1. #10841
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    I'm talking about how Biden is on a clear path to lose based on his polling in battleground states. And how Trump is ratfucking the election, and Democrats will do absolutely nothing to stop it, even if Trump has won and it's clear he stole the election, they will still do nothing. I will bet you $100 on that. And that is how liberals always side with fascists over the left. Corporations also always side with fascists over the left, because the alternative is less profit. If you're not going to fight back against fascism when it comes to your country, then you are siding with the fascists, it's that simple. And if you think the best thing you can be doing right now is calling left leaning Independents "privileged" and shaming them instead of trying to get them to vote for Biden, good luck with that.

    I'll be fighting against fascism by voting against it. I don't believe anyone claiming to be left saying that they aren't voting, especially because of M4A, that's just concern t'ing to me.

  2. #10842
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    "The fascists put the communists and socialists in camps first, so I'm going to sit back and complain about liberals and let the actual fascists do it again!"
    Yes I'm complaining about "liberals", and not about how Biden is losing the election poll-wise and how Trump is ratfucking the election while Democrats do nothing in response. I'm clearly the one doing nothing and telling people that nothing can be done, that we should just sit down and then go out and vote later and whatever comes, oh well, that's that.

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    I'll be fighting against fascism by voting against it. I don't believe anyone claiming to be left saying that they aren't voting, especially because of M4A, that's just concern t'ing to me.
    And if the election is ratfucked? What will you do then?

  3. #10843
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ursus View Post
    That's why it's so important for Biden and the Dems to keep pounding the message into people's heads that this is all happening under Trump's watch. He is the one who has sown all of this division and chaos and is continuing to do so.
    That's one thing they can really tear apart Trump's messaging with, that all of this is going on under Trump's watch. Either Trump caused it or he doesn't know how to deal with it, either way you can't count on him doing any better in the next 4 years.

  4. #10844
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    That's one thing they can really tear apart Trump's messaging with, that all of this is going on under Trump's watch. Either Trump caused it or he doesn't know how to deal with it, either way you can't count on him doing any better in the next 4 years.
    I am petrified about 4 more years under Trump. If he’s this incompetent and unable to deal with COVID-19 or social justice reforms during election year, a 2nd term Trump will burn the country down.

  5. #10845
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    I am petrified about 4 more years under Trump. If he’s this incompetent and unable to deal with COVID-19 or social justice reforms during election year, a 2nd term Trump will burn the country down.
    If Biden is elected the fascists won't magically disappear either. They will still be out gunning people down, and they'll be pissed that Biden won. If Trump wins they'll be doing the same, though.

    Like I said, this is the reality of what we're living in, it is fascism. Biden being the president isn't just going to make it magically go away, and people need to accept that and comes to term with it if we have any hope of fighting back against it.

  6. #10846
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    And if the election is ratfucked? What will you do then?
    The election is already ratfucked. I'm not exactly optimistic of our future regardless of who wins, because of how big this cult for trump has become, and QAnon going unchecked on facebook and other places and all the other crap.

  7. #10847
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    Yes I'm complaining about "liberals", and not about how Biden is losing the election poll-wise and how Trump is ratfucking the election while Democrats do nothing in response. I'm clearly the one doing nothing and telling people that nothing can be done, that we should just sit down and then go out and vote later and whatever comes, oh well, that's that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    Liberals always side with fascists over the left.
    Yep. You are. Buhbye now.

  8. #10848
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    If Biden is elected the fascists won't magically disappear either. They will still be out gunning people down, and they'll be pissed that Biden won. If Trump wins they'll be doing the same, though.

    Like I said, this is the reality of what we're living in, it is fascism. Biden being the president isn't just going to make it magically go away, and people need to accept that and comes to term with it if we have any hope of fighting back against it.
    I have a question:

    Do you think burning buildings, beating them with skateboards, culminating with last night's shooting and killing of a Trump supporter actually helps fight fascism in the large scale?

    You talk so much about the right's ability to propagandize, but then the Red Rose brigade gives them the footage to do so verrrrrrrrry easily. Dem voters overwhelmingly picked Biden to be the nominee so they could fight that narrative, because every time Trump says Biden or Kamala are radical leftists, reasonable people are like...."no? No they're not!"

    And you and I know that the violence/arson of the rioters aren't anywhere near the majority, or even a significant number, of protesters, nor indicative of the protesters in general. But if y'all are so savvy at social media, you should know that the bright orange flames of things burning, or the knocking down of statues, or the literal videos circulating of actual real people dying during clashes, are the only things that are gonna get eyes on them, not the protesters singing kumbaya or whatever. The anti-fascist protester last night caught on video proclaiming to the crowd, "I won't be sad that a Nazi got killed!" is the thing average people will see, because it's a 10s video that can be spammed in ads and on Facebook. And that'll be what sticks with people.

    So again, do you think these protests are helping fight fascism?

  9. #10849
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    I'm talking about how Biden is on a clear path to lose based on his polling in battleground states. And how Trump is ratfucking the election, and Democrats will do absolutely nothing to stop it, even if Trump has won and it's clear he stole the election, they will still do nothing. I will bet you $100 on that. And that is how liberals always side with fascists over the left. Corporations also always side with fascists over the left, because the alternative is less profit. If you're not going to fight back against fascism when it comes to your country, then you are siding with the fascists, it's that simple. And if you think the best thing you can be doing right now is calling left leaning Independents "privileged" and shaming them instead of trying to get them to vote for Biden, good luck with that.

    It's not though, 70% of Americans support Medicare for All. The only people worried about their taxes going up are rich people, the very same people who fed you these lies about how people don't actually want Medicare for All on their corporate owned media outlets. Medicare for All costs Americans less money than our current healthcare system, and 68,000 people won't die every year needlessly because they can't afford health insurance. You even agree that Medicare for All is necessary, have you ever actually met anyone who disagrees with you that isn't rich? Is there a single person in this thread that disagrees that isn't rich?
    I disagree with Medicare for all and I do not think I would qualify as being rich. Retired, home is paid for, income is in the middle income range. I rather keep my current private insurance. Medicare only pays for about 80% of your costs.

    And it is not free. I am for more affordable health care, but I am not convinced Medicare for all is the answer. Now if there is a certain way Medicare would be a option for those who want it and let those who have their other private insurance keep their plan and I do not have to pay out the ass for it with my taxes, then fine.

    Also, since you might be relatively new to the Politics forum, I am a Trump policy supporter and I do agree, the violent protests and destruction of private and public property is helping Trump. The RNC should certainly stress it as a major factor. Biden condemns it, but does not attack the source of the problem. In other words, the Democrat mayors and Governors who are not doing enough to curtail it.

    I am feeling more confident on Trump's chances of winning reelection, but Biden still holds the edge according to the polls. I certainly am not predicting a Trump victory. Too much can still happen.
    Last edited by Ghostpanther; 2020-08-30 at 11:51 PM.
    " If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.." - Abraham Lincoln
    The Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to - prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms..” - Samuel Adams

  10. #10850
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    The election is already ratfucked. I'm not exactly optimistic of our future regardless of who wins, because of how big this cult for trump has become, and QAnon going unchecked on facebook and other places and all the other crap.
    If the election is already ratfucked then how do you plan to fight against fascism by voting against it? Doesn't make any sense.

  11. #10851
    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    If the election is already ratfucked then how do you plan to fight against fascism by voting against it? Doesn't make any sense.
    Um, did you miss Trump fucking with the USPS?

  12. #10852
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Um, did you miss Trump fucking with the USPS?
    They're effectively saying, "how do you keep a tree from being chopped down if it's already been chopped down."

  13. #10853
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flower Milk View Post
    If the election is already ratfucked then how do you plan to fight against fascism by voting against it? Doesn't make any sense.
    How about voting against the person... uhm... ratfucking it...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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  14. #10854
    Just because the election has already been ratfucked, doesn't mean the outcome is inevitable.

  15. #10855
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    They're effectively saying, "how do you keep a tree from being chopped down if it's already been chopped down."
    That’s not chopped... that’s just the Democrat version neochopped... they spent the last 40 years fucking the tree to pieces and now claim it’s being chopped?

    That’s how...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  16. #10856
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    They're effectively saying, "how do you keep a tree from being chopped down if it's already been chopped down."
    Lol! Good one.
    " If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.." - Abraham Lincoln
    The Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to - prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms..” - Samuel Adams

  17. #10857
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Lol! Good one.
    Oh please... shouldn’t you be disagreeing with the leftist claiming Biden isn’t a BLM supporter? You just cheered the RNC convention spending 5 days convincing the public that Biden is a secret antifa, riot enthusiast. Yet... no disagreement with the leftist claiming the opposite?
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  18. #10858
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Lol! Good one.
    How does it feel that your candidate is so unpopular they can't win unless they cheat?

  19. #10859
    The number of votes between Trump and Biden are certainly going to be thousands more in Trump's favor than should be because of all the cheating, yes. Democrats have been dealing with this long before Trump. We can still overcome that, though.

    Republicans have relied on an uneven playing field for decades. Instead of improving their positions or offering solutions, they just cheat harder. They've sacrificed millions of future voters to do it. So their advantage is only going to take them so far as time goes on.

  20. #10860
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    That's one thing they can really tear apart Trump's messaging with, that all of this is going on under Trump's watch. Either Trump caused it or he doesn't know how to deal with it, either way you can't count on him doing any better in the next 4 years.
    Trump will almost certainly use the line "You won't be safe in Biden's America" during the debates. I hope Biden responds with something like, "Let's talk about Trump's America. You promised back in 2016 that you would end the 'American carnage' on day one. You've had 4 years to deal with all these problems and you haven't even tried to address them, which is why we're at where we are now. And speaking of being safe, how about the nearly quarter of a million Americans who have died from COVID? Did you keep them safe?"
    “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013

    "I don't take responsibility at all."
    -- Donald J. Trump, 2020

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