1. #11361

    In the continued, "The Republican party is now the party of hate-filled, unhinged, lunatic conspiracy theorists", we have former Texas Assistant Attorney General Nick Moutos.

    Did I mention he's no longer AAG for the state of Texas? Well, he is, because he decided to go on an unhinged rant on Twitter about multiple Q-related conspiracy theories.

    And blamed his firing on his "support of the First Amendment", which has nothing to do with being an unhinged, lunatic conspiracy theorist in a position of power and public trust.

  2. #11362
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    The most alarming thing is that this 'humour' of his is actually appreciated by 40% of Americans.
    I'd say that number is lower. Hell, I'd bet at least half of that are people who are voting for him purely because they think he's "hurting the right people". I know several have said out loud "I like his policies but I wish he'd Tweet less/talk less".

  3. #11363
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I'd say that number is lower. Hell, I'd bet at least half of that are people who are voting for him purely because they think he's "hurting the right people". I know several have said out loud "I like his policies but I wish he'd Tweet less/talk less".
    The people who say that are trying to absolve themselves of their guilt. It's a lie. If they really cared, they wouldn't have voted for him. In the end, they are simply being cowards.

    They will be the ones who try to "move on" when Trump is no longer in office. They will try and pretend like his presidency (and their support of him) never existed.

    They are every bit as accountable for him getting elected, as are the overt racists, Qanon dipshits, white supremacists, and all the other Trumpsters.

  4. #11364
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    The people who say that are trying to absolve themselves of their guilt. It's a lie. If they really cared, they wouldn't have voted for him. In the end, they are simply being cowards.

    They will be the ones who try to "move on" when Trump is no longer in office. They will try and pretend like his presidency (and their support of him) never existed.

    They are every bit as accountable for him getting elected, as are the overt racists, Qanon dipshits, white supremacists, and all the other Trumpsters.
    I'm not arguing any of that. I'm just saying I doubt they find him funny. Just convenient.

  5. #11365
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I'm not arguing any of that. I'm just saying I doubt they find him funny. Just convenient.
    And I will conveniently treat them like every other Trumpster.

  6. #11366
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I'd say that number is lower. Hell, I'd bet at least half of that are people who are voting for him purely because they think he's "hurting the right people". I know several have said out loud "I like his policies but I wish he'd Tweet less/talk less".
    If they're voting for him because he's hurting the right people, then they're even more complicit really. But I see your point.

  7. #11367
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    If they're voting for him because he's hurting the right people, then they're even more complicit really. But I see your point.

    The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things.

    I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she said of Mr. Trump. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.
    Many of them, are.

  8. #11368
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'd love to know who she wants him to hurt.

  9. #11369
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    I'd love to know who she wants him to hurt.
    Liberals in liberal states.

  10. #11370
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Liberals in liberal states.
    I want to know what these liberals in liberal states did to hurt Ms Minton.

  11. #11371
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    I want to know what these liberals in liberal states did to hurt Ms Minton.
    Existed and had a different ideology and view of where the country should be going.

  12. #11372
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    And I will conveniently treat them like every other Trumpster.
    O...kayyy…? I mean, again, I'm not disagreeing with any of that, but I think you're misunderstanding what I was responding to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    If they're voting for him because he's hurting the right people, then they're even more complicit really. But I see your point.
    Oh absolutely. I'm not saying any of them aren't deserving of blame. I'm just saying I think a large portion of them don't worship him the way the average Trump supporter is portrayed. While there is certainly an abundance of fucking stupid in that group, there are also some fairly intelligent people--who just also happen to be fucking awful. So they'll roll their eyes and sigh whenever Trump isn't looking but they'll continue to clap for him and vote for him because he's trying to do shit that will advance their horrible agenda at the expense of other people.

  13. #11373
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    O...kayyy…? I mean, again, I'm not disagreeing with any of that, but I think you're misunderstanding what I was responding to.

    Oh absolutely. I'm not saying any of them aren't deserving of blame. I'm just saying I think a large portion of them don't worship him the way the average Trump supporter is portrayed. While there is certainly an abundance of fucking stupid in that group, there are also some fairly intelligent people--who just also happen to be fucking awful. So they'll roll their eyes and sigh whenever Trump isn't looking but they'll continue to clap for him and vote for him because he's trying to do shit that will advance their horrible agenda at the expense of other people.
    I'm simply saying that there really isn't much daylight between the two types of people.

  14. #11374
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Existed and had a different ideology and view of where the country should be going.
    People have weird as fuck reasons to hate someone unless those ideologies are legitimately ruining your life. Which let's be honest...

    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Oh absolutely. I'm not saying any of them aren't deserving of blame. I'm just saying I think a large portion of them don't worship him the way the average Trump supporter is portrayed. While there is certainly an abundance of fucking stupid in that group, there are also some fairly intelligent people--who just also happen to be fucking awful. So they'll roll their eyes and sigh whenever Trump isn't looking but they'll continue to clap for him and vote for him because he's trying to do shit that will advance their horrible agenda at the expense of other people.
    I know, man. It's just such a fucking tragedy. Bad people who are smart plus stupid people all together.

  15. #11375
    Scarab Lord downnola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    I want to know what these liberals in liberal states did to hurt Ms Minton.
    They say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas and don't want Christianity pushed on kids in public school.
    Populists (and "national socialists") look at the supposedly secret deals that run the world "behind the scenes". Child's play. Except that childishness is sinister in adults.
    - Christopher Hitchens

  16. #11376
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    In the continued, "The Republican party is now the party of hate-filled, unhinged, lunatic conspiracy theorists", we have former Texas Assistant Attorney General Nick Moutos.

    Did I mention he's no longer AAG for the state of Texas? Well, he is, because he decided to go on an unhinged rant on Twitter about multiple Q-related conspiracy theories.

    And blamed his firing on his "support of the First Amendment", which has nothing to do with being an unhinged, lunatic conspiracy theorist in a position of power and public trust.
    Classy. Side note, Veterans that use a picture of themselves in their dress uniform as their profile picture should be treated with all the gravitas of someone using their High School prom photo for the same purpose... We get it, you used to be pretty, now dress for your real job.

  17. #11377
    Quote Originally Posted by downnola View Post
    They say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas and don't want Christianity pushed on kids in public school.
    I've not lived in America, but how true are both those fears? The reason I ask is because I've lived in two countries - India and the United Kingdom.

    I went to a school setup by Scottish missionaries, so it was Christian. We said the Lord's prayer every morning. My family is Hindu.

    My parents never gave a hoot whether we were schooled in Christian morals or not, because we were taught to accept ALL religions and ways of life.

    My school celebrated all holidays. Christian. Hindu. Muslim. Parsi. Judaism isn't big in India, so the high days aren't public holidays unfortunately.

    I've then lived in England for more or less the last 13 years. I work for a big multi-national. There's no religious affiliation, no one would ask for any.

    My company celebrates all holidays. Christian. Jewish. Hindu. Muslim. Parsi. And we also celebrate non-religious special days.

    No one has ever forced a way of life on me ever. But I would assume if you go to a Christian school, you ought to be prepared to be schooled with Christian values in mind. That said, the school should be open to celebrating all religions and be accepting of all ways of life. It isn't a God contest.

    Also, aren't there schools that have no religious affiliation as such and are just...schools?

    A similar issue is plaguing India unfortunately, to the point that it's not the country it was when I was born and raised there. I hope for better.
    Last edited by DingDongKing; 2020-09-04 at 06:10 PM.

  18. #11378
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    I'm liking the direct and practical attacks Biden is using on Trump. And there seems to be a subtle division between Biden's campaign messages/attacks and the Lincoln Project's much more negative tone.

    Which I'm enjoying immensely. Plus, Trump seems to have upped his own-goal need to about twice a day.

  19. #11379
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I'm liking the direct and practical attacks Biden is using on Trump. And there seems to be a subtle division between Biden's campaign messages/attacks and the Lincoln Project's much more negative tone.

    Which I'm enjoying immensely. Plus, Trump seems to have upped his own-goal need to about twice a day.
    I thought the entirety of his speech and the Q&A session today was very well done, and is a massive middle finger to anyone questioning his acuity.

    That said, I did think him recommending QAnon supporters seek mental health support under Obamacare to be something that the GOP will surely pearl clutch about. Although, that doesn't take away from how equally true and hilarious the statement was. He did good.
    Last edited by DingDongKing; 2020-09-04 at 06:32 PM.

  20. #11380
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    That said, I did think him recommending QAnon supporters seek mental health support under Obamacare to be something that the GOP will surely pearl clutch about. Although, that doesn't take away from how equally true and hilarious the statement was. He did good.
    Meh. Nobody should give a fuck what the GOP are going to pearl-clutch about because they do it at the drop of a hat when they think it will benefit them (and conveniently ignore when their own do the same thing that they're complaining about). Biden and the Dems aren't pandering to the GOP, because with very few exceptions (such as Mitt Romney) there's very few people still in the GOP worth even talking to. If anything they're trying to reach former GOP who have left the party to become Independents.

    We can argue about whether or not they should be going after those or "Progressives", but I think we can all find a consensus in the fact that the current GOP are by and large a lost cause from here until the heat death of the universe.

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