Frankly, I never discuss politics with my family members. Ever.
I look forward to a sort of "return to normalcy" following a Trump defeat. The republicans in power will drop him like a hot potato the second he loses reelection and rapidly try and distance themselves from him or having ever supported him in an attempt to save their own skins. That will probably drag the majority of his supporters away from him as well; they support the republican party, mistakenly believing that the republican party still actually stands for something other than its own enrichment, not Trump himself. The majority of those thinking Trump actually supported whatever it is they imagined the republican party stood for will likely be able to reflect on his litany of failures, especially with the republicans in power giving them a way to face-save out of having ever truly supported Trump. Trump's most die-hard of sycophants will just rage into the darkness, and we can just ignore them.
I'm hoping that the democrats in power, following Trump's defeat, go on a scorched-earth crusade through the role call of Trump's white house, indicting and arresting as necessary to uphold the laws so flagrantly broken with so much ferocity so as to make any further snake oil salesmen seriously reconsider attempting the same thing Trump did.