Almost all of the states that Trump barely won in 2016. I think the 3 states he won, Trump is losing them all, by decent margins.
He won Pennsylvania by less than 45k votes.
Biden is up by 5.3% on average. The Trafalgar group poll is HEAVILY leaning to Republicans, almost as bad, if not worse than Rasmussen.
Trump won Wisconsin by less than 23k votes.
Biden has an average lead of 6.2% thanks to the Trafalgar group poll bringing that down too.
And Trump barely won Michigan by less than 11k votes.
Biden up by 5.2% on average. Again Trafalgar group is so based they think Trump is winning.
The fact that they conduct their polling like this: Group adjusts its polls for a "social desirability" effect, the hypothesized tendency of some voters to calibrate their responses to polls towards what they believe the survey taker would like to hear.[2][3][4] It does this by not only asking respondents how they plan to vote but also how they think their neighbors might vote.[4] Former Democratic Party strategist Ed Kilgore, in the New York Magazine in July 2020, criticized Trafalgar's approach, writing, "The Shy Trump Voter may not be entirely a myth, but they’re not numerous enough to fill a Trump rally, much less change an election result or rebut a poll."[5]
Means no one should listen to them.