The overall trend in BattleGround states.
The overall trend in BattleGround states.
Government Affiliated Snark
To be fair, Ohio moved more toward Biden then Minnesota did (Or North Carolina). It was just that Minnesota was already barely blue. That is all that is really needed. It doesn't pay to get greedy and decide we have to play for Texas. Biden doesn't need to win all of these states. He just needs 270 Electorial College votes, anything over that is completely irrelevant. Yeah, it would be fun to get like 350 of them, but I would be perfectly happy with 271.
The fact that all of those states are at least in play is amazing. It means Biden can focus on the ones he actually needs, but Trump has to defend in all of them. Biden shouldn't be spending money in Texas. Let Trump spend money to keep it.
Normally I would agree, except I think in this election it's going to be important for him to get as many as he can so that there's very little doubt about the outcome. If Biden wins the bare minimum it's going to add fuel to Trump's "rigged election!" fire. If Biden wins by a blowout Trump's just going to look like a petty loser.
Though I do agree that they shouldn't spend too many resources in Texas. They'll come around eventually, but I doubt this year is the year.
If Biden blows out Trump they will say the same thing. It is all cheating, rigged, etc. I could care less, there are certain people that will throw a fit no matter what. I just want to see Trump gone.
And yes, I am aware that if Trump wins people will throw a fit and claim it was rigged as well. There is a good chance I will be one of them. Projection is their thing, they are going to cheat, and claim the democrats cheated instead. I am not concerned about "adding fuel" to their "arguments" because their arguments are based on reality in the first place. Them being blatantly wrong has never stopped them from throwing a fit before. 271 is fine. We need to get at least that. If you win the Super Bowl by one point, you still get the ring. And nobody cares if the other team wants to bitch about it.
I have personal beef with Ohio.
Their Coronavirus mismanagement was terrible, my uncle (who has had multiple bouts of pneumonia) contracted COVID, then travelled across state lines while waiting on test results (his antibody test was negative, and Ohio didn't require doctors to tell people to self quarantine pending test results). He then stayed at my mother's house, exposing her, and causing her to miss my son's birthday party (when she visited 2 weeks later, post quarantine and with 2 confirmed negative tests over a week apart, we social distanced and she was masked).
Also I have a cousin who works for DeWine, and we have had a LOT of conversations about how sure he was that the rational Republicans would rein in Trump's worst impulses and show the world how great Reaganomics is. I want to rub his nose in this abject failure for the rest of his life, or until he changes his voted registration, whichever comes first.
I'm sure we need a new 1.75 billion FBI building. One reason I don't think I'll vote Trump if his leadership is all about adding unneeded pork to relief bills. Not sure I'll vote Biden either.
So far Biden has only spent 15M in TX. Which is a drop in the bucket. However, he has other factors in his favor. For first time in years, Texas Democrats running for U.S. House have more cash than Republicans which has to help him. Also, Meidas Touch, a super PAC is spending millions advertising in Houston and Dallas markets.
The other three big factors in his favor, which are interlinked, are Trump himself, Covid-19 and the oil industry collapse. Unless Trump can fix those two before election day, I think Biden has a good chance. Right now, he is not even trying. Which is driving his approval rating in TX down.
you missed the other part too if that pissed you off
The defense spending: Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, made clear that bolstering the defense industrial base is always a priority, and that's the reason more than $8 billion was included for fighter jets, helicopters armored vehicles and more.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
The best part, is it will make Trump international hotel, the closest hotel to the building and prevent any other hotels building closer. Just a great side effect of combating corona... by expanding the most corrupt institution, that with Obama and Biden, spied on our Fuerer...
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
They even attributed a quote. What a fucking joke, lmaoPolitico published an article claiming Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, and announced it August 1. It’s since been changed, and scrubbed from the piece.
Good ol' Biden calling for the arrest of anarchists(and putting them in the same group as arsonists). We love our world leaders who are ignorant on politics, dont we folks?
Well, one of a few things.
Either the decision has been made and it's Harris (fuck I hope not) and the campaign has been seeding the story under embargo so media can have it ready when the announcement is official.
Or this was a mistaken pre-written blurb as Politico said, and they screwed up and put a stand-in quote rather than "lorom ipsum" or whatever they normally would put.
Fucking hell I hope it's not fucking Harris, and I say this as someone who voted for and generally likes her.
I like her, and I don't think there's anything wrong with her as a pick, she just doesn't bring much political capital with her. We all know this, Biden is going to win California regardless of his VP choice, there has to be a better political option toward a less certain state. Color me skeptical.
I have a feeling you're going to be disappointed.
Word is she doesn't want the AG spot (sorry cubby) and there's been a LOT of chatter around her in recent weeks. I'm not exactly happy about it either if this is the case for the same reason as most: as a Californian with a history she's not really going to be gaining any votes for Biden--which is pretty much one of the main considerations that goes into picking a VP.
Here's hoping we're all wrong about it.
Did someone say Politico has multiple VP contingency stories ready?!~?
Did someone also say that Politico is 1 step removed from just being a DC gossip rag...
Poor silly bored people.
Government Affiliated Snark
Where'd you find that? And having pre-written content ready to be lightly edited and turned around quickly is writing 101 for most shit. Hell, it's just "writing 101" for a lot of outlets. You think that places like NYT don't have obituaries written, or mostly written, about many significant people so that they can quickly turn one around in the event that one dies?
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi