1. #12821
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    What happens when Trump keeps his promise and makes these indefinite? Depend on the kindness of corporations?

    The issue you are showing, is what happens when these corporations don’t believe Trump will make them permanent in January, like he promised. Meaning, it might have something to do with polling and will likely change on November 4th, if current polling isn’t the same in the 3rd.
    I'm going to go ahead and ignore anything based on "Trump keeping his promises".

  2. #12822
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Breaking: Cook Political moves AZ's 11 Electoral votes from Toss Up to Lean D.

    This week, we are releasing the most recent poll that featured 3,479 interviews with voters in Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina.
    • While Trump carried all three states in 2020, he is not leading in any of these states today.
    • Trump and Biden are essentially tied in Florida (Trump 42%, Biden's 43%)
    • NC (Trump 43%, Biden 45%).
    • However, in Arizona, Biden has opened up a more substantial lead (Biden 45%, Trump 40%).
    • A Biden win in Arizona would mean that he could afford to lose Michigan or Wisconsin (two of "Blue Wall" consortium) and still eke out an Electoral College win (assuming that he wins all the states Hillary Clinton carried in 2016). Biden could even afford to lose Pennsylvania and still win the Electoral College with a combination of Arizona and Nebraska's 2nd CD.

    Suprised it took this long to lean D. Kelly has a 17 point lead on McSally. How the hell does that work and Trump win that state?

    Hell i'm more confident Arizona goes to Biden than I am with Wisconsin and Minnesota.

  3. #12823
    Americans like the Republican party are the biggest hypocrites on China and Human Rights, they don't give a shit about forced hysterectomies on migrant women in the prison border which is really forced sterilization.

    Ben Shillpero and Classical Abby and all the bullshit right wing commentators care so much about Abortion but don't even talk about forced sterilization on Females.
    A Fetus is not a person under the 14th amendment.

    Christians are Forced Birth Fascists against Human Rights who indoctrinate and groom children. Prove me wrong.

  4. #12824
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just decided in favor of Democrats, allowing mail-in ballot deadlines to be extended 3 days past election day to help counter the USPS fuckery. It's a minor victory, but an important one in an important state for the election.
    OK this is best news I've heard all week. I expected it would go this way, but glad non the less.

  5. #12825

    Our ruling
    Biden said that Iran has 10 times as much enriched uranium as when he left office in 2016.

    Iran went from having no more than 202.8 kilograms of enriched uranium to 2,105 kilograms, which is more than a tenfold increase.

    We rate this claim True.
    Why has Trump allowed Iran to get so much enriched uranium?!

    Not only does Iran have more uranium than it should under the agreement, the uranium is more concentrated than what was allowed. About 90% of the total uranium is enriched beyond the 3.67% limit to 4.5%.
    And it's more enriched?

    Man, almost like pulling out of the Iran deal was a dumb fuckin idea that hasn't done anything to benefit the US.

    - - - Updated - - -


    President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.

    In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.
    How dare kids be taught the actual history, warts and all, rather than a sanitized and incorrect version of "patriotic" history. I mean, we can go back to celebrating Christopher Columbus as a brave and noble explorer who "discovered" America rather than as a bumbling idiot who made it to the Caribbean thinking it was India. Oh yeah, and a genocidal slaver and rapist.

    Know who fuckin loves "patriotic education? Fuckin fascists and authoritarians interested in creating a fictional historical narrative.

  6. #12826
    democratic governors should have played along with the idiocy of the trump administration ( mail in =/= absentee) and declare that everyone is elegible to vote absentee this year due to pandemic.

  7. #12827
    Quote Originally Posted by Kryctos View Post
    democratic governors should have played along with the idiocy of the trump administration ( mail in =/= absentee) and declare that everyone is elegible to vote absentee this year due to pandemic.
    Some have tried, but not every state governor has the authority to do so and some of the moves have been challenged and/or defeated in court.

  8. #12828
    Quote Originally Posted by Jettisawn View Post
    A big part of that is US corporate media which doesn't properly cover the US government horrific policies.
    It's not corporate media, they've been reporting on it. It's the hypocritical Evangelical leaning No Moral Republican Party who don't care.
    Last edited by szechuan; 2020-09-17 at 08:03 PM.
    A Fetus is not a person under the 14th amendment.

    Christians are Forced Birth Fascists against Human Rights who indoctrinate and groom children. Prove me wrong.

  9. #12829
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    See I thought for most my life I had this figured out, but Trump has confused the shit outa me with this USPS nonsense. I thought absentee voting was mail-in voting??
    They are almost exactly the same. That's the joke. In most states the terms are used interchangeably. They use exactly the same election security protocols/verification process. The only real difference I can find is that in the case of absentee ballots the onus is on the voter to request their ballot whereas with "mail-in ballots" they are just automatically sent to all registered voters. That's it.

  10. #12830
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    You are missing another very important part of why I could never vote for any candidate now who supports abortion on demand. While I understand it is a Constitutional right as per the Supreme Court, I do not support it in the way it is done for any reason at all. I support getting that ruling changed. Just like many support a repeal or amendment of the Second Amendment.

    So you see, from my perspective ( and avoiding getting into a forbidden topic on here ) I think the Democrats are partly responsible for millions of unborn childern being killed. Since I believe our life starts at conception. A huge larger number have been killed by their support of such than the pandemic has killed. And I have not been this strong of a pro life until about 10 years ago.

    I have no issues at all with Absentee voting by mail, which uses a system to verify the voter is legit. Nor does Trump. In fact, that is how I am going to vote this time.

    There will be several reasons Biden will lose besides picking a terrible running mate ( once again, not saying he will lose ). He has made plenty of "deplorable" comments.
    Damn talk about being a freaking king Hypocrite who post one "feel good" story after another about people getting gunned down by "good guys with guns".

    You are a cheerleader for the exact opposite of Pro-Life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post

    So you see, from my perspective ( and avoiding getting into a forbidden topic on here ) I think the Democrats are partly responsible for millions of unborn childern being killed. Since I believe our life starts at conception. A huge larger number have been killed by their support of such than the pandemic has killed. And I have not been this strong of a pro life until about 10 years ago.


    the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision (the 2 was 1 democrat and 1 republican btw)

    Six of the seven justices in the majority were Republican appointees. The only Democrat appointee, Byron White, voted against Roe v. Wade.

    Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)
    Warren Burger (Nixon, R)
    William Douglas (FDR, D)
    William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)
    Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)
    Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
    Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)
    Byron White (Kennedy, D)
    William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

    you want to try again you biased bad faith poster??

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I have no issues at all with Absentee voting by mail, which uses a system to verify the voter is legit. Nor does Trump. In fact, that is how I am going to vote this time.

    There will be several reasons Biden will lose besides picking a terrible running mate ( once again, not saying he will lose ). He has made plenty of "deplorable" comments.
    More proof of your lies. All voting has systems to verify the voter is legit you are being massively ignorant speaking your Maga talking points.

    On top of that you have never once by my recollection ever said anything about the 10000x more Trump has said deplorable things. you have made it a point to pull the "well he means, meant to say, is really saying" bullshit again and again.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  11. #12831

    President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic showed a “flat out disregard for human life” because his “main concern was the economy and his reelection,” according to a senior adviser on the White House coronavirus task force who left the White House in August.

    Olivia Troye, who worked as homeland security, counterterrorism and coronavirus adviser to Vice President Pence for two years, said that the administration’s response cost lives and that she will vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden this fall because of her experience in the Trump White House.

    The president’s rhetoric and his own attacks against people in his administration trying to do the work, as well as the promulgation of false narratives and incorrect information of the virus have made this ongoing response a failure,” she said in an interview.

    Troye is the first Trump administration official who worked extensively on the coronavirus response to forcefully speak out against Trump and his handling of the pandemic. But she joins a growing number of former officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton and former defense secretary Jim Mattis, who have detailed their worries about what happened during their time in the administration while declaring that Trump is unfit to be president.
    Another former administration official comes out against the administration and in support of Biden. And she was actually involved with some of the early coronavirus response too.

  12. #12832
    I am Murloc! Noxx79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    You should look up history of Presidents being criticized by Generals. Why do you think Gen. MacArthur was removed from his command of the US forces in Korea? And a commander in Afghanistan I think ( may have been in Iraq ) was relieved of his command for speaking out against Obama's policies for over there.

    You are missing another very important part of why I could never vote for any candidate now who supports abortion on demand. While I understand it is a Constitutional right as per the Supreme Court, I do not support it in the way it is done for any reason at all. I support getting that ruling changed. Just like many support a repeal or amendment of the Second Amendment.

    So you see, from my perspective ( and avoiding getting into a forbidden topic on here ) I think the Democrats are partly responsible for millions of unborn childern being killed. Since I believe our life starts at conception. A huge larger number have been killed by their support of such than the pandemic has killed. And I have not been this strong of a pro life until about 10 years ago.

    I have no issues at all with Absentee voting by mail, which uses a system to verify the voter is legit. Nor does Trump. In fact, that is how I am going to vote this time.

    There will be several reasons Biden will lose besides picking a terrible running mate ( once again, not saying he will lose ). He has made plenty of "deplorable" comments.
    As usual, the “pro-life” people don’t give a damn about the children once they’ve exited the womb.

    It’s not about life. It’s about control.

  13. #12833
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Another former administration official comes out against the administration and in support of Biden. And she was actually involved with some of the early coronavirus response too.
    Gonna give another link with something that really stands out to me


    At one coronavirus task force meeting, Troye claimed that Trump suggested "maybe this Covid thing is a good thing."
    "I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," Troye claimed Trump said at the meeting.
    What disgusting people I wonder is he referring to? Probably not his administration, since they are all basically in the room. Who else would he shake hands with regularly, his republican colleagues in congress or what I'm thinking is more likely, his own supporters.

  14. #12834

    Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden’ Group Has Trump Fanatics, a Psychic, but No Actual Dems

    Those involved, however, do include a Republican operative whose group illicitly funneled millions into political contests, a longtime Trump fan whose son works for the president’s campaign, and a self-described celebrity psychic who’s taught best practices for exorcisms.

    Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden is a project of an existing nonprofit advocacy group called Americans for Responsible Government, meaning it can engage in limited politicking and is not required to disclose its donors. Curiously, though it is not explicitly political, the group’s online donation page includes disclaimer language required only of registered political committees advising donors that they can only donate $2,800 per election. No such donation limits exist for nonprofits.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  15. #12835
    Quote Originally Posted by Noxx79 View Post
    As usual, the “pro-life” people don’t give a damn about the children once they’ve exited the womb.

    It’s not about life. It’s about control.
    He wants his right to use them as shooting targets !

    He also needs a lot of them to be born right away in order to protect his socialist payments and benefits (VA, Govt Pension, Medicare, Etc)
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  16. #12836
    Huh so it's #WalkAway and all the other garbage "movements on the left"? I'm shocked : |

  17. #12837
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Huh so it's #WalkAway and all the other garbage "movements on the left"? I'm shocked : |
    Ah #walkaway, I remember that! Whatever happened to that? I assume so many democrats walked away that Trump is up by like 30 points in the national polls?

  18. #12838
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Huh so it's #WalkAway and all the other garbage "movements on the left"? I'm shocked : |
    What the heck was that copy paste one; where it was like, "I left the democrats #walkaway, time to give Twitter a try" or somesuch? That one was maybe a tad too blatant
    Formerly Howeller, lost my account.

  19. #12839
    Republicans are still stalling on stimulus for the American people suffering through the coronavirus. But that doesn't mean that FARM SOCIALISM has to stop!


    President Donald Trump will announce billions of dollars in aid to farmers at a Thursday evening campaign rally in Wisconsin, a critical electoral battleground where he is trailing in recent polls, according to four people familiar with his plans.

    The fresh tranche of help for Covid-19-related losses will be $13 billion, according to two of the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the plan isn’t yet public.

    Congress had authorized additional borrowing authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the purpose in coronavirus-relief legislation passed earlier this year, and the second round has been widely anticipated.
    And for Wisconsin only? That seems almost like he only really cares about the farmers that live in a battleground state he needs to win, no? What about farmers in other states? Are they not deserving of more FARM SOCIALISM?

  20. #12840
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    They are almost exactly the same. That's the joke. In most states the terms are used interchangeably. They use exactly the same election security protocols/verification process. The only real difference I can find is that in the case of absentee ballots the onus is on the voter to request their ballot whereas with "mail-in ballots" they are just automatically sent to all registered voters. That's it.
    Also you can vote absentee in some areas in person. Like wisconsin you can do mail in voting but you can do in person absentee voting in the run up to the election as well. So the terms are not 100% interchangeable but close enough it does not matter.

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