Keep on moving them goalposts. In the space of a page and a half we've gone from:
> "Biden's policies are practically impossible to find", to
> "Biden's policies aren't being broadcast enough", to
> "Biden's not campaigning in a way that appeals to me".
Y'all need to learn the difference between 'It's bad' and 'I don't like'.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Common sense in the year 2020, which you insist of reminding us of, is that someone's policies are available on their website. This has been the case for years in the United States at pretty much every level of government.
The level of reaching to try and justify this criticism is insane, lol.
Based on...what?If Obama had ran his campaign like this he would've lost the election against McCain.
The you personally not finding someone's campaign website personally appealing isn't particularly compelling evidence.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
I guess that's why so few voted for Bernie--people who might have supported him apparently couldn't manage to go to his website where all of his policies, positions and credentials are on display. I didn't realize all those "progressives" couldn't even figure out how the internet works.
Ah yeah that sign right there that reads "Bad Faith Argument National Park?"
Objectively false, as we've proven.His policies are hard to find...
Most people in the year 2020.who the fuck is going to go read a campaign website?
This is a different argument from "they are hard to find", hun.They should be broadcasted better.
You don't seem to grasp this is subjective opinion on your part and that presenting it as an objective fact doesn't fly without like, actual substantiation of the argument.Then when they go read it... there's like a grey mass of boxes and no main or central policies listed.
Kewl. You know what is?At this point yes, the objective correct answer to summarize his policies are: "Nothing special, just some stuff. You know, the usual."
That is hardly appealing.
Not descending into plutocratic despotism. That is the main angle that is being pushed by the Biden camp at the moment and thus far it is proving effective.
Like, let's be real here; it's not that Biden isn't marketing, it's that Biden isn't marketing to progressives. It's a same bullshit rehash of the same "if the Democrats had just nominated Bernie or accepted Medicare for All they would have taken the House, Senate, or Presidency" nonsense we've seen tossed around since 2016 despite there being no evidence of such.
People are upset that they couldn't hack it in the primary, aren't being fawned on in the general, and throwing a tantrum by projecting their misgivings on the electorate in a pathetic attempt to scare people into giving them their way.
Last edited by Elegiac; 2020-08-29 at 09:33 PM.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Policy/position pages like this have been bog-standard in presidential elections for quite some time now. I'm not sure why people wouldn't go to a candidate's page to learn more about them?
It is in various ways, but Biden can't quite dominate the news 24/7 just to make sure someone tuning in at 4AM on October 23 can finally learn about his positions. Other shit is happening in the world, there's another campaign being run, and you can only repeat your campaign positions so much before people tell you to come up with something new.
His positions are all over the internet, from his campaign site (again, bog-standard shit and I'm not sure why this seems new to you) to interviews on cable to articles like the one you cited.
Once again, you are not the target demographic for Democratic messaging this electoral cycle.
It's like the people bitching about the DNC when, as AOC correctly pointed out, the show isn't for them.
- - - Updated - - -
Sorry, allow me to correct myself: He isn't marketing to the cosplay leftists like Shaun King.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Dearest Mother,
My Starbucks coffee cup, was red...only red. No wreaths. No trees. No ornaments. Just red. I fear all is lost. Myself and others in the division, have hung our stockings with little care and no hope that St Nick will soon be here. Reginald, even started to believe in climate change. We rushed him to the med tent before the second stage of accepting gays, took him.
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
I mean, there also wasn't a pandemic so obama was also making televised speeches in front of thousands every single day. Claiming you can't or don't want to go to his website to read his policies doesn't make biden look bad, it makes you look bad. But like I said, can't fix it, no plans on it, so you do you.
edit - also ROFL at you argueing campaign slogans like "Hope" and "Change" are what campaign policies are.
Last edited by beanman12345; 2020-08-29 at 09:46 PM.
Aight. Prove it, then.
Citation needed. You are not "most people".Wrong again. Most people will not go read Biden's campaign website.
You're not the target audience and really need to accept that, mate.No it's not. It's bad campaigning. It makes even a site that nobody will come visit already harder to digest and read than it needs to be.
Where is the main campaign messaging? Where are the main policies? What is Biden about? If you don't fill out those things yourself then the Republicans and Trump are going to fill those in for you. That isn't "subjective opinion", that is PR basics.
The term for this is called "stating my opinion", and again you really need to climb down and learn that your opinion and 'the truth' are not synonymous by default.I don't give a fuck about that. I just point out the truth as I see it.
No? I'm quite willing to criticise Biden when he does stupid shit.And frankly, I think you are being intentionally obtuse here, because you're so desperately hoping that Biden is doing everything correct that you're unable to see where the flaws are.
What I'm not willing to do is invent shit out of whole cloth to use as criticism and then pretend that it's just 'alternative facts'.
Objective Truth: Biden's main campaign message is being the anti-Trump so he is not, by definition, failing. Something that even you can't dispute as evidenced by that little disclaimer.Objective Truth:[/B] When it comes to campaigning what Biden is about (besides being anti-Trump), Biden's campaign is failing.
Your contention is that being the anti-Trump isn't sufficient this cycle which, again, has not borne out because Bernie did not win the primary and everyone really, really needs to just get over it.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
lol, Typing a candidate's name and adding .com after makes finding them REALLY hard, guys!
Fuck, the whining has gotten so stupid now.