Eh, they are essentially going along with the most objectionable parts of Trumps political agenda, and where they disagree its for terrible reasons. Immigration in the end, the GOP is for Open Borders and so are the Dems, both are parties for cheap labor, though Dems will not say as much. Taping Larry Sommers as ones econ advisor is also a sign of the same trajectory, basically for many Americans whom don't live in Brooklyn and host a podcast, who can afford Obama 2.0 in their life? Trump has the horrific vision of corruption that makes Liberals scream, but Obama was essentially corruption and looting but with a fresh face of decorum and a chummy relationship with the media. Lets not forget the empowerment of Larry Sommers under Obama.
And given Biden's own words of "Nothing will fundamentally change" than the choice is literally an aesthetic choice, do you value Decorum enough to show up and vote for that, even if in structural and policy terms NOTHING will actually change. I don't find decorum, aesthetics and idpol "MORE FEMALE DRONE PILOTS! *CLAP EMOJI*" to be a huge seller.
Because again, it all seems contingent on a belief that all problems started in 2016 and will end the minute Trump is gone. And also forgetting that every single Republican whom has ever run, or been elected has been called a Fascist, was a Fascist, was proclaimed Fascistic. So unless one thinks that Leftists need to STFU until some fateful day when a Not-Bad Republican runs or when the stakes are not "Too High", well that day will never come because EVERY election the "stakes are too high" and "This guy is basically Lord Voldemort" is always going to be said. I can recall when
Bush was Hitler, When
Romney was full Fash hell there is a whole
Atlantic article about this tendency to declare all the GOP since forever as the worst thing ever.
So it seems the message to this luke warm Socialist movement Sanders has brewed up is "Shut up and vote blue no matter who until no opposition party exists!" then its essentially telling a movement to wait forever. Every Republican is going to be the worst person ever, not like the last one who also was the worst person ever. So if the time for a Leftist to stick up for themselves isn't right now, then when is a good time? When the sun explodes?