1. #6981
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Does anyone know how the Georgia Senate election works? They have both seats up for election, and multiple candidates. Is it just the two best vote getters? Or are there "silos" where one Dem is running against one Repub for Seat A, and then similar for Seat B?

    I feel like I should know this but it's escaping me for the moment....
    Silos, but not as you're thinking.

    The regular election will be David Perdue (R) vs. Jon Ossoff (D).

    The other special election follows entirely different rules with no primary elections and 20 candidates (8D, 6R (including Loeffler, the incumbent appointee), 1 Green, 1 Libertarian, and 4 Independents) on the ballot. If no one gets a majority on election day (which looks pretty likely), then the best 2 (regardless of party, so R vs. R or D vs. D is possible) go to a runoff election in January.


    Last edited by Masark; 2020-07-15 at 06:46 PM.

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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
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  2. #6982
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    Silos, but not as you're thinking.

    The regular election will be David Perdue (R) vs. Jon Ossoff (D).

    The other special election follows entirely different rules with no primary elections and 20 candidates (8D, 6R (including Loeffler, the incumbent appointee), 1 Green, 1 Libertarian, and 4 Independents) on the ballot. If no one gets a majority on election day (which looks pretty much certain), then the best 2 go to a runoff election in January.


    Ah, excellent - thank you for clarifying that.

    It doesn't look like Ossoff is fairing too well in the polls....

  3. #6983
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Ah, excellent - thank you for clarifying that.

    It doesn't look like Ossoff is fairing too well in the polls....
    My guess is it will be pretty close, but I don't think much of Ossoff as a candidate. I used to live in Georgia 4th, Ossoff spent a fortune trying, and failing to flip it in a 2017 special election. Lucy McBath successfully flipped it a year later, and will almost certainly hold it this year. Ossoff just isn't as popular with voters as he is with the democratic party. The Party loves him, voters not so much.

  4. #6984
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    My guess is it will be pretty close, but I don't think much of Ossoff as a candidate. I used to live in Georgia 4th, Ossoff spent a fortune trying, and failing to flip it in a 2017 special election. Lucy McBath successfully flipped it a year later, and will almost certainly hold it this year. Ossoff just isn't as popular with voters as he is with the democratic party. The Party loves him, voters not so much.
    That's too bad - seems like Georgia is ripe for a Senate flip.

  5. #6985
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    That's too bad - seems like Georgia is ripe for a Senate flip.
    Ossoff's problem is that he is a smart young guy that likes explaining things and telling people what good ideas he has. Lucy McBath is a middle aged woman that liked to listen to the problems people actually have.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out who flipped the seat.

  6. #6986
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    I stand by my long ago assessment that Ilhan Omar is in trouble.
    She spent too much time pandering to Bernie Bros and making enemies.

    Government Affiliated Snark

  7. #6987
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    I stand by my long ago assessment that Ilhan Omar is in trouble.
    She spent too much time pandering to Bernie Bros and making enemies.

    How did she pander? really com eon..

    the money is coming from pro israel and conservatives... how the fuck is this an issue with "bernie" and not her being a brown, muslim, woman, democrats?

  8. #6988
    I'm not sure which side The Lincoln Project is on in the Trump v Fauci debate. Anyone clear it up for me?

    When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
    Quote Originally Posted by George Carlin
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Adams
    It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  9. #6989
    There's a few hundred democrats in congress. Which ones are conservatives familiar with? Which ones get the most hate?

    They probably wouldn't be able to name more than a couple white guys, if that. Maybe Schiff. After that they would only know about/hate the women. Mostly non-whites after you get past Pelosi.

    There was more than a few dozen freshman dems in congress starting in 2019. Strange coincidence which ones they decide to obsess over, I guess.

    I'd even go a step further. Trump supporters posting hate about these (mostly) women probably don't even know who their own congressman is. But I'm sure they've spent more than a few hours hate bating to AOC.

  10. #6990
    Titan I Push Buttons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    There's a few hundred democrats in congress. Which ones are conservatives familiar with? Which ones get the most hate?

    They probably wouldn't be able to name more than a couple white guys, if that. Maybe Schiff. After that they would only know about/hate the women. Mostly non-whites after you get past Pelosi.

    There was more than a few dozen freshman dems in congress starting in 2019. Strange coincidence which ones they decide to obsess over, I guess.

    I'd even go a step further. Trump supporters posting hate about these (mostly) women probably don't even know who their own congressman is.
    And if the media didn't draw attention to those particular congresspeople (or their own drawing of attention to themselves) then those people wouldn't even know who they were either.

    You mention Schiff, for example, as a someone they may have heard of and hate... I consider myself rather politically engaged, I follow political news closely and have done so since I was in high school over a decade ago... Other than during the impeachment, I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have never seen that congressman's name in the national news ever... And he's been in congress for two decades and Dem leadership for half a decade. Conversely, I see articles about AOC and her Tweets and her League of Legends rank and her 'clapbacks' and blah blah blah blah quite literally almost every single day.

    Of course those opposed to Democrats are going to focus their ire on people like her in particular because, as you point out, most people don't give a shit about congresspeople or in many cases even know who they are, even their very own representatives... But if they have even the most cursory political engagement they will be inundated with 'AOC news' ad infinitum.
    Last edited by I Push Buttons; 2020-07-15 at 09:59 PM.

  11. #6991
    The media is finally starting to stand up to Trump. Maybe continuing is the right word. Hopefully there will be more of this.


    Title: CNN, MSNBC Cut Away From Donald Trump’s Rose Garden Remarks As He Launches Into Campaign Attack On Joe Biden


    CNN and MSNBC cut away from President Donald Trump’s Rose Garden remarks on Tuesday after he veered from an announcement about the situation in Hong Kong to a lengthy campaign attack on Joe Biden and his economic and energy proposals.

    CNN’s Wolf Blitzer explained that they network cut away because it was “deteriorating into a campaign kind of speech.”

  12. #6992
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Just because some of their reporting is accurate doesn't mean I have to give them a click.

    Their news division isn't bad, their opinion/entertainment division is what's sewn so much division in the country.
    I do not understand this fear of promoting a news site because you happen to click on their web site. I will use any news source if I think the article warrants it. I dislike some news networks, certainly. And have more trust with some than others. But I am not afraid to click on any of their links.

    Then again, I am not much at all into boycotting anything. I met this one person who worked in Rural King one day, when I was looking at some handguns. He said he will not shop at Walmart because they stopped selling handguns. I am like " wth?". I shop where ever I can get the best deal for my money.
    " If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.." - Abraham Lincoln
    The Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to - prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms..” - Samuel Adams

  13. #6993
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do not understand this fear of promoting a news site because you happen to click on their web site. I will use any news source if I think the article warrants it. I dislike some news networks, certainly. And have more trust with some than others. But I am not afraid to click on any of their links.
    Clicks give them ad revenue. They give them impression metrics that are used to potentially get more money per ads. They're used to quantify the success or failure of a story. Clicks are the online version of buying something, and denying clicks to a site is functionally the same as boycotting their product. For example, I will never click a Breitbart link, because I'm not about to do anything to support the white supremacy they quietly (and sometimes vocally) support on the site.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Then again, I am not much at all into boycotting anything. I met this one person who worked in Rural King one day, when I was looking at some handguns. He said he will not shop at Walmart because they stopped selling handguns. I am like " wth?". I shop where ever I can get the best deal for my money.
    Some people believe in voting with their wallets and using the power that we have as consumers to try to affect change on companies. If you're just out there for yourself and you have no causes you care about enough, that's fine. But some of us care about other causes and will either forgo or pay a bit more for products and services in order to do our best to avoid supporting companies that engage in behavior or hold beliefs we object to.

  14. #6994
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Clicks give them ad revenue. They give them impression metrics that are used to potentially get more money per ads. They're used to quantify the success or failure of a story. Clicks are the online version of buying something, and denying clicks to a site is functionally the same as boycotting their product. For example, I will never click a Breitbart link, because I'm not about to do anything to support the white supremacy they quietly (and sometimes vocally) support on the site.
    Wouldn't an adblocker stop them from getting anything from your visit to their site?

  15. #6995
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    Wouldn't an adblocker stop them from getting anything from your visit to their site?
    No, it stops the ad click revenue, but not unique or hits in general, that they use to sell the ad space.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  16. #6996
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    No, it stops the ad click revenue, but not unique or hits in general, that they use to sell the ad space.
    Ah okay, because I use an adblocker everywhere that I can.

  17. #6997
    Susan Collins proposes 16 debates against challenger Gideon

    Is that a desperation move? Sixteen frigging debates.

  18. #6998
    Ossoff certainly has a shot. Polling is very close. Georgia will become a blue state eventually if the GOP doesn't change. They don't do much to attract new voters to replace their shrinking/dying base.

    We already know Kemp, GA gov, is willing to cheat and break the law. So Ossoff does have an uphill climb. But, still possible. If elections in GA were fair then there'd be no question. It would flip.

  19. #6999
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Susan Collins proposes 16 debates against challenger Gideon

    Is that a desperation move? Sixteen frigging debates.
    What is she that desperate to not be in DC? Does she think she can hide from touch questions about Trump on the debate stage?

  20. #7000
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Susan Collins proposes 16 debates against challenger Gideon

    Is that a desperation move? Sixteen frigging debates.
    Of interest, election day is 16 weeks from yesterday.

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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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