So we should slutshame Trump's latest mail order bride? Or how bout we slutshame Trump whom is credible accused of raping 3 women, one of which was 13, sexually assaulting over 2 dozen other women, even doing something to one of his staffers from 2016? Should we do that?
So she's been around the block a few times. I hope she has a terrific post-election nuptial agreement. Like $10M sitting in a bank under her name. Although not sure Trump could afford that. Apparently Trump Steaks didn't sell as well as he'd hoped.
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I think if we're asking those questions, the issue has already been resolved for our needs.
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I know you were responding to someone else, but I don't get this comment. IIRC, you and Rasulis are on the same side. It seems like you're throwing shade at Rasulis, but perhaps you're just mocking the EC - which should be mocked as much and as often as possible.
She renegotiated her Pre-nup from what I understand.
Was going to say it was Michael Cohen, but apparently it was Mary Jordan from the Washington Post.
She renegotiated for Barron apparently, to get a decent inheritance, Dual Citizenship for the US and Slovenia so he can work at the Trump Organization in Europe.
Also, apparently Jordan found out that Melania never got a Bachelor's degree, even though she claimed she did, under oath. Though I don't know what case it was from that she lied about.
He was showing the only states that really matter, and it's only a handful. He's right. The argument against getting rid of the EC is that only a handful of states would matter. It was mocking the ridiculous argument that people against getting rid of the EC make. Not throwing shade at Rasulis, just at any idiot lurker who are super for the EC.
Cindy McCain endorses Joe Biden
That probably clinches AZ for Biden. It may also shift some of the older Vietnamese population which tend to favor the GOP but not happy with the way Trump treated McCain. It may affects some swing states with heavy Vietnamese population such as TX and PA.
"If you think sex workers "sell their bodies," but coal miners do not, your view of labor is clouded by your moralistic view of sexuality. [...] Those saying "but it's different" are right. But the difference stems from the criminalization and stigmatization of the work. [...] And the point is all workers deserve labor rights, regardless of the work. Your feelings about the work are irrelevant."
—Eric Sprankle, assistant professor of clinical psychology
Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker
Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mindMe on Elite : Dangerous | My WoW charactersOriginally Posted by Howard Tayler
Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
Trump appears to think he won a Nobel Peace Prize already. Also, oddly hung up on using Obama's middle name for some reason."I said let's turn on the evening news. Let's watch it. This is gonna be a big show tonight. Get ready. And NBC, which is one of the most crooked, one of the worst newscasts. [crowd boos]
"And I'm talking about normal NBC, not MSDNC, MSDNC is the worst, but so I turn on NBC with Lester Holt, another beauty, and they start with a hurricane, and then they went to something, and something else, and I'm saying, 'First Lady, this is getting a little embarrassing, with 20 minutes into a half hour show, they haven't mentioned the Nobel Peace Prize.'
"And then it went through the whole show and they never mentioned. And then I got nominated for a second one and they never mentioned. And when Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, got nominated, no when Barack Hussein Obama got nominated, he didn't know why he was nominated. It was like right at the very beginning. He didn't do anything. He did nothing! And he got nominated. It was the biggest story I've ever seen. But that's OK. In the meantime, we're president, and they're not, right? We, we."
We, we.
Okay... How is your covid from November doing?
200000 dead, based on a lie you contributed to spreading. But, slut shaming is fine?“The visitation of the medical nightmare on the American population is staggering, stunning. It's on his head, and he did not do enough. He just didn't," Woodward said
What goes around, comes around.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
Biden being consistently up by 6-8 points for months, through two conventions and multiple protests:
I don't know if this has been posted, but Mr. Projection strikes again:“We need nine justices. You need that with the unsolicited millions of ballots that they’re sending. It’s a scam,” Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House. “It’s a hoax. Everybody knows that, and the Democrats know it better than anybody else. So you’re going to need nine justices up there. I think it’s going to be very important because what they’re doing is a hoax with the ballots.”
“Doing it before the election would be a very good thing because you’re going to probably see it because what they’re trying to do is sow confusion and everything else,” Trump continued.
Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
Are you sure? That circle looks like a globe and those are pretty scary.
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I'd ask you to do the same, but you've never done that once. No actual FBI investigation was done, they didn't question most that wanted to testify nor Kavanaugh himself.
It always amazes me how you Trumpsters hate investigations while calling for the 40th investigation into one woman. If the messiahs you worship are so innocent then just let the investigation happen and be done with it. All fighting it does is make you look incredibly guilty.