1. #7641
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    the other
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    "A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy... "
    VP edition

    Gold star for you

    Winning... Tiger blood!!!

    Drunk people do the best rendition of “We are the champions!” prove me wrong...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  2. #7642
    Democrats Score Court Wins to Make Voting by Mail Easier

    The state of Rhode Island agreed to eliminate witness or notary requirements for people voting by mail throughout the 2020 elections due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A judge signed off on the agreement Tuesday.

    Also on Tuesday, a judge in Minnesota blocked election officials from enforcing a state law that prohibited voters from helping more than three other people to cast absentee ballots, handing a significant win to two national Democratic organizations that sued to end the provisions.

  3. #7643
    Biden notes show talking points about Kamala Harris

    The notes reflect remarks Biden has made in the past about Harris but come in the final days before he is expected to announce his choice as No. 2 on the Democratic ticket.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  4. #7644
    Looks like the polls are tightening
    meanwhile pence meets the covid truthers in the white house

  5. #7645
    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    Looks like the polls are tightening
    meanwhile pence meets the covid truthers in the white house
    I prefer those kind of numbers which bring fear into Democratic voters. That will make sure that they send their mail-in ballots early and show up at the polling stations.

  6. #7646
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Biden notes show talking points about Kamala Harris

    The notes reflect remarks Biden has made in the past about Harris but come in the final days before he is expected to announce his choice as No. 2 on the Democratic ticket.
    hmmm not a very accurate poller at "C-" rating .

    but i never expected those lofty double digits to hold anyway.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  7. #7647
    Several more factors that are driving TX more to the left.

    Before the Pandemic Texas already had the highest rate and largest number of people without health insurance in the country. During the Pandemic, the number has gotten worse. As of May, 2020, 29 percent of Texas adults under 65 don't currently have health insurance. Up from 20% pre-pandemic. More than 20 percent of all uninsured children in the U.S.A. live in Texas.

  8. #7648
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Several more factors that are driving TX more to the left.

    Before the Pandemic Texas already had the highest rate and largest number of people without health insurance in the country. During the Pandemic, the number has gotten worse. As of May, 2020, 29 percent of Texas adults under 65 don't currently have health insurance. Up from 20% pre-pandemic. More than 20 percent of all uninsured children in the U.S.A. live in Texas.
    well when you keep it a secret that you can sign up for ACA and Medicaid if you lose your job...and then cheer for the abolishment of those same programs.....
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  9. #7649
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    well when you keep it a secret that you can sign up for ACA and Medicaid if you lose your job...and then cheer for the abolishment of those same programs.....
    Texas Medical Association did a study in 2019 which basically states that the number of Texans without health insurance will jump from 5 million in 2018 to 6 million in 2040. The pandemic accelerated that time schedule. 2040 is now.

    The unsubsidized, uncompensated care physicians and hospitals provide cost in Texas went up from $3.5 billion in 2016 to $12.4 billion YTD. No wonder hospitals are going bankrupt.
    Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-07-29 at 08:05 PM.

  10. #7650
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Several more factors that are driving TX more to the left.

    Before the Pandemic Texas already had the highest rate and largest number of people without health insurance in the country. During the Pandemic, the number has gotten worse. As of May, 2020, 29 percent of Texas adults under 65 don't currently have health insurance. Up from 20% pre-pandemic. More than 20 percent of all uninsured children in the U.S.A. live in Texas.
    I love these fever dreams where you guys think Texas will turn blue soon. Maybe you should not put too much stock in to what people say on twitter or the democratic party's media conglomerate.

    I do like that Bernie's co chair Nina Turner said of voting for Biden" It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still shit"

    And no idea why they want Kamala as their VP, she has too much baggage and she's from California.

  11. #7651
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I love these fever dreams where you guys think Texas will turn blue soon. Maybe you should not put too much stock in to what people say on twitter or the democratic party's media conglomerate.

    I do like that Bernie's co chair Nina Turner said of voting for Biden" It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still shit"

    And no idea why they want Kamala as their VP, she has too much baggage and she's from California.
    No one cares as everything you post is wrong.

  12. #7652
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I love these fever dreams where you guys think Texas will turn blue soon. Maybe you should not put too much stock in to what people say on twitter or the democratic party's media conglomerate.

    I do like that Bernie's co chair Nina Turner said of voting for Biden" It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still shit"

    And no idea why they want Kamala as their VP, she has too much baggage and she's from California.
    Turn blue? Probably not yet. However, a lot of Texans are unhappy with both the governor and the president. Texas currently ranked #1 in the nation in the number of businesses filing for Chapter 11.


    Chapter 11 filing by states from June 2019 through June 2020. Light blue is for businesses and black is for non-businesses. Graph is too large so I did not include the bottom part. For scaling purposes, 1,637 TX businesses filed for Chapter 11 during that period.

    Interestingly enough, we are not seeing an increase in personal filing of Chapters, 11, 7 and 13. The numbers actually went down. Likely because of Federal Aids and all the courts are closed.

    Bankruptcy Statistics During COVID-19 Pandemic

    The vicious cycle already has been seen in corporate bankruptcies. According to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce poll, about 43% of small businesses likely will close permanently within the final six months of 2020. When July began, nearly 100 companies with more than $100 million in debt had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute. That puts this year on pace to become the second-highest total behind 2009, the throes of the last financial crisis. Financial threats have encircled department stores, hotels, cruise lines, rental-car companies, airlines, restaurants and movie theaters.

    According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings in the commercial sector were up 48% in May from the previous year. More significantly, those bankruptcies were up 30% just between April and May.

    The International Monetary Fund projects that the world economy will contract by about 4.9% this year. U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell said the American economy is looking at a 6.5% contraction this year. Powell termed the extent of the downturn and the pace of recovery as “extraordinarily uncertain.’’

    Meanwhile, personal bankruptcies were down by about 25% in the second quarter of 2020 — perhaps a reflection of the boost from government programs, stay-at-home orders or the temporary closing of bankruptcy courts — but they are expected to keep rising through the remainder of the year. It could coincide with the growing reduction of government aid.

  13. #7653
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    No one cares as everything you post is wrong.
    No one cares but you cared enough to take the time to whine a retort. I live rent free in the heads of you censoring twits. I like how you say I post wrong things when I post...quotes? I guess direct quotes are wrong somehow?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Turn blue? Probably not yet. However, a lot of Texans are unhappy with both the governor and the president. Texas currently ranked #1 in the nation in the number of businesses filing for Chapter 11.

    So in a time when tons of business file chapter 11 to restructure to keep their businesses open, Texas leads in businesses trying to remain businesses?

  14. #7654
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    No one cares but you cared enough to take the time to whine a retort. I live rent free in the heads of you censoring twits. I like how you say I post wrong things when I post...quotes? I guess direct quotes are wrong somehow?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So in a time when tons of business file chapter 11 to restructure to keep their businesses open, Texas leads in businesses trying to remain businesses?
    That's some Trump-level bullshit right there.

    "Bankruptcies show how great we're doing!"

  15. #7655
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    No one cares but you cared enough to take the time to whine a retort. I live rent free in the heads of you censoring twits. I like how you say I post wrong things when I post...quotes? I guess direct quotes are wrong somehow?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So in a time when tons of business file chapter 11 to restructure to keep their businesses open, Texas leads in businesses trying to remain businesses?
    Keyword "file". It does not meant that the court will approve the filing. A Chapter 11 filing still needs all the creditors to agree to the financial arrangement. Otherwise, it may still end up in Chapter 7. By the end of the year we'll have a better idea on how many of those companies filing Chapter 11 will end up in Chapter 7.
    Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-07-29 at 09:14 PM.

  16. #7656
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post

    So in a time when tons of business file chapter 11 to restructure to keep their businesses open, Texas leads in businesses trying to remain businesses?
    and? That was his point, there is nothing positive about any bankruptcy filing.

    the fact that texas leads in it, and BIGLY never bodes well for an election year since the economy is always 1-2 on the top of the list of reasons why people vote for X instead of Y
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  17. #7657
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I love these fever dreams where you guys think Texas will turn blue soon. Maybe you should not put too much stock in to what people say on twitter or the democratic party's media conglomerate.

    I do like that Bernie's co chair Nina Turner said of voting for Biden" It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still shit"

    And no idea why they want Kamala as their VP, she has too much baggage and she's from California.
    Oh look, it thinks it knows something.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    and? That was his point, there is nothing positive about any bankruptcy filing.

    the fact that texas leads in it, and BIGLY never bodes well for an election year since the economy is always 1-2 on the top of the list of reasons why people vote for X instead of Y
    Hey Texas bragged about creating the most jobs a while back. Come to find out most were min wage, part time, fast food and retail jobs that most would need 3 to live there, but hey it still counted as a job.

  18. #7658
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I live rent free in the heads of you censoring twits.
    Does that make you a parasite?

  19. #7659
    So glad Trump repealed that awful Act. Poor people commit the most crimes because they have nothing to live for or no other way to get other money than to rob and burglarize people in their homes or on the streets. They also do not act decent like other people. Get a better education, use your skills, and get a better job if you don't want to live with the gangs and the rest of the trash.
    Last edited by Rozz; 2020-07-30 at 01:27 AM. Reason: Trolling
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  20. #7660
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Fun couple of days, we already got the overt white supremacist poster, now we get a 'poor people are trash' poster.

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