" was closed down because it was being used as a Trump Family checking account, instead of actually giving money away. So this news, while disappointing, is not surprising at all. Trump's "campaign manager" (Pascale) has become a multimillionaire over the past few years running Trumps "campaign" - from nothing to $14M+ net worth. We saw his tendencies, publicly, when the "inauguration fund" sort of just disappeared, more than $100M - some of it was spent on the actual event, of course, but not enough - not even close.

    If we're allowed to investigate Trump and his Crime Family if Biden wins in November, financial crimes will one of several categories we should look into. The grifters can't keep their hands out of the coffers, and it won't stop. Should Trump win in November, expect it to continue, exponentially.

  2. #6422
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    US foreign policy is almost never about what's best for the country or its people. Venezuela included. Venezuela has oil. A ton. And the country is finally in a state where its control of the oil is slipping.

    Venezuela was screwed before Maduro. It's collapse was predicated before Chavez even died. The country had been in dire need of aide for a decade. The world watched the fire burn to see who could capitalize on the plot of land under the rubble.

    Venezuela was allowed to get into the state it is now because Venezuela was black balled to ruin.

    Maduro is a dick head. A coup is no better. Last stage intervention to prop up a puppet is the worst.
    Venezuela is a mess. The country with the largest oil reserve in the word as of last month only had a single active drill rig and rapidly rising fuel cost.

  3. #6423
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    So the LeftBloc of MMoC is now defending the status quo in Venezuela?
    This is probably like the time they threatened their parents with, "Mom, if you dont buy me an iPad, ima start using heroin!"
    They'll take any position to piss off their liberal parents.

    I miss the days before hipsters got into politics.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  4. #6424
    I REALLY love it when I see Trump cult members talking about a Trump guaranteed win in 2020.

    I gleefully point out that they sound just like 2016 Hillary Clinton supporters. I tell them based on how many conservatives I see crying over haircuts and masks, that I cannot wait to see when Trump loses in an upset later this year and watching the tears flow.

  5. #6425
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    So the LeftBloc of MMoC is now defending the status quo in Venezuela?
    This is probably like the time they threatened their parents with, "Mom, if you dont buy me an iPad, ima start using heroin!"
    They'll take any position to piss off their liberal parents.

    I miss the days before hipsters got into politics.
    I haven't seen LeftBlock used before - who does that refer to?

  6. #6426
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I haven't seen LeftBlock used before - who does that refer to?
    I believe that's the very online thing to say for "leftists", in this case the far left posters here. I'm struggling to keep up with this ever changing terminology and vernacular, and it's quite difficult.

  7. #6427
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I believe that's the very online thing to say for "leftists", in this case the far left posters here. I'm struggling to keep up with this ever changing terminology and vernacular, and it's quite difficult.
    Not worth keeping up with pejoratives IMO.

  8. #6428
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    I REALLY love it when I see Trump cult members talking about a Trump guaranteed win in 2020.

    I gleefully point out that they sound just like 2016 Hillary Clinton supporters. I tell them based on how many conservatives I see crying over haircuts and masks, that I cannot wait to see when Trump loses in an upset later this year and watching the tears flow.
    I agree, but I fear of taking a confident tone at all during this election. I'd rather stay in permanent "cautiously optimistic" with a full helping of "hope for the best, plan for the worst". We don't want Democrats and those voting Democrat getting complacent and not turning out at the last minute.

  9. #6429
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    2016 called ... "please stop confusing me with 2020".

    Political Polls
    National RCP Poll Average:
    Biden 50.6% (+9.5)
    Trump 41.1%

    June 22 2016:
    Clinton 45% (+5.8)
    Trump 39.2%

    It's like there are very obvious structural differences between the too.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  10. #6430
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    2016 called ... "please stop confusing me with 2020".
    I'll do that after the election, thanks. Treating this like an uphill battle until then and not doing celebratory laps months ahead of time because the polling looks great.

  11. #6431
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    2016 called ... "please stop confusing me with 2020".

    Political Polls
    National RCP Poll Average:
    Biden 50.6% (+9.5)
    Trump 41.1%

    June 22 2016:
    Clinton 45% (+5.8)
    Trump 39.2%

    It's like there are very obvious structural differences between the too.
    The people on the "left" or our resident shitposters trying to say this election is just like 2016 is something we should point out as wrong - almost everything is different. HOWEVER, we should not get confident at all, and as @Edge points out, continue treating this election as an uphill battle until Nov 4th, because to do otherwise, is to invite complacency and defeat.

  12. #6432
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    The people on the "left" or our resident shitposters trying to say this election is just like 2016 is something we should point out as wrong - almost everything is different. HOWEVER, we should not get confident at all, and as @Edge points out, continue treating this election as an uphill battle until Nov 4th, because to do otherwise, is to invite complacency and defeat.
    There is a lot fear among the Democrats that Trump may still win in 2020 like he did in 2016. Which is actually good for Biden. That fear will drive Democratic turnouts in November. They have seen what a single term of Trump's presidency did to the US. A second term will be an unmitigated disaster.

  13. #6433
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    So you also have no problem with Russia fucking with the US then, I assume?
    You're not a hypocrite, right?
    Voiceing an opinion is far different than creating a disinformation campaign and strategically using it in key districts to get whom you want in power.

  14. #6434
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    It is par for the course in this sub thread esp. One major reason I do not post in it very much. Also why several regular posters in here are on my ignore list. Best way to handle their childish insults.

    Of course the ACA is shit. It is defended by many because they look at it as the one thing Obama did which was right. It stands as his major legacy. What other legacy does he have? Killing of Osama Ben 'ladin? Trump has taken out twice as many of the radical Islamic terrorist leaders.
    Bullshit on top of bullshit (Safe space alert).
    You have the vast majority of people who disagree with you on your ignore list, even if they don't resort to "childish insults"
    You are just a bad faith hit and run poster who ghost his post 95% of the time.

    Funny you think ACA is shit, while sitting back on your TWO very socialist healthcare programs happily collecting benefits off the hard working taxpayers. ACA is just like the VA system and Medicare. The only reason you think its total shit is because it supports your stance on Trump and you cannot even be honest about it.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  15. #6435
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Of course the ACA is shit. It is defended by many because they look at it as the one thing Obama did which was right.

    51% favorable, 41% opposed. That's a significant split.

    It's defended because it's a big improvement over what we had before, regardless of Obama or not. It's defended because Republicans have spent the better part of a decade pathetically trying to repeal it without a replacement, and people don't want to lose the protections they've come to enjoy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    It stands as his major legacy. What other legacy does he have? Killing of Osama Ben 'ladin? Trump has taken out twice as many of the radical Islamic terrorist leaders.
    Yeah, but how many had been hiding for a decade+ and orchestrated the largest foreign planned terror operation in the US?

    And does being president overseeing a smooth recovering from one of the biggest recessions in US history count for nothing?

    We could ask some historians with perspective to weigh in on this too - https://time.com/4632190/historians-obamas-legacy/

  16. #6436
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    Voiceing an opinion is far different than creating a disinformation campaign and strategically using it in key districts to get whom you want in power.
    What the US is doing is not just an opinion.

  17. #6437
    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    What the US is doing is not just an opinion.
    Show ne the 1:1 correlation to directly interfering with an election that Joe Biden has been responsible for.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    51% favorable, 41% opposed. That's a significant split.

    It's defended because it's a big improvement over what we had before, regardless of Obama or not. It's defended because Republicans have spent the better part of a decade pathetically trying to repeal it without a replacement, and people don't want to lose the protections they've come to enjoy.

    Yeah, but how many had been hiding for a decade+ and orchestrated the largest foreign planned terror operation in the US?

    And does being president overseeing a smooth recovering from one of the biggest recessions in US history count for nothing?

    We could ask some historians with perspective to weigh in on this too - https://time.com/4632190/historians-obamas-legacy/
    You know these Trump bootlickers cannot give Obama credit for anything he has done. Just think how much better this country could have been if the GOP didn't publicly admit they were racist and had zero motivation to govern? He did a bunch of things and GP knows what they are no point in derailing listing accomplishments so he can just dismiss them as being nothing.

  18. #6438
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommunismWillWin View Post
    What the US is doing is not just an opinion.
    I'm not sure how seriously you think we should take you - your signature is an objective lie (re Biden). How is Biden interfering with the election again?

  19. #6439
    While I think Maduro is a shit head, I'm also of the opinion we shouldn't be interfering in places like Venezuela. I know it's shit that Maduro is in power....but we can't continue to be world police. The obvious line is when there's a serious humanitarian crisis going on....which very well could be the case in Venezuela, but I'd have to read more on it.

    I was against Obama when he did it in Libya, despite Qaddafi being a fucking piece of shit, yet I find no problem with the Syrian excursions, because there's widespread documentation of Assad killing his own citizens and using chemical weapons. And even then, I think the Syrian situation should be handled multinationally, through an organization like NATO or the UN.

    It's a tricky situation to navigate, for sure. One thing I know is Trump is incapable of such nuance.

  20. #6440
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    There is a lot fear among the Democrats that Trump may still win in 2020 like he did in 2016. Which is actually good for Biden. That fear will drive Democratic turnouts in November. They have seen what a single term of Trump's presidency did to the US. A second term will be an unmitigated disaster.
    I am very glad to hear it. We need to keep that going in order to maximize turnout. I sincerely hope we see a bigger Blue Wave than we did in 2018.

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