1. #9441
    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    Their poll results:
    Non-white voters:
    Biden 63% (-11)
    Trump 31% (+10)

    If their words don't match their numbers, then there is something wrong with the words they picked to spin-doctor their results into somehow still appearing positive.

    You go ahead and try to explain to me how the polls going from:

    Biden 74%
    Trump 21%


    Biden 63%
    Trump 31%

    is somehow good for Biden?

    Go ahead, I'll wait.
    Polls are a fucking snapshot of time based on the people they poll. They would care from hour to hour as well as day to day, week to week, and month to month. They are not a true representation of what the people think overall nor ever were.

    So when you pulled people a while back and got a 70-20 result and you polled people today and got a 60-30, were the exact same people polled? Doubtful. Could be a good chance some more white male racists and sexists were polled this time around. But sure, keep telling use hiw polls matter now when it might favor your guy, but you guys screamed from the roof tops fake news over polls in 2016 and when it makes Trump look bad.

    Apparently you guys are incapable of critical thinking.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Why am I getting deja-vu? Seems like it was just yesterday we had a trumpster trying to spin a false narrative that kamala was a bad pick before getting curbstomped with actual data.
    What else is new? This is commonplace for trumpstains.

  2. #9442
    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    That 4 point poll was an outlier of polls from the week. Seriously you guys are fucking dense. You ignore the 8-12 point lead polls and focus on the 4 point poll. Is GP uncharged of your polling talking points?
    Let's pretend it was 16 points (I'm sure there is some poll somewhere whose methodology you can abuse). You know what? That still makes Biden fucking useless. A pandemic ravages your country and you still have 30% of people voting for that retard? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You think a 12-point deficit is acceptable against a man who can't form sentences?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    Could be a good chance some more white male racists and sexists were polled this time around.
    If you actually gave a shit about black people you wouldn't some nasty twisted authoritarian bitch who locked up cannabis users and the parents of kids who played truant since those policies disproportionately hurt black people. Harris is very much the token black female racist white folk will be rooting for.

    In other news Ann Coulter is not a feminist because she has a vagina.

  3. #9443
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I mean, y'all realize that the overwhelming majority of ads (including on this site) on the internet are automated based off of the site content/user browsing history and not specifically chosen by the sites, right?

    Is it any surprise that you're going to see political ads in a forum where people who click a lot of political links go to discuss politics? It's functionally just making the Trump campaign/PAC blow money pointlessly.
    So... If you tell me that if i turn off adblock, and use a vpn in order to fake an US IP, i can help in said pointless money burn?
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  4. #9444
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    So... If you tell me that if i turn off adblock, and use a vpn in order to fake an US IP, i can help in said pointless money burn?
    Thats not how a VPN works dopey.

  5. #9445
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frontwidth View Post
    Thats not how a VPN works dopey.
    You're just determined to be massively wrong on all fronts, aren't you?

    And with such rage-filled, foaming-mouthed angst, too. Cute.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  6. #9446
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    You're just determined to be massively wrong on all fronts, aren't you?

    And with such rage-filled, foaming-mouthed angst, too. Cute.
    Being a pair of clown shoes on this forum hopefully pays well.

  7. #9447
    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    That 4 point poll was an outlier of polls from the week. Seriously you guys are fucking dense. You ignore the 8-12 point lead polls and focus on the 4 point poll. Is GP uncharged of your polling talking points?
    That poll is a CNN poll from the past week. They also had him at about a 4 point difference in May, so I guess the troll you're responding to is just as much a "retard" as they're claiming others are since they're unable to do any deep diving on polls, only read the headlines and have to hide behind burner accounts to post their absolute bullshit. Just report, ignore and move on.

    EDIT: For further fun, the current composite is Biden +7.7. The composite one week ago was Biden +7.2. The composite two weeks ago was Biden +7. The lowest it's been is around 4 and the highest around 11-12 (beginning of the year). Just stop responding to the sad little thing that keeps creating burners. It's obvious it hasn't had a single clue what it's talking about and is just trying to get everyone here to incur infractions because it has nothing else to do.

    ANOTHER EDIT: Oooh, more stats: Clinton was at +5.8 at this date in her run and at about 2 weeks before was losing to Trump at .9. Mannnn it's sure funny how polls don't matter until they think they've got a gotcha, eh?
    Last edited by Benggaul; 2020-08-19 at 12:34 AM.

  8. #9448
    I could stand Kasich last night as an olive branch but like...I'm super, duper, mega not down with the rest of the crop they pulled up like Meg fucking Whitman.

    But Colin Powell? The pitchman for the Iraq war? Like, I get it, he's a rare Republican of note, and more importantly a rare non-white Republican of note who's come out against Trump and is backing Biden and all that.

    But like, can he just fuck off forever and can the DNC tell him that he can go stare into a mirror and reflect on the consequences of his lies during his propose speaking time instead?

    The DNC is making a big play at being a "big tent" party by the looks of it, really hoping to pull back in some of those voters who flipped for Trump and the disaffected Republicans who may be key in swing states. But like, there is such a thing as too big of a tent.

  9. #9449
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    The DNC is making a big play at being a "big tent" party by the looks of it, really hoping to pull back in some of those voters who flipped for Trump and the disaffected Republicans who may be key in swing states. But like, there is such a thing as too big of a tent.
    Ayep. I'm still of the opinion that the GOP just needs to fucking die off so that the Democrats can split into 2 (or more) parties that more accurately reflect the people in it and start arguing over ideas like rational people all moving in the same direction just at different speeds as opposed to a giant mob fighting over the accelerator while a fat goblin is throwing the car in reverse.

  10. #9450
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I could stand Kasich last night as an olive branch but like...I'm super, duper, mega not down with the rest of the crop they pulled up like Meg fucking Whitman.

    But Colin Powell? The pitchman for the Iraq war? Like, I get it, he's a rare Republican of note, and more importantly a rare non-white Republican of note who's come out against Trump and is backing Biden and all that.

    But like, can he just fuck off forever and can the DNC tell him that he can go stare into a mirror and reflect on the consequences of his lies during his propose speaking time instead?

    The DNC is making a big play at being a "big tent" party by the looks of it, really hoping to pull back in some of those voters who flipped for Trump and the disaffected Republicans who may be key in swing states. But like, there is such a thing as too big of a tent.
    I certainly get the distaste, but the Democrats here have made the decision they need to win first. I wouldn't worry about these people gaining too much influence after the election, they are here really to pull swing voters that voted for Romney and McCain.

    That said, I am not sure this a good idea. The alienation of their base is likely to outweigh the number of swing voters they actually pick up this way. Conservatives like myself don't need the posturing. We would vote for Biden anyway, just because he wasn't Trump. We would also vote for Bernie, Booker, or hell, probably Williamson for the same reason. I am not convinced that there is a significant population of voters that gives a shit what Colin Powell thinks, and the Kasich Republicans were already voting Biden. I am not sure they gained anything by giving them floor time.

  11. #9451
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Ayep. I'm still of the opinion that the GOP just needs to fucking die off so that the Democrats can split into 2 (or more) parties that more accurately reflect the people in it and start arguing over ideas like rational people all moving in the same direction just at different speeds as opposed to a giant mob fighting over the accelerator while a fat goblin is throwing the car in reverse.
    And then you have the wokers saying how it technically is going at the speed everyone wants because speed doesn't have a definition of direction.

  12. #9452
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    I certainly get the distaste, but the Democrats here have made the decision they need to win first. I wouldn't worry about these people gaining too much influence after the election, they are here really to pull swing voters that voted for Romney and McCain.
    Oh I'm not worried about this being a longer term play. I totally get where they're coming from internally in trying to win this election. I just worry about the downstream consequences of saddling up this close to Republicans, even for a single election, with some pretty garbage people. Again, Kasich I can understand, even if he's an anti-choice nutter who still believes in Reaganomics. But folks like Meg fuckin Whitman who is pretty much a "literally who?" for anyone outside of CA and Colin "Chemical Weapons Production Facilities on Rails in the Desert" Powell? Naw, I ain't gonna play that.

    There are other notable Republicans that are less awful they could have chosen. I'd love to know, for example, if they reached out to Arnold. Still a Republican, still conservative, but progressive on a huge host of issues including climate change and has been firmly anti-Trump since the start. And he actually won a governors election in CA, unlike Meg fucking Whitman.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    That said, I am not sure this a good idea. The alienation of their base is likely to outweigh the number of swing voters they actually pick up this way. Conservatives like myself don't need the posturing. We would vote for Biden anyway, just because he wasn't Trump. We would also vote for Bernie, Booker, or hell, probably Williamson for the same reason. I am not convinced that there is a significant population of voters that gives a shit what Colin Powell thinks, and the Kasich Republicans were already voting Biden. I am not sure they gained anything by giving them floor time.
    This is my fear. Conservatives who flip to get rid of Trump ain't gonna stick around, and I don't blame them for that in the slightest. This ain't their party, and it shouldn't be. It's not gonna happen this election, but elections down the road the more progressive wing is going to remember this and the centrist wing of the party is gonna have some 'Splainin to do, and even if they have very valid reasons for why they're doing this now, I don't think they're gonna sit well.

    Edit: https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-th...tic-convention

    Case in point to what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Bill Clinton sent off to a retirement facility exclusively staffed by men who don't take no gruff from old pervs.

    But the reality is that Bill Clinton still holds huge sway with a very large chunk of the Democratic party, mostly the middle aged/older voters and the more moderate group that makes up a larger share and actually go out and vote. That's who this is for, not for the younger progressive crowd. So I'll try to keep my gag reflex from kicking in too hard and understand that Clinton still, unfortunately, has a role to play. And if that role leads to benefits for the Democratic party writ-large and helps pave the way for a more progressive future, that's fantastic.
    Last edited by Edge-; 2020-08-19 at 01:00 AM.

  13. #9453
    Quote Originally Posted by frontwidth View Post
    Let's pretend it was 16 points (I'm sure there is some poll somewhere whose methodology you can abuse). You know what? That still makes Biden fucking useless. A pandemic ravages your country and you still have 30% of people voting for that retard? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You think a 12-point deficit is acceptable against a man who can't form sentences?

    - - - Updated - - -

    If you actually gave a shit about black people you wouldn't some nasty twisted authoritarian bitch who locked up cannabis users and the parents of kids who played truant since those policies disproportionately hurt black people. Harris is very much the token black female racist white folk will be rooting for.

    In other news Ann Coulter is not a feminist because she has a vagina.
    Concern troll elsewhere chud.

  14. #9454
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I could stand Kasich last night as an olive branch but like...I'm super, duper, mega not down with the rest of the crop they pulled up like Meg fucking Whitman.

    But Colin Powell? The pitchman for the Iraq war? Like, I get it, he's a rare Republican of note, and more importantly a rare non-white Republican of note who's come out against Trump and is backing Biden and all that.

    But like, can he just fuck off forever and can the DNC tell him that he can go stare into a mirror and reflect on the consequences of his lies during his propose speaking time instead?

    The DNC is making a big play at being a "big tent" party by the looks of it, really hoping to pull back in some of those voters who flipped for Trump and the disaffected Republicans who may be key in swing states. But like, there is such a thing as too big of a tent.
    The thing about Powell, is that he admitted his mistakes with trying to sell the war. He went against the administration, and they booted him out. Very few can question his honor.

    At the end of the day, some members of the bush administration were manipulating intelligence data, but he was not apparently one of them. his remorse seems genuine.

  15. #9455
    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    Concern troll elsewhere chud.
    I am not "concerned", I just think you are a cunt.

  16. #9456
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    Last night was John Kasich and tonight is Colin Powell? The conservative seem to be taking more welcomed then many of the left in the party. I wonder if he still has that anthrax vile he used as evidence for their illegal offensive war?
    Last night was Bernie, today it’s AOC and Abrams...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  17. #9457
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    The thing about Powell, is that he admitted his mistakes with trying to sell the war. He went against the administration, and they booted him out. Very few can question his honor.
    Fucking hell. No.

    You really need to stop trying to re-brand the Iraq war as a good thing if you corporate democrats are trying to convince any one you aren't as bad or even worse than Trump's supporters. Showing vague signs of doubt occasionally about murdering foreigners is one of a few things that can be said for Trump.

  18. #9458
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    The thing about Powell, is that he admitted his mistakes with trying to sell the war.
    He also had one delegate vote from a democrat in WA. A Hillary delegate picked him instead...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by frontwidth View Post
    Showing vague signs of doubt occasionally about murdering foreigners is one of a few things that can be said for Trump.
    Trump has more than doubled drone strikes since Obama and let Turkey massacre Kurds, while selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Libya. Stop defending war mongers...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  19. #9459
    Quote Originally Posted by frontwidth View Post
    I am not "concerned", I just think you are a cunt.
    At least try to pretend not to be a ban evading alt for a couple of days.

  20. #9460
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Trump has more than doubled drone strikes since Obama and let Turkey massacre Kurds, while selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Libya. Stop defending war mongers...
    Yeah he's a warmonger despite the fact that John Bolton wrote an entire book criticizing Trump for being a lily-livered peaceknik, which democrats were very happy to make Bolton, John Bolton the war criminal, very rich promoting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    At least try to pretend not to be a ban evading alt for a couple of days.
    Why? Do you think I have any respect for a bunch of warmongering idiot yanks cheerleading for the next mass murderer in chief? Do you think I respect people who are happy for their taxes to blow up kids? No, I don't. Now fuck off.

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